What would you do if you had to marry your cousin?

John and Annie

“Annie, I know you are worried; so am I, but you can’t go back there. Cousin Bob is going to be mad that you ran off and he is going to keep you and try to rape you again. I love you to much to put you at risk, and even if he finds it and he comes here all angry, I am still going to keep you safe because I love you more than my life and more than anything in this world, and I will fight the fires of hell to have you as my wife.”

Annie kissed him and smiled, “I love you so much, but I am aloud to stay here, right?”

“Of course, my parents love you, and I love you, so you are more than welcomed to stay with me.”

“Ok, so up the stairs to the left, right?” Annie said getting up from John’s lap and walking up the stairs into the tavern. John just sat outside on the stoop for a while looking up at the glistening stars in the black night sky. He then made a wish, and then walked into the tavern and up to his room with Annie.

John jumped up on the bed next to Annie and grabbed her hand. He slid his fingers in between hers and kissed the top of her hand.

“I can’t wait till we are married. We will be free from Cousin Bob, my dad, and every boring and annoying person in this town,” Annie said playing with John’s hair as he lay down on the bed and Annie leaned up on her arm side by side on the bed.

“How mad do you think Cousin Bob is going to be when he finds out that we are getting married?” John said as he started laughing.

“He is going to be pissed, that is why we have to bring everything we are taking with us to Philadelphia and be off after the wedding.”

“What about our honeymoon night?” John asked smiling.

Annie smiled and giggled, “Of course we will have a honeymoon night, I am just so happy it is going to be with you instead of Cousin Bob.”

“I can’t wait,” John said smiling as he kissed Annie on the forehead.

“You missed my lips, they are down here,” Annie said pulling John’s head down to her lips. He kissed her lightly then began kissing her hard. Then he began kissing her neck as she let him, just sitting there like she was lost in heaven. It was all interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

“John, get your little sister,” his mother said walking in with a basket in one hand and his baby sister in the other.

“Hello Annie, it is wonderful to see you again,” his mother said with a huge smile across her face.

“Hello, it is nice to see you too,” Annie said smiling back. John’s mother then walked down the hall leaving Annie and John with the baby.

“She’s adorable,” Annie said.

“She has my good looks,” John said all proud. Annie giggled, “That she does.”

“Do you want to hold her?”

“Sure,” Annie said as she picked the baby out of John’s arms. The baby cooed as she switched. She had a beautiful smile though, the smile that made both Annie and John gaze at her for awhile. They both wanted to ask the same question, but neither of them bothered, they figured it wasn’t important right now, and they would talk about it later, but at the moment all they wanted to do is look at the beautiful gift from above. Then, John’s mother came back and took the baby so John and Annie began to get ready for bed.

Annie laid down on top of the bed, and John walked over and laid next to her. He picked her head up and laid it on his chest then got the blanket from under his bed and laid it on both of them, and in no time they were both asleep.