Status: First chapter being written and revised to try to overcome the accursed Writer's Block! Please be patient with me :)


:01: In Which It Begins


The rain lashed against the windows, loudly and unrelentingly, as the woman tossed and turned in her sleep. The sound did not cause her to awaken, and neither did the visions that took root deep in her unconsciousness. On this night, it was no normal dream, but one that she couldn’t be roused from until it had run its course.

The woman was called Linara, and she was the Seer of the Kingdom of Lynn.

With this vision, her biggest job in the last two millennia was going to begin.


The first of the seven was already prepared. His vision had come in the night before, as had the visions for all of the others. As Linara examined the man in her vision, he seemingly looked right at her and gave one curt, authoritative nod, showing that he was ready and willing to serve. He was built almost lithely, but not thin, with the toned body of a man trained in sword combat from a young age that would undoubtedly be of use in the months to come. He had the light colored hair of his family, a rare color for people of Lynn. Contrasting the very light, sandy blonde hair were eyes of a pearlescent blue hue, sparkling like clear, running stream water. He already had, laying on his richly draped bed, both an elegant deep blue cloak with silver embroidery and a rather plain old black cloak with silver trim and fastenings. A polished sword which looked evenly balanced, despite the sapphire studded hilt, lay next to the cloaks. Even as Linara watched, he slid the sword into the scabbard on his belt and made sure the belt was tight.

The first vision faded. Land flew by as though Linara had wings and were gracefully soaring through the night sky. The focus soon came into view: a small town of Kemonomimi, also known as the tribe with ‘animal ears’, as the name means. The female felines are referred to as Nekomimi, however, and have both catlike ears and tails. Linara found herself viewing a house that she had viewed in a similar manner on three other occasions. It was the home of the most prominent of all of Lynn’s healers. Rather than finding the aging woman, however, Linara’s all-seeing gaze alighted upon a young girl. The girl didn’t look up, but she nodded and raised a hand as she placed a roll of bandages into a tan pack lying on her bed. Her shoulder length hair was a light brown and hid her face from Linara’s vision. The golden ears poked out through the tan locks, the tips of them the same color as her hair. Her tail swished nervously as she adjusted the contents of her pack. A scepter of sorts, which was old and recognizable to Linara, was leaned up against the bed. The Seer was then pulled away, and her night journey sped her to the next of the seven.

He was a brunette, who spared a glance in Linara’s direction to show that he had noticed her, and she caught a glimpse of startling green eyes. He was in a small cabin at the far edge of his village, his wolf companion close to his side. The wolf’s eyes also found her, his fur the same rich chocolate brown as the man’s and with green eyes that were just a touch darker than his human’s own. As was traditional with all of the people of Yorne, the wolf would accompany his long time companion into the midst of their Quest. Beside the man on a table lay two wicked looking daggers, one three inches longer than the other, and Linara recognized these as a family heirloom. They had belonged to another member of the Chosen One’s family, who had also been Chosen for a quest.

The next town was one of mages. It was Naturia, and it was more of a city-state than a twon. In a small stand on the streets slept a woman with fiery red hair, tossing. When Linara’s gaze closed in, she jerked awake with the knowledge that the Seer’s eyes were upon her. The mage seemed to hold the woman’s gaze for a few moments, before giving a slight incline of her head and mouthing, “I am ready,” before she turned her back to Linara to fall back into slumber. Her staff, a simple wooden number with various runes carved up and down it, slid slightly from where it rested against the counter, but stayed propped up by falling onto the pack that rested against the wall of the stall. The Seer was then dragged away yet again for another person.

This man paced fretfully, and his head jerked toward her presence immediately upon its appearance in the corner of the room. She saw him gulp, his honey brown hair falling slightly in his eyes, undone from the traditional style of his village of Forlen, covering his gently tapered ears. Both the men and women wore their hair tied back, but this man let his fall about his shoulders as he paced. Hazel eyes stared at where Linara gazed upon him, and he let himself give a jerky sort of nod, and the Seer knew he would come, no matter how nervous he might be. His elegant bow lay on his workbench, a quiver with newly fletched arrows in and around it laying with it. He turned his back on Linara’s gaze and started pacing again.

The next person surprised her. She did not need to look for longer than the first few seconds, but she remained to take it in. The penetrating Seer’s gaze found a sleeping woman who tossed and turned in her bed, shimmering silver hair splayed about her and showing ears longer than the Forlennian man’s that tapered out to elfin points. Her eyes, if they were open, would have been, strangely, lavender in color. Even hidden, tangled in her covers, it was clear that she was lithe and graceful. A tri-bladed spear leaned against her wall, ready for use although she did not know that to be Chosen was her fate. This woman, who slept fretfully and uneasily, was none other than the Seer herself.

The last of the visions in the sequence pulled Linara, inevitably, to the village of Quinn. It was silent and peaceful as she drifted into a home. The girl her focus found surprised her even more than the Nekomimi healer, for although the healer looked young she was older than she looked. This girl was younger still, younger than any Linara had ever seen Chosen. This girl turned her gaze resolutely upon Linara, nodding as she did so. Her long black hair was tied back, temporarily, in a braid that hung over her shoulder. Her eyes, with flashed with her determination and also her resignation to her fate, were a smoky grey in color. Armor that she had polished herself lay on her bed, and a collection of swords and knives hung on her wall. She had already chosen and sharpened a matching set of daggers, which lay, sheathed, by her belt. On the bed beside her was a short sword, just sharpened, and in her lap lay a long sword. Even as Linara watched, the girl turned back to the blade and continued to sharpen it, honing the weapon into a deadly killing instrument.


Linara then found herself jerking awake, staring at her ceiling as sweat poured down her cheeks. She recognized the significant number of seven people, and was shocked.

Without bothering to clean up, she rolled to her feet, stumbling slightly as her body tried to adjust to her wakefulness, and made her way, quickly, from her room. This news had to be immediately reported to the King of Lynn, a thick and able-bodied blonde man called Horace.

♠ ♠ ♠
I've decided to re-write the first five chapters and perhaps get over my writer's block. I'll try to do that quickly, and then I'll try to update some more. I have ideas for the END of the story, but not what comes between now and then. And I have TONS of ideas for the sequel. Just none for what leads there.

Anywho, I'll figure it out as I go. Thank you guys for reading, if you did or if you are. Please tell me things you like and don't like throughout, and I'll look into it. I'm not going to promise it will change, but it might if I see your point. :)

<333 Amanda