Status: Completed awaiting sequel

Percy Jackson and a Forgotten Daughter

Chapter Ten

Finally it was nearly Summer again meaning I would be able to see my best friends again, I missed the three of them terribly especially since I was being targeted even more by the remaining campers which caused me to stay in my cabin unless for food where I sat next to Mr D who knew that there was something bothering me.

He never asked though since he knew I wouldn’t answer him.

When I felt it I was lying on my bed in my cabin with a now 10 month year old Caleb on my lap as I stroked his fur, Caleb had become a tame wolf around me but he also came protective of me when needed.

I was relaxing when I felt a sudden blow to my stomach, when the feeling subsided I knew what had happened the boundaries were weakening and they were under attack.

I ran out of my cabin followed by Caleb who I had disturbed from his sleep. When I reached the edge of camp I froze in horror as I noticed that Thalia’s tree had began to slowly die which caused the weakening of the boundaries.

I grabbed my pen from my pocket and joined in with the campers who were already defending the camp.

“Get lost nature girl” Oliver snarled at me as he pushed me away, “The trees been dying for weeks and only now you come to help, you are useless”

I gasped as Oliver had revealed the state of the tree to me for the first time.

That was when I saw red, my anger took over me as I screamed in rage, the monsters that were in mid attack seemed to move in slow motion as they were thrown back and the lighting of the world seemed to change as the sky turned blood red and pitch black clouds began to converge around the camp.

I slowly and carefully began to control my anger as I noticed the rest of the warriors watched me in alarm, I was breathing heavily and quickly when I was struck n the shoulder by an arrow from one of the sons of Apollo.

I cried out in alarm and flinched when I felt the hand of Mr D pressing against my shoulder. I looked up at him and saw his anger filled gaze on the boy that had shot me.

“What did you do that for?” he snarled angrily

“She was causing the sky to change, she made the monsters fly backwards” The boy told Mr D shakily.

I moaned in pain as I broke the feathered tip off of the arrow then pushed the rest of it out the other side of my shoulder.

“Damn, I hate arrows” I muttered angrily.

“Get to your cabins now” Mr D snarled at the warriors

I slowly moved out of Mr D’s grip and spun around to face him, I glared at him furiously and my glare intensified as Chiron joined us.

“You didn’t tell me!” I screamed at them

“Lia we knew you’d react like this” Chiron told me carefully “we didn’t know about your powers but we knew you’d lose it”

I glared at them then ran away from the two of them out of the camp boundaries and out into the outside world with Caleb following behind me. I heard Chiron and Mr D shouting at me to return but I refused to listen to reason because I watched Thalia become that tree and now they wanted me to watch her die all over again.


Caleb had stayed by my side the whole time that I had stayed in the outside world; with the help of the mist the humans were unable to see him as a wolf but as a husky dog.

We had stayed among the humans for two weeks but as I learned the humans were very horrible and nasty, so the two of us ventured out into the forest to find sanctuary in the one place where I felt safe.

We moved whenever we could so that no one would find us and take us back to the camp; I avoided satyrs all the time, what helped me the most was the rain in the sky which was constant since it washed away my scent.

After a day in a new camp I screamed as a whip hit me across the back, when I spun around Alecto hovered behind me.

“The master ordered me to find you and find you I did” she hissed at me

I froze slightly in thought as I realised that not only would Chiron and Mr D be worried but the Big Three would also be worried about me.

“Ah so that explains the rain” I laughed slightly

I was about to make another comment when suddenly the kindly one turned into to dust as Caleb had attacked her from behind.

“Good boy Caleb” I told him smiling.

I carried on my journey through the forest but I was trying to be more careful as I realised that I was being looked for by a lot more people than I originally thought.

What I had forgot though was the fact that I needed to change camp more frequently which had been my only mistake really because they had finally found me after three weeks of my running.

“You are in so much trouble!” A man growled from behind me.

I spun around to face him and froze as he glared at me, I had been found by one of the only people that I feared.