Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

Stupid bathing suit!

Well let me tell you about last week. One, I was confronted by one weird and one cute vampire. Two, every now and again I would see the cute one a.k.a Demetri, hanging around my school. Three, um...I kinda had a dream about him. I know, freaky!

But now it's Monday and the weather cleared a little. I kinda miss the rain. That and my vampire family is not around at school. It's fine though because now I can think about Demetri, who is also M.I.A (missing in action if you didn't know).

"Hey so we still going to La Push this weekend?" asked Nate.

"Yeah, of course." I said.

Karen nudged me and I looked up to see Tristan standing in front of me.

"What?" I asked rudely.

"Just making sure you're still on for La Push."

"Yeah, we are. You can go away now."

I could hear his friends at the table snickering.

"Oh, don't be that way, Alex. We have history. You can be a little nicer."

"Yeah a five second crush and some candy is really history."

Now his friends were rolling on the floor. He looked at them and they tried to get quiet.

"Well see you there." He said then walked off. His friends started laughing when he went to the table.

"You are bad," said Nate.

"And don't you forget it!"

"Oh, Alex can you go shopping with me? I need a bathing suit."

"Okay, as long as that's all we're getting. This isn't a trap to get me one?"

"No, no..." she said. I don't believe her.

Truth is I don't like bathing suits. They just don't look right on me. That's what I think. Boys with raging hormones say otherwise.

"Karen, promise me."

"Fine, fine. I promise."

I can't see her hands.


"Just as I thought. You had your fingers crossed."

"I know. I'm glad you didn't ask to see my hands."

We are at the store and have yet to find a bathing suit. Oh Karen has hers. I'm talking about for me.

"Oh, Alex! This one is perfect. Try it on."

"What's the point in trying on bathing suits? It's like trying on underwear."

"Just do it!"

I went in and put it on. It was a one piece that might as well had been a two piece. It didn't cover anything but a strip of the front of my stomach. And I do mean strip.

"Karen" I whined trying to get her to reconsider. It was a done deal. She didn't change her mind.

"I already bought it now take it off and let's go."

I took it off, put it in the bag and we walked out.

Karen was humming and swinging her bag. She was really out to get me, and so was this stupid bathing suit!
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