Status: This one's finished.

Sin of an Angel

Sin of an Angel

Adan stood unmoved by the heavy raindrops falling unmercifully on his little body, soaking him,penetrating not only his clothes but also his soul. The only sound dominating the stillness of the night is the monotony of rain thundering like thousands of horse hooves on the roof of the hacienda’s magnificent mansion.

He looked up at the sky and wondered what had happened to the moon. The night had started out clear but now, it seems like the moon has hidden itself behind massive ominous clouds, as if scandalized to witness the gore that lay below and the rain that the clouds had brought with them looked as if it was trying to cleanse the blood soaked soil of the mansion’s lawn, and purify the youth and attempt to restore the innocence he used to possess that stood amidst the decapitated limbs of men.

Rain water mixed with blood, cascaded down Adan’s body, thinning the vivid crimson hue that stained his once white shirt. His grip is still tight around the handle of the bolo that he held on his right hand that it made his knuckles white.The bolo like him is also dripping with blood and water.

It was the month of May, in the middle of summer, in the peak of harvest and the humid night air should be filled with various enticing aromas, but tonight is unlike other nights, because tonight the rain has brought a cold breeze and the scent of death lingered stronger in the air than the smell of ripening mangoes ready for harvest, the sickeningly sweet odor of newly harvested sugarcane, the seductive fragrance of the mayflowers and the putrid stench of dust turned mud.

Manuel, the sole witness to the gruesome event that night was nailed frozen in the spot where he stood. A squall of emotions is raging inside his heart creating a turmoil of feelings that made him suspect that his hear might detonate any minute soon as he stared wildly at Adan. Never in his life that he thought it would be possible for him to feel such emotions at the same time and never did he thought that Adan would be the catalyst of it all.

He had known Adan for years, had seen him when he was still a new born babe when his mother assisted on señorita Anna’s delivery, wrapped by and immaculate cloth, screaming and kicking, announcing to the whole world that the heir of the Muerte’s had arrived to take on its challenge. He could still vividly remember the look on señorito Daniel’s face when his mother came out of the room and declared that his wife had given birth to a bouncing baby boy and how Don Gabriel, Adan’s grandfather prepared a feast for the whole hacienda the next day. He had seen him grow up to be cheerful child who never cause any trouble. Adan never showed any sign of hostility. Not until tonight.

There stood Adan on the mansion’s well-kept lawn, his face lifted up to the sky. The only child he knows who possesses the face, sweet innocence and temperament of an angel,drenched by the rain and by the blood of his relatives who lay lifeless on the ground, their decapitated limbs scattered among them.

Adan heaved a deep sigh, savoring the coldness of rain that fell on his bloodied face. It might be able to wash away the stench and tint of the blood but no matter how hard it poured on him, it won’t be able to eradicate the stain on his contaminated soul.

“Pity. I would have wanted the moon to see what I did tonight so that I will have a witness that I fulfilled the oath that I swore on your grave, Clarissa.”

He sighed again, shifting his gaze to the grotesque picture that lay before him. Samuel and Miguel was staring at him, eyes wide and mouth agape, the look on their faces when he hacked them open that remained on their lifeless body. He jerked his head to the left and surveyed the carnage in front of him.

“Something seems to be missing.” He murmured to himself.

Manuel watched transfixed at Adan’s next action. From where he stood, he saw the child walk towards the nearest body. Adan stood motionless for a second, and then he knelt down beside the remains and to his utter horror, started to chop the already decapitated body like firewood.Blood gushed out as he sliced the body, splattering his already bloodied form.

He didn’t know what made him do it, the only thing that was on his mind was to prevent Adan for causing more damage than what he already did, and Manuel ran towards him.

“Adan!Please stop!” He yelled. He embraced him and held him tight. Adan ceased his actions. “Please no more. You’ve already done too much damage to yourself.”

“Kuya Manuel, you’re here.”

Tears flowed down abundantly down Manuel’s face as he heard Adan’s voice. I twas distant and casual with enthusiasm that didn’t reach his eyes. A devious smile was playing on his angelic lips.

“Have you seen what I did?”

“Adan, why did you do this?”

“Because I had to.” He answered bluntly. “I vowed on Clarissa’s grave that justice will be served for her.”

“But not like this.”

“There is no other way.”

“Yes, there is. The law can give it to her.”

Adan shook his head violently. “No they can’t. Didn’t you know? My uncle Enrico did all he could so that the only witness to the crime wouldn’t be able to attend the hearing today. He was afraid that his sons will be convicted of the crime that they committed.” Tears started to rundown Adan’s cheeks as he released the bolo in his hand.

It fell on the ground beside them. Adan wrapped his arms around Manuel’s body as if drawing strength from him. “I would have been there, Kuya Manuel. I could have told everybody what they did to her. But uncle Enrico chained me to my bed and locked me u in my room. When he freed me, it was too late. Kuya Samuel and Kuya Miguel had already left to celebrate their acquittal. I had no choice, I had to fulfill the oath that I made, even if it would mean that I have to do it myself.”


“Did you know? I could still hear her voice, screaming, pleading them to stop. I could still see the tears in her eyes as they defiled her,playing over and over again in my head. I was there Kuya Manuel; they tied me up on a tree and let me see. I wasn’t able to save her even if I was there.” He sobbed. “Do you know what Kuya Samuel said to me? He said, ‘You can’t do anything boy, do you know why? It’s because you’re only twelve.’ That’s what he said to me. Because I was only twelve.They even made me see as they cut her up.” Adan’s body shook violently.“I didn’t want to. Even if I closed my eyes, I could still hear it, the sound of the bolo as it hacked through her body, of her voice as she begged them to spare her life, but they didn’t heed her. She died calling out my name.”

Manuel was shocked of what he heard; he had not known that there was a witness on Señorita Clarissa’s murder.It shocked him more to know that it was Adan.

“I waited for them to comeback. At first, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to do this, but luckily they were too drunk to even recognize their own faces in the mirror. I knew then that they won’t be able to fight me off.”

Manuel stared at him, wondering how could a child speak of a crime so casually. This couldn’t be the child he knew.

“You should have seen the look on their faces when they saw me. You did, didn’t you?”

A nod was only what Manuel could muster. Yes, he was able to see everything that he did. It was past midnight and he had driven for Samuel and Miguel who were his friends when they went out to celebrate the dismissal of the case that was filed against them. His purpose was to drive the two home safely. The two had alighted from the wrangler first, swaying uncontrollably. Adan was outside seated on the mansion’s staircase. He saw Adan stand and approach the two. He alighted from the wrangler and was about to reprimand Adan because he had stayed up late.He was not able to see the bolo in his hand, when he did, it was already too late. Adan had already attacked Miguel. Miguel fell down screaming in panic, holding his bloodied hand in the air.

Samuel was motionless. He just stood there and watched as his brother was cut-off limb by limb, his blood splashing Adan’s white shirt. By the time Adam had lacerated both his arms, Miguel had stopped screaming. He was dead.

“What the heck are you doing Adan?” Samuel had yelled.

“What do you think?”

“I’m not afraid of you!”

“Me either.” Adan smiles and started to walk toward him.

Samuel slowly retraced his steps. After a second, he broke into a run.

“Why are you running away from me? Didn’t you say that I’m only twelve? I can’t possible do anything right?” Adan sneered. He didn’t run after him, he merely stood there. He watched as Samuel ran for his life,struggling to get as far as possible from him but being drunk, it didn’t help much.

Adan aimed, and then released the bolo in the air. It landed straight on Samuel’s back, planting itself solidly there. He landed face first on the ground. Slowly, Adan walked towards him. Samuel did all he could to get up. All he managed to do was crawl.

Adan stood before him. “I thought the blow would have killed you instantly. Fortunately, it didn’t.” Adan pulled the bolo from his back and kicked him in his side to make him turn. He stared eyes wide,spread eagle at Adan. “I want to make you scream the way you did to her.”

“P-please, s-spare my life.” Samuel stuttered.

“Begging too soon? What a pity. Clarissa didn’t beg this early. Do you remember?She cried first and only begged you when you already cut her hands off.I haven’t done anything yet.”

“Please Adan. Am I not your brother?”

Adan scoffed. “Me? I’m not your brother. Him,” He pointed the bolo at Miguel’s body.

“He’s your brother not me.”

“I always thought of you as my brother.”

“If you did, then you wouldn’t have killed Clarissa. A lie won’t save you.”

“Adan, please!”

“I will have no mercy for you.” Adan raised his hand and started decapitating Samuel.

Limb by limb he lacerated him, starting from his hand and arms. The rain fell and Adan stopped. He looked up froze. Manuel had seen the pain in his eyes as he lifted his gaze to the sky.

Slowly, Manuel rocked Adan in his arms like what he used to do to make him sleep. “I will tell no one of this event. I swear. They deserved what you had done to them.”

“I know. My twin sister will be at peace now.”

Manuel picked Adan up and carried him to the jeep. He laid him down in the back seat. A sweet contented smile was on his lips as he slumbered. It was the smile he always wore. Manuel saw in the rear view mirror that the lights were turned on in the mansion by the time the jeep had passed the gate. The scream of a woman echoed in the cold night air.
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bolo - Philippine term for short sword
kuya - a term used to address an older male or older brother, in this story Manuel is not Adan's real "kuya"