Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

I won't let you be turned

For now

The next day I caught Bella before she left to get in the car.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"Block my mind today. I don't want Edward hearing my thoughts."

She looked at me like I was crazy. The she narrowed her eyes.

"What did you do, Alex?"

"N-nothing. I just...well something Did happen but I don't want anyone to know. Please?"

She paused and I was starting to believe she wouldn't do it.

"Just tell me what happened."

"It's nothing."

"No it's something. If it was nothing, you wouldn't want me to block your mind from Edward. Alex, we think of you as our daughter, and we do get worried about you. What is it?"

"I-I can't."

"Then i'm not blocking your thoughts. I'm sorry but whatever it is you have to just stop thinking about it."

I grabbed her arm. "Bella. Please!"

She looked at me, took a deep breath hen finally nodded. "Just for today. But next time I ask you what that was about you have to tell me."

"As long as you promise not to tell Edward." I said.


I gave her a big hug and ran to the car. She got in and rode to school. The whole ride I caught myself looking through the forest. I had to turn my head. If I made it obvious, they would probably know that I was looking for someone and he's either two things, werewolf or vampire.

I looked ahead but was still thinking about last night. I can't believe he kissed me. I had to stop thinking about it. If I did I know my heart would start pounding and they'd hear it.

We finally got to school. In class I tried to hear what Karen was talking about but I just couldn't. I was thinking about why I'm so different. How come I am the one he can't track? And why did he kiss me?

"Hey, did you hear me?"

I turned to Karen and was embarassed. I didn't hear a word she said.

"No, I'm sorry."

"What's been getting you lately?"

"I um...I just got a crush on someone."

Karen squeeled and I motioned for her to calm down.

"Well who is it?" she whispered.

Oh crap. I just remebered Edward can read her mind. Um...I need a name, a name...

"I-I can't tell you yet."

"Aw why not?"

"I'll tell you if I start liking him more."

She smiled. "Deal"

During lunch I looked over at Edward's table. He looked at me strangely then turned to Bella. They started talking and I knew he was asking why she's blocking him from reading my mind. I pray she still does it. When they were done arguing she looked at me and shook her head. Oh no...she stopped.

Okay so I have to think about something. I know...

"So Karen, anything happened between you and Nate since I've been gone?"

She blushed and I knew the answer.

"Had a close call?"

She nodded.

"Details please!"

She shook her head quickly and motioned behind me. Nate was coming. Shoot he would come when I'm about to get details. Karen like Nate ever since sixth grade.

"So what were you guys talking about?" He asked.

"We girls," I said," were talking about girl stuff."

He laughed. "I don't wanna know."

I quickly glanced to the forest. No one. I turned back around. Okay...

"Hey, babe."

I looked up in shock to see Tristan in front of me.

"What do you say we go somewhere to talk?"

"No thank you!"

He laughed. He shouldn't be. Not after...keep my mind clear. Edward might hear.

I flinched back when Tristan got close to me.

"Listen. The leech can't protect you in school and now that your family's back I doubt he'll go near your home. So I believe you're all miine."

He stood straight and walked back to the table. I bet he thought he was so damn clever!

Edward walked over to me with Bella and told me to come outside. Aw man I forgot to keep my mind clear about Tristan.

I went outside and Edward looked pissed. Bella must not know so she was looking at Edward.

"Who was it, Alex?"

"Who was what?"

"I'll hurt Tristan later for getting into the house and threatening you. But I wanna know who got him to leave."

I froze.


I looked at Bela. She looked at me.

"How did Tristan get into the house?"

"He was tapping the window and I opened it to ask what he wanted but he came through it."

"Then he was close to almost rapping her. But what I want to know is what vampire came to stop him?"

I kept quiet. I didn't want to say. He'd get mad.

"No! What's making me right now is the fact that you won't tell us!" He said, reading my thoughts.

I shook my head.

He huffed and walked off. Bella came close to me.

"Alex, honey. Who was it?"

"It doesn't matter. He won't come back."

"How do you know?"

"Tristan told me." I said not wanting to say the real reason.

She nodded. "We just want yo to be careful."

I nodded.

"Now let's get back inside."

I nodded and started walking off, with one more glance to the forest. A no show...I guess Tristan was right. Now I guess I have to get over my crush...for now.
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