Status: In Progress

Bad Moment, Perfect Timing


“You, yea you!” I lifted my head to glare at my best friend who was pointing at a guy in the mall; I had offered to give her an awesome time after her ass of a boyfriend broke up with her, but after seeing her yell at about twenty guys who were all strangers had just about driven me up the wall.

“Your sex needs to vanish and disappear to the depths of hell!” She yelled agonized, the man raised his eyebrows and rubbed the back of his head starring at us like we were total lunatics. I quickly walked over to my best friend grabbing her shoulder.

“Sorry excuse my friend, we just let her out of the closet today” I laughed nervously causing the man to scurry away from us. A few people who were watching the scene starred awkwardly at us but then continued on with their business.

“Libby, you have really got to stop doing that, I understand your really pissed and sad, but getting thrown out of the mall is something I was hoping to avoid unless I had a really good reason” I stopped when I realized exactly what she’d reply with, Libby sobbed loudly starring at me with wet eyes.

“My emotions aren’t a good enough reason?” She sobbed loudly once more before burying her face into her hands.

“Of course they are Libby!” I quickly covered up patting her shoulder; Libby continued to sob loudly getting more people to stare at us with shocked and annoyed faces.

“Ok so maybe the mall wasn’t a good idea, why don’t we just go back to my house and pop in a whole bunch of movies with a gallon of ice cream and talk about your feelings?” I asked rubbing her shoulder, feelings? Talking? Ice cream? What the hell am I thinking?!

“I’m not desperate! We’re going to party tonight! We’re going to the same party he’s going to and I’m going to show him how happy I am without him” She grabbed my hand squeezing it so hard I wanted to scream and cry.

“Oh we’re going to have so much fun it’s going to make him sick!” She yelled dragging me beside her toward the downstairs were all the teenage stores were at.

“Most importantly we’re going to look so hot and sexy he’s going to be even sicker!” She screamed almost pushing me down the stairs. Thankfully I grabbed onto to the rail, and before I could object I was already being dragged into so many stores and trying on so many things, I thought I was going to be sick.

After long hours of pure torture I found myself starring in a fitting room mirror with a pair of jeans and a black tight tank top that looked like a corset, with a cross that hung low on my neck. I also wore a pair of cute heels, but yet I still glared in the mirror finding my eyes moving and glaring at my friend who had made me try on the outfit.

“I look like a gothic hooker” I hissed causing Libby to laugh and fluff her hair in the mirror.
“No...You look hot” She smirked proudly walking toward me and messing up my hair.

“You’re the one that’s supposed to be making him jealous, why are you dragging me into this?” I questioned pulling off the necklace and feeling my pressure drop once I saw the price. Oh God, I was going to buy a hundred and fifty dollar outfit that I was only going to wear once, because my mom would eventually find it and burn it and make me wear turtle necks and baggy pants for the rest of my life.

“Because we both need a boyfriend” She grinned flirtatiously folding up the jeans and low cut razorback tank top she was going to buy, along with heels and jeans.

“I don’t need one” I growled angrily slipping off the top and putting on the shirt I had come with.

“Oh don’t give me that BS Alex” I frowned feeling the anger flush through my body.

“You can’t still like Duke, right?” She walked up to me starring cautiously at my face, which she saw right through.

“Oh God, your still hung up on him? He broke your heart!” She yelled opening the fitting room door. I glared at her rolling my eyes, I was not going to get into a stupid argument, no matter how much of a hypocrite she was being, yelling at me because I was still hung up on a guy, when she was going through the same thing.

“Libby, I’ll pick you up at your house at eight ok?” I then walked away from my friend and walked to the register, paying for the horrible outfit then leaving as fast as I could, before Libby said something else that’d make me lose it, I didn’t like Duke.
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Hey guys! OMG I actually had time to write!!!!! I haven't been on in forever! I started this Taylor Launtner Fan Fic just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed typing it!!! Please message comment and most importantly if you like it enough don't be shy to subscribe!!! :) Maybe this summer I'll be able to post some of my old stories! Sorry for such a long wait, school is hell :/