Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

What's going on?

The next day in school, I was pissed. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Karen and Nate once again kept asking me what was wrong but I just said I was fine. Of course they didn't believe me. I didn't really expect them to.

At the table with Edward the family was trying to convince him to let me see Demetri. Of course he wasn't giving in. Jerk! And I hope he heard my thoughts!

I got up and was about to do my daily forest walk but Edward stopped me.

"No. You can't go. I'm sure Demetri is there."

I looked at him like he lost his mind. "I can go where ever the hell I want to go! And nine times out of ten he's not there!"

"But I know he'll show up eventually! So no!"

We were really causing a scene in the cafeteria. I knew we were. I wanted a scene. I wanted everyone to see just how really heartless he really is.

"What I do is none of you r business!You're not my father and really you should just stay with Bella because you love HER and you can be with HER!" I said, repeating the comment I said last night.

I don't think it's fair that he can be with Bella but I can't be with Demetri! It's not fair!

"You know what..." I walked right pass him and out the door. What I really want to say, I can't say in front of other people.


Good. He followed me.

I turned to him and was ready to rant.

"Now listen! I don't care if you don't like him because he's part of the volturi! So what?! He hasn't killed me! In fact he saved me from being killed! But instead of thanking him, you give him hell about something he can't change! I should just go with Tristan right?! The same one who attacked me twice! And twice Demetri came and saved me!"

"He just wants your blood" He said with no emotion.

"If he wanted my blood he would have killed me the first time I followed him through the forest." i said, no emotion in my tone either.

I turned and started walking through the forest.


He ran in front of me.

"I told you, you are not going to the meadow!"

"I don't give a crap about what you told me!"

I was about to walk pass him but he grabbed me and started walking me back. His grip was hurting me and I tried to make him let go.

"Edward let go of my arm!"


"You're freaking hurting me you jerk! Now let go!"

His grip tightened and he jerked me forward.


Then he was pushed, through a tree and he slammed on the ground. Demetri was holding my arm and rubbing the sore spot like he did when Tristan bruised it the first time.

"I warned you, Edward" Demetri said in a growl.

Edward came to attack him but he grabbed Edward by the throat and was choking him.

"Demetri, let him go!" I said.

He dropped Edward and I stepped between the two of them, stopping them from really fighting. I was holding Demetri's arms and was using my body to hold him back.

He was growling under his breath. He really wanted to fight Edward.

"Demetri, calm down." I said in a calm tone.

He looked like he was trying to fight calming down. Stubborn!

"Demetri!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Calm down. For me" I said looking him straight in his eyes. He rolled his eyes and turned his back. His fists were clenched but I knew he was calming down.

"He attacked me and you would still stay with him?!"

"He attacked me because he saw you were hurting me, you idiot!"

Bella and the others ran up.

"Alice told us what was going on!" Bella said. "Edward what is wrong with you?!"

He looked at them. They were looking at him like something was seriously wrong. Something wasn't right. Now I felt like someone was controlling him. Or at least threatening him. Who would do that?

"We can't talk here..." he whispered.

So something was wrong. Wait....I haven't seen Nessie in awhile!

Demetri took us to the meadow.

"No one really knows about this place," Demetri said.

"Now what's happened Edward?" asked Alice.

"Who's threatening you?" Emmett and Rosalie chimed in.

"It's not me. It's Nessie."

We all had the same reaction.

"Did you tell Jacob?" I asked.

"Why so he can go and fight them on his own? No."

"Who is it?"

"It's Tristan and his gang. They kidnapped her. I don't know when or how. I just know they did. They want you two separated." He said pointing to me and Demetri.

"I have a better idea," said Rosalie. "Why don't we just go and take her by force. We teamed up with the wolves before we can do it again!"

"And I think I like where my Rose is going with this." Emmett said.

"Okay, we have to tell Jacob."

They all started running but I just stood there. Only human. Demetri came back and reached out his hand.

"I don't know."

"Just come on."

I grabbed his hand and he put me one his back and started running. Of course I had my eyes closed as the wind rushed pass my face. When he stopped I felt my stomach catch back up to me. Wasn't a pleasant feeling.

We knocked on the door and Billy Black opened the door.


He was a little tense. Of course.


"We have to speak to Jacob. It's very important." Edward said.

He looked us over before he let us in. Jacob came running out of his room.

"Hey! What brings you guys here?" He was looking at all of us. I guess he was wondering where Nessie was. This was gonna be harder than I thought.

"Jacob, sit down." Edward said. Jacob didn't do it.

"What's going on?"

"Jacob, please sit down," Bella said. He still wouldn't do it. He must have gotten a little hint of what was going on. Demetri walked over to Jacob and made him sit.

"Okay, that helps," Edward said.

We all went around him.

"Jacob. Do you know a wolf named Tristan?"

"Yeah. We've been looking for the rouge and his gang for awhile now."

Edward didn't know how to continue. Bella finished.

"He took Nessie, Jake."

His eyes went wide and he looked at each one of our faces to see if we were serious. Unfortunately we were.

He ran outside.

"We have to stop him!" Alice, Edward and Jasper said at the same time. They knew what he was feeling, thinking and going to do.

We all ran out and saw that he met up with Sam and the others.

"Jacob wait!" Edward said. "We're going to help!"

Jacob nodded. "Then let's go."

Jacob turned into a wolf and so did the others. I got on Demetri's back and we headed off. We had to save Nessie! And I want Tristan killed for taking her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like this chapter. I'm at school right now (Yes on a Saturday). College life I guess. Lol well enjoy and comment! Oh yeah and I changed his accent to Italian by the way. I don't know why I put English in the beginning! lol