Status: In Progress

Bad Moment, Perfect Timing

Friends To Enemies

I smiled sweetly placing my hand in his; the boy was much cuter in person then on screen.

“Nice to meet you” We both smiled at each other until Ashley cleared her throat racing both her hands, one on my shoulder, and the other on his.

“Why don’t we go and enjoy the party?” I realized I still had the can of beer in my hand which Taylor starred at confusedly, Ashley thankfully saved me and grabbed the can and took a sip forcing a smile.

“I just wanted to taste it” She giggled causing Taylor to laugh and nod his head in understanding; I smiled at Ashley letting her know I owed her for that one. As we walked down the stairs I actually wanted to run back up, way too many people doing God knows what, and everyone looked drunk.

“Leave it up to my cousin to throw a party like this” Taylor laughed nervously; I couldn’t help but grin and nod my head in agreement.

“You know Duke?” Taylor questioned raising an eyebrow; I frowned and laughed trying to relieve the tension.

“Unfortunately, I’m his ex” Taylor’s eyes narrowed and he pointed a finger at me.

“Oh I remember! Alex! You were he only pretty girl he dated!” He laughed but then quickly shut up rolling his eyes at his comment, I couldn’t help but giggle, was he as nervous as I was?

“Not exactly a smooth talker are you?” Ashley asked him sarcastically, Taylor shot her a look I couldn’t even read but she quickly got the hint and laughed nervously placing her hand on my shoulder and leaning into my ear because it was too loud to hear.

“He’s nervous, have fun” Then she pulled away and just as fast as she told me that she disappeared among the thick crowd, thanks Ashley...

“So since our friend decided to ditch us, do you want to go dance? At this point I’m not really caring what my cousin thinks” He smiled and extended his hand, which no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t deny. I placed my hand in his and right in time Push Up On Me by Rhianna started playing...after tonight I’m so going to hell.

He smiled as we made are way deeper in the crowd and we started dancing. At first it was just the regular dancing up on each other, but then Ashley’s words started echoing in my head, “have fun” after hearing it over and over again I gave in, after all it was THE Taylor Lautner I was dancing with. So playfully I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me causing a smirk to rise on his lips, ok so that’s not bad. When we got closer I took the moment to turn around and dance closer to him, oh if my parents saw what I was doing I’d get sent to an all girls school. Then when I turned around he lowered his head so our faces could be closer to each other, and slowly we kept getting closer, that is all until Libby grabbed my shoulder.

“Hey Skank” She smiled starring up flirtatiously at Taylor.
“Who’s your friend?” I blushed a deep read starring at Libby, how the hell did I become friends with her. I should have just stayed a loner. Almost defensively Taylor wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in closer to his chest.

“I’m Taylor” This time he didn’t extend his hand, and he starred cautiously at Libby as if she were a poisonous snake that could strike at any minute, which was exactly what she was.

“I’m Libby, and it looks like you’ve gotten acquainted with Alex” She glared at the muscular arm that was now around my shoulders, this felt nice; I couldn’t help but smile at the obvious jealousy on her face.

“Some girls, get my attention, others don’t” He forced a smile; I got that hint so fast it only took me a second to notice the anger boiling within Libby.

“Alex can I talk to you?” It wasn’t even a question because only a moment later I was being dragged into a quiet hall with a really annoyed angry Libby. She turned around and for a moment I thought she was going to jump on me.

“What are you doing with that tool!?” She screamed loudly shoving me backwards, I had to catch myself on the wall and glare at her, if she didn’t jump on me; I was going to jump on her.

“Don’t touch me Libby” I hissed angrily, she raised an eyebrow at me before I could have sworn a cackle escaped her lips.

“Isn’t that Duke’s cousin, skank” The words nipped at every part of my skin and almost instinctively I brought my hand up and slapped her clear across the face.

“That isn’t going to fix the fact that my boyfriend is tied up in your backseat waiting to be chained up to that statue downtown for everyone to see and humiliate him” I kept a stern face and I just glared at her before I objected she laughed.

“And Alex, if you don’t drive me there, and then drop me off at home, I’ll tell everyone what really happened with Duke” The words slithered around my throat cutting off the oxygen, this girl I thought was my friend, is a conniving bitch who is blackmailing me.

“This is the last thing I ever do for you, after this you’re nothing to me” Libby smiled proudly and then walked away swaying her hips side to side like the bitch she was.
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Hey guys third chapter wooohooo!! :)