Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 12

Everyone stood up and cheered loudly as the boys won another game. Taylor, Mo, Lainey, and I all ran out onto the field to say our congratulations. The first person I found was my dad. I ran up and gave him a hug.

"Congrats on another win!" I said.

"Thanks sweetie," He smiled.

"Not that I didn't expect it, your team is like beast," I said and he laughed.

My mom then walked up to my father and repeated my congratulations. I walked off in hopes of finding Tyler. I spotted him and we made eye contact.

I ran over and he wrapped his arms around me lifting me off the ground. "Cong-" He cut me off with his lips. It took me a little to react but then I forgot about all the people watching and kissed him back. After a minute we pulled away.

"Uhm, wow," I said, unsure of what impulsed him to do that.

"Madds, I have been thinking. I don't want us to act like we don't have feelings for each other when it's obvious we do. I don't want to introduce you to people as my friend when I know we aren't just friends. I want us to be official, what I'm trying to say is, Madison Rose, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with a huge smile that I could never turn down.

"Of course!" I said. He leaned down this time kissing me softly.

"So girlfriend, what do you say about going to the diner?" He asked.

"That sounds great, boyfriend" I smiled.

"I really like the sound of that," he said.

"So do I," I agreed, not being able to get rid of the tingling in my stomach whenever I talked to him.

"I'm gonna go change, meet me by my truck," He said leaning down and pecking me once more before walking away.

"Oh my god, you are turning into me and Kyle," I heard Mo say from behind me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm pretty sure you just kissed 3 times in like 5 minutes and the first time being pretty heated, and you're not even together!" She smirked.

"Actually, he just asked me to be his girlfriend," I smiled.

This caught the other 2 girls attention and the 3 squealed with excitement.

"Finally!" Taylor yelled.

"Now that all the guys in the group have girlfriends, we need to find someone for Drew," Lainey said.

"That's true, I feel bad that he is like 9th wheeling it whenever we hang out," I said.

"We will find someone for him." Taylor said.

We all walked out to the parking lot to wait for our boyfriends. All of them came out at once and we walked with them to their cars. Once Tyler and I got in his truck he leaned over and kissed me.

"You realize we have only been going out for like 15 minutes and you've kissed me like 4 times in that time span" I laughed.

"I know but your lips are just so kissable," He smirked kissing me once more before driving to the diner.


Later that night I walked in the door but strangely my parents weren't home. I had no idea where they could've gone but I was too tired to care so I just went up to my bedroom to fall asleep.

I laid on the my bed and I thought about everything that happened tonight. Tyler was no official my boyfriend. I couldn't even believe it. Tomorrow we would be going to the homecoming dance. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed.

From: Tyler
just got home. can't wait to see you tomorrow. goodnight beautiful :]

I immediately smiled no matter how cheesy that was. I replied goodnight to him and quickly fell asleep with a permanent smile on my face.


The next morning I lay in bed for a few minutes before I decided to walk downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas which was just a huge hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. My hair was down and wave with no make up on my face.

I walked down the steps still rubbing my eyes trying to wake up. When I walked into the kitchen I saw three figures instead of the usual two. Once my eyes focused I screamed in excitement and ran into the arms of my best friend from Arizona, Haley.

"Hales!" I yelled as we hugged each other.

"MADDIE! I missed you so much!" She said.

"I missed you too! How and when did you get here?!"

"I got here last night, your parents picked me up from the airport," She informed me.

"Thank you so much!" I said turning to my parents and giving them both a hug. "Let's go to my room, I have so much to tell you,"

I grabbed a banana from the counter before walking upstairs with Haley to talk for the first time since I left AZ. We walked in and sat on my bed.

"So! How is Chapel Hill?!" She asked.

"I actually really like it!" I told her.

"Any cute boys?" She smirked and I just blushed, "Oh my god! Who?!"

"Well, there is this guy that fell on me in gym class my first day and we just like instantly connected I can't even explain it. We flirted a lot and then last weekend we got into a huge fight and he just kissed me out of nowhere and last night after the football game he asked me out," I smiled

"You have a boyfriend?!" She squealed.

"Yup," I said smiling.

"Does your dad know?" She asked knowing how my dad is.

"Not yet. Oh and get this Tyler is the quarterback and my dad is his coach,"

"No way! That's gotta suck for him," She said.

My phone buzzed on my bed and I looked down and read the name Tyler I smiled and opened the message.

From: Tyler
Morning beautiful :] I will be at your house tonight at around 6:30 to pick you up

"Oh, that was totally him!" Haley said and I blushed, "You just got this huge smile on your face when you read that," She laughed. "So any other boys here you could possibly hook me up with?" She asked.

"Oh my god!" I just yelled as an idea came to me.

"What?" Haley asked.

I picked up my phone and scrolled down to Taylor's name and called her.

"Hey girl!" she answered.

"I have a girl for Drew!" I said.

"What?! Who?!"

"My best friend from back home. My parents surprised me and she was here when I woke up. You have no idea how perfect they would be for each other!"

"Then we will definitely hook them up. Drew needs a girl in his life,"

"You wanna stop trying to hook me up with someone without telling me who he is?" Haley said from behind me.

"Go on my computer and there is a file open. Look at the picture labeled Drew," I told her. The picture was the one I took at the beach I still had them all open on my computer.

"Holy shit he is gorgeous! Hell yes you better hook me up with him!" she yelled.

I heard Taylor laughing on the phone.

"I'm guessing you heard her?" I said.


"So you in on getting them together?" I asked.

"Definitely! Tonight they will meet each other at your house and we will see what happens from there," She said.

"Ok, see you tonight"


"So, is your boy toy in these pictures?" Haley asked me.

"Yeah," I said smiling going over and bringing up the picture of Ty.

"Awhhh! He is sooo cute!"

"You get to meet him tonight,"

"I'm so excited! What dance are you going to tonight?" she asked.


"Can I see your dress?"

I went over to my closet and pulled out my dress. I took it out of the cover bag and held it up to show her.

"Oh my gosh! I love it! That is so pretty!"


A few hours later I was dressed and ready, my hair and make up done with the help of Haley. Now all of my friends were coming over to take pictures. The doorbell rang as I was putting in my earrings and walking over to the door. I opened it to see Taylor and Luke.

"Hey!" I said pulling Taylor into a hug. "You look so pretty!"

"Thank you! As do you," she said.

"Come in," I said opening the door more so they could walk in.

"So where is this Haley?" Taylor said.

"Hales!" I yelled. I saw her come around the corner.

"Hey! What's up?!" Haley said, she was a really outgoing person, "You must be Taylor and Luke, I think,"

"Yup!" Taylor answered.

"I'm Haley, it's so nice to meet you,"

"You too," Taylor and Luke both said.

"So, I hear these girls are trying to hook you up with Dr. Drew?" Luke said with a smirk and the three of us bursted out laughing.

"Wow Maddie, you didn't tell me that you were hooking me up with the counselor for celebrity addicts and pregnant 16 year olds!" Haley said making us laugh even more.

"What are you guys laughing about?" I heard from behind me then arms go around my waist and instantly knew it was Tyler. I turned around in his arms and pecked his lips softly. He held me back at arms length. "Madds, you look gorgeous," He said smiling.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I smirked. I heard someone's throat clear behind us and just assumed it was Haley."Ty, this is my best friend from home Haley, and Hales this is my boyfriend Tyler,"

"It's nice to meet you," Ty said.

"You too," She smiled.

Soon everyone was in my living room. Drew just got here and Haley was going to find my camera therefore she hasn't seen him yet. She came into the room and stood over by me.

"He is here," I whispered to her.

"What?! Do I look okay?" She started freaking out.

"You look fine," I laughed. "Come on," I pulled her over to where Drew was standing. "Drew this is my best friend Haley, and Hales this is Drew," I said just like I did when I introduced her to everyone else. I felt like a robot cause I just kept repeating the same thing.

"Hi," Hale said shyly.

"Hey," Drew said smiling.

They were both mad blushing. It was hilarious but adorable.

"I'm gonna go find Ty," I said slipping away from them to find my boyfriend.


After pictures were done we headed off to the dance. We had a lot of fun! As expected Tyler got homecoming king and the head cheerleader Steph got Queen. It was pretty cliche. Tyler felt terrible that he had to dance with Steph but I repeatedly told him it was fine and I understood. Other than that one dance, we danced to every song together the entire night.

"You ready to go?" Tyler whispered in my ear and I nodded. I was exhausted. "Hey guys, we are gonna head out," He told everyone.

We bid our goodbyes and then he grabbed my hand and led me out to his truck.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Tyler asked me.

"Yes multiple times," I laughed.

"Good, cause you do," He said smirking and leaning over to kiss me quickly before I got into the truck and he closed the door behind me.

"I am really sorry that I had to dance with Steph," He repeated for the millionth time.

"Tyler, it's fine. Really. I don't care at all." I said reassuring him.

"I know I still feel bad,"

"Well don't," I smiled.

"Tomorrow, I wanna take you on our first date" He smiled over at me.

"Wasn't tonight a date?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I mean alone. Just me and you spending the day together doing something fun," He said.

"Alright, sounds good to me,"

He walked me to the door and put both of his hands around my waist pulling me close as we looked into each others eye.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I said.

"Me too, I will text you tomorrow about what we are doing," He said.

"Okay," I smiled excited for our date.

"Goodbye gorgeous," He said with a smirk as he leaned down to place a slow and soft kiss on my lips.

"Bye," I said quietly with a smile. I walked inside and into my room. I saw Haley laying asleep in my bed. When I walked in though she stirred.

"How was it?" She asked, her voice groggy.

"Really fun," I smiled.

"Good," She said turning over and falling back to sleep.

I grabbed my guitar and went into my basement. I had a lot of inspiration after my night with Tyler. I began writing and everything easily flowed out. I heard my phone buzz.

From: Tyler
are you awake?

To: Tyler
yup :] can't sleep

From: Tyler
what are you doing?

To: Tyler

From: Tyler

To: Tyler
a song...

From: Tyler
wow, i forgot you wrote songs
when are you gonna play one
for me?

To: Tyler
dunno :]

From: Tyler
whats it about?

To: Tyler
just this certain guy i met and
how amazing he is

From: Tyler
I gotta meet this guy

To: Tyler
you definitely do, he is quite a catch

From: Tyler
I also want to hear you sing :]

To: Tyler
don't worry you will but as for now I'm
going to bed. night!

From: Tyler
night babe see you tomorrow :]

I fell asleep that night with a huge smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey here is the next chapter! :]

big thanks to Rebirth. and catastrophe. for the comments/advice!

I will give credit in my authors note to anyone who comments by the way :]

let's make it to 3 comments for this chapter :]

Maddie Football Game
Homecoming Dresses