Status: One Shot, comments are loved

That Shiny Little Wrapper

That Shiny Little Wrapper

“Heart rate?”
“Steady at a regular beat,”

The sounds of beeping and the hustle and bustle of veterinary staff surrounded Jena. Ever since
she was young Jena had dreamed about helping animals and saving the environment, so it was fitting that she volunteered to help out at Dr. Parkinson’s wildlife clinic. The centre was set in the middle of a dense forest, miles away from any other form of civilization.

After attending to the newest patient, a young possum with a broken leg, Dr. Parkinson called his son, Sean into the office. Sean was definitely not a lover of animals; in fact, he hated them. It annoyed him that his dad worked out in the middle of nowhere and Sean was forced to live out here too.
“I need you to walk down to the local shops with Jena and grab some supplies for me please,” Dr. Parkinson requested.

“Serious?” Sean protested, “Can’t someone else do it?”
“I’m sorry Sean, but you know that we’re completely full up today, none of the other nurses can do it and Jena can’t just go by herself.”
All Sean managed to do was grunt in reply. This was not fair, not fair at all.
Eventually Jena and Sean set off. The walk was about 30 minutes on foot and and Sean made sure he complained the entire way.
“Why did he have to set up his stupid wildlife centre in the middle of nowhere?” Sean huffed to no one in particular, “I mean he could have still worked in the city,”
“Animals need saving in the bush too, you know” Jena stated, her patience was now on a fine thread and she was having enough of Sean’s arrogant ways. “Your dad could have taken the easy way out like many people but he decided to work hard for what he believed in and unfortunately for you that means living all the way out here.”
Sean didn’t speak for the rest of the way. He knew all it would do was make Jena lecture him more on how special his dad was and how lucky he was to have a father like that.

On the way back Sean marched ahead while Jena had to desperately rush after him. Still mad Sean pulled out a chocolate and ripped off the shiny wrapper which glinted brightly in the rays of sunlight that had filtered through the leaves. Without thinking Sean absent mindedly dropped the wrapper onto the dirty ground. Jena couldn’t believe her eyes as the wrapper aimlessly rolled away into the surrounding shrubs. It was too late for her to do anything and she remained silent for the rest of the way, too scared to say more to Sean.
The next day was Sunday and Sean was forced to stay at the vet clinic. It was still pretty busy and his help was needed in the surgery. After lunch a small bilby was brought in by a local farmer, its body limp. All signs of were life missing as the huge shiny eyes had became large black orbs of never ending darkness.
“What happened to it?” Jena managed to whisper, her voice hoarse, trying to hold back tears.
“Well, we’re going to have to do an autopsy,” Dr. Parkinson said,
“Why, it’s already dead,” Sean said, appearing not to have been moved by the death of the small creature, but there was something else in his voice. Despite Sean’s grudge against wildlife he couldn’t help but feel a little sad. This animal was still young and it probably didn’t do anything to hurt anyone. It didn’t deserve to die.

“Well we need to make sure that it wasn’t poisoned,” Dr Parkinson explained, “if that’s the case then we’re going to have to open a criminal investigation, Bilbies are endangered and therefore it’s important we try to prevent their death.”
Sean and Jena were asked to help with this autopsy and surprisingly Sean accepted without a word, he was actually extremely curious to see what had happened to this creature and if there was anything that he could do to prevent this happening again. It was weird for Sean to suddenly feel so passionate about an animal, usually he was just angry because his dad never listened to him but now he realized that Dr. Parkinson was busy and his job was important and extremely serious.

The small bilby was placed on the hard stainless steel table and its body cut apart. There seemed to be no obvious signs of death except until they reached the throat. As Dr. Parkinson swiftly slit the neck something glinted in the harsh light that shone onto the operating table. Something small and shiny. Something that happened to be a chocolate wrapper. Something that happened to be Sean’s chocolate wrapper.
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