Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

Stay in the forest

We ran through the forest for awhile. We looked everywhere and did not know where they could be. Until we saw a wolf walking through the forest.

"Do you know him?" Edward whispered to Jacob.

"He's with Tristan gang!" Jacob whispered harshly.

We followed him until we came to a camp. There were ripped tents and fires. It's like a damaged camp site.

"Here. They're here." Jacob said, his boys getting ready to fight.

"Wait," Edward said. "We'll go first. You guys can back us up."

"No! I want to save Nessie now!"

"We will. But if we go in now they might take her somewhere else."

Jacob thought about it then backed down.

Edward signaled for us to come with him. I was about to walk up but Demetri stopped me.

"No. You stay here."

But I want to help, Demetri"

"No! Stay here!"

He walk with Edward and the rest and I stood there. I was mad but I knew he just wanted to protect me.

I was looking through the trees. I had to stay behind the wolves so they wouldn't smell me. I listened to what they were saying.

'Where is Nessie?" asked Edward.

"Why did you bring him here?!" asked Tristan. He looked scared. He should be.

"Whatever...did you do your part?"

He must be talking about whatever deal he struck with Edward.

"Tell me where Nessie is."

I saw Jacob getting impatient.

Tristan sighed. "Bring out the girl please."

They brought Nessie out. Her hands were bound behind her back and they had a cloth is her mouth. They were pulling her fast and she was tripping.


Jacob was about to go get her but Sam stopped him.

"Patience, Jacob"

"Let her go, Tristan," Edward said.

"I don't know. Did you do your part," Tristan asked, glaring at Demetri.

"Alex, broke up with him."

Demetri started glaring at Tristan. I guess it makes it seem like Edward's telling the truth.

Tristan looked conviced.

"Let her go."

They let go of Nessie."

Edward whispered something to her. She turned and looked into the forest. She quickly walked to us and went to Jacob. He held her.

"I was so worried about you Nessie," He whispered.

Aw they are so cute!

I looked back and saw Edward and Demetri about to walk this way. Finally. Now we can go home.

Edward came first. He started walking off with Bella and the others. Demetri was coming too but then something caught my eye. Tristan turned into his wolf form. It was reddish, more like a fox than a wolf. He leapt up and was about to attack Demetri!

I ran out.


He looked back and caught Tristan. I don't know how but he threw him.

He ran and started pushing me back.

"I told you to stay in the forest!"

I'm sorry! I saw him coming after you and I wanted to warn you!"

Tristan was coming back.


He growled and walked over too Tristan. Tristan stopped in front of Demetri and was snarling.

"You know, you don't scare me dog so why even try?"

Tristan was growling and stepped closer to Demetri. Demetri just stood there.

I stepped closer and Tristan looked at me. His jawles pulled back into a snarl.

"Alex, stay back!" Demetri said again.

I stopped.

Then Demetri turned and walked towards me.

"Let's go"

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me away. While we were leaving I heard Tristan growl loudly then run off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment! I put up a pic of Tristan in the character section.