Status: Being written.

Over The Horizon

To Kiss or Not To Kiss.

I wake up to the sound of someone opening the door and look up to see Toran walking in with a bag in his hand. He smiles when he sees me watching him "Sleep well?" he asks setting the bag down before sitting down beside me on the bed. I nod and quickly climb out remembering todays my date with Paul. I pull the covers off planning on going to take a shower when I notice Toran's eyes locked on me. What? I think then looking down seeing a white very short strapless satin dress that barely covers my hips and I realize in my exhausted state lastnight I grabbed one of the nightgowns Lisa packed! I blush and quickly run to the bathroom. Toran says through the door so cocky that I know hes grinning "Aww Jen I love that outfit you don't have to change." I glare at the door and quickly grab a tanktop and a pair of pants slipping them on before opening the door and throwing the dress thing at Toran saying "If you like it soo much you can have it." He laughs then fakes a sad face saying "But I only like it on you." I shake my head throwing a pillow at him which he dodges then grabs one playfully swinging it at me. I duck and fall onto the bed grabbing the other pillow and next thing I know were having an all out pillow fight. Which turns into a tickling fight when Toran looses his pillow, grabs me, and starts to tickle my sides. "Stop." I say imbetween spurts of laughter. We both fall back on the bed and suddenly he stops tickling me I open my eyes looking into his. "Wha.." I start to say but suddenly Toran's lips are on mine and not in a friendly kiss way in a way that his tongue just entered my mouth and I can't help but wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer. Suddenly we both freeze as someone knocks on the door. I don't even turn to see who it is as Toran opens the door. I'm too lost in thought thinking wooooooow. But then I hear Toran's voice hinted with anger and sadness saying "Jenny, Paul is here to pick you up for your date." I look up to see Toran's face etched with sorrow and anger. I quickly look down "Paul I'm not exactly ready to go... Can we go later?" I ask. Paul smiles sweetly not knowing whats going on and he says "Sure I'll pick you up at two, were going sailing by the way. Nice seeing you again Toran." Toran merely nods before shutting the door. I quickly get off the bed walking over to Toran I really don't know what to do.. "Toran I mean I thought you only liked me as a friend... And he asked the night you left me at the bar..." I say not looking up. In a cold careless voice he replies "No prob have fun on your date. And don't wait up I'll be back late tonight." Before opening the door and walking away from me. I stand there thinking this is just like a novel but then deciding I'm not just going to sit here and mope. I quickly grab a jacket pulling it on as I run out the door. I run down the stairs and see Toran about to climb into a cab. I quickly run out the door and wrap my arms around his neck pushing my lips on his and forgetting the fact of what I just did that I have a date with Paul. Forgetting everything but Toran, as his arms wrapped around me and his lips teased mine.

He picks me up setting me down before shutting the cab door I start to say something anything even know I have no clue what to say. But before I can he grabs me again kissing me and taking my breathe away. He pulls away grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the Inn and up the stairs. I give up on talking since I'm completely out of breathe and my head feels light. He pulls me into our room and starts kissing me again.

Deciding no matter how badly I want to just lay here and kiss him we need to talk. So I pull away and open my eyes to seeing his hair is a mess from my hands and his blue eyes seem to have gotten darker and his smirk as he watches me watch him. I laugh lightly and nuzzles his face into my neck. "So how long have you wanted to do that?" I ask him. He chuckles then says "Well when I heard "The Plan" in eightgrade it pretty much made me see I had the biggest crush on my best friend." I laugh and the ask "And when were you planning on letting me know?" "Well I figured you'd eventually come to your senses I mean it took you long enough."