Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

I wonder...

I tried my best to keep my mind off of Demetri. If Edward knew I was sorta...intrigued by him, he would be pissed. The last thing I need is a pissed off vampire in my life.

"Hey, Alex. What's got your mind today?"

I looked at Karen. She's my best friend but how can you tell someone that you met a vampire that you found attractive? You can't. So I lied.


"You're lying. We've been best friends since the fifth grade when you were crushing on Tristan. I know when you've got something on your mind."

"It's something but it's not that serious. Besides, Tristan grew up and so did I. That crush is over."

She laughed. "I know that much."

Speaking of the devil, he just walked over to our table.

"Hey, Alex"


Karen cleared her throat.

"Oh, hi Karen"

He turned back to me. Rude much?

"Hey listen I was wondering if you would like to go to La Push with us."

"I don't know, what do you say Karen?"

I said turning his attention to her. I don't like people who's rude to my friends so he might as well get used to it.

"I say..." she said, pausing for dramatic affect which I had to applaud her on. "Yes"

Tristan nodded and smiled.

"Alright. See yo two there."

"Actually us three." I said.


"My friend Nate's coming too. He's just not here right now."

"Right okay" He walked away.

Karen started laughing and I tried my best to keep a straight face.

"I can't believe you did that. I mean I know he was rude but I never expected yo to do that!"

I finally let out the laugh I was holding in. "What are friends for?"

I turned and looked where Edward and Bella were sitting. they were with the rest of my "Family".

But that's not what got my attention. I saw someone behind a tree. It was like he was watching me.

The bell rung. Time for free period, at least for me.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you later okay?"

I didn't take my eyes off him. I wanted to make sure he stayed put while I walk to him.

I quickly got up and started walking to the forest. Of course I had to keep my mind clear because I'm sure Edward wanted to know where I was going and Bella kept asking. A ll I thought was 'I'm going to the forest. It's comforting.' Ha! Lie!

I walked but when I got close, he turned and started walking away.


I shouted but he didn't stop. He also was walking slow enough for me to catch up to him. Danger? I'll keep going then.


He finally stopped after awhile.

"Why are you following me? Who are you?"

"Don't worry about it. Go on with your life. It's not important."

Italian accent?

"You're Demetri aren't you?"

He turned to me and I have to admit the red eyes weren't scary.

"Yes, but you should not have followed me."

"Why not?"

"I am volturi. Your family doesn't take well to my kind."

"But you're a vampire."

"Different breed."

"So how..."

"You shouldn't be asking these questions!"

Okay now I'm a little scared. Why is he so mad?

"I have to go. Don't tell anyone about my being here. Don't even think about it, or me."

I nodded and he left. Hm...I wonder why he was still following me.

Don't think about him, remember!

I walked back inside, clearing my mind before I got there. Karen ran up to me.

"Where have you been?"

"In the forest"

"Oh, well come on! We'll be late for class."

I nodded and let her pull me along.

I can't help but think about Demetri. Why is he so interesting? It's like when Bella told me stories of her and Edward.

I wonder...
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