Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

Uh oh...prom's coming

I woke up when I heard my phone ringing.


"Hey, Alex! It's Karen! We have to go dress shopping!"


I looked at the clock. 7:30 a.m.

"Karen it's Sunday. You know. The day to sleep in."

"Not while prom's coming! You and I are going dress shopping today! No rejections! I'll come pick you up. Be ready by 8:30!"

She hung up before I could reject. I got up only to notice Demetri's not here anymore.

"Good morning to you too..." I mumbled.

I got in the shower and got dressed. I made sure my eyeliner and mascara was on. I had on my favorite skinny jeans. Well I'm ready. Normal shirt and matching shoes are just fine!

I looked on the bed when I noticed a piece of paper.

Dear Alex,

I had to go take care of something really important. Be safe.

Love forever,


I smiled. He actually left me a note. How sweet!

I heard a car honking outside. Karen.

I ran out and got in the car.


"I guess so."

At the mall, Karen found a lot of dresses for me to wear.

"Shouldn't we be looking for you too?"

"I can pick out a dress in less than five minutes. You need to just let me work my magic!" she said with a huge grin on her face. Thank God I only have three dresses to choose from.

First dress

It was dark blue and had a strap going across one shoulder. Karen immediately said no.

Second dress

This one was brown. I can't even go into detail because Karen wanted to burn it.

Third dress.

Last but not least this dress was purple. It was strapless. It was tight, I had to admit, everywhere but when it got just above my knees, it puffed out. I liked it, and so did Karen.

"You know, you don't have to pay for this stuff. I can ask Edward or Bella."

"Nope! You will get it now! Consider this thanks for putting me and Nate together!" She beamed when she said his name.

"Well thanks."

She nodded and we found her a dress.

She dropped me off back home. Yes we were at the store all day. I have a dress and shoes. It's up to me to get jewelry. I'll just find a nice choker and earrings to match.

I went upstairs and put the stuff on the bed. I almost screamed when I turned on the lights. Demetri was just sitting here, in the dark.

"Why didn't you turn on the lights?"

He shrugged.

"So what was it you had to do today?" I asked, very curious.

He smiled. "I got something for you."

"That's what you had to do today?"

He nodded. Then he got up and turned me to face the mirror.

"Close your eyes."

I did.

Next thing I knew I felt something around my neck. I touched it. A choker. I opened my eyes to see a simple but beautiful choker.

"I noticed you like wearing them so I got you one to wear every day."

I jumped up and down then gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you so much!"

"I'm not done!" He said, laughing at my sudden burst of energy.

He took the choker off and told me to close my eyes again. This time the necklace was cold. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful diamond choker.

"That's for prom. I knew you were having one. I heard your friends talk about it."

Once again I was jumping. I turned and gave him a quick kiss which took him by surprise.

"It's beautiful!"

I turned back and looked at it. Then something caught up to me.

"Uh oh..."

"What's wrong?!"

I turned to him. My face very serious. "Prom's coming..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here are the choker that I thought were cute!: (everyday) (prom)
