Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 14

Haley left Monday night, so she didn't miss too much school. Her date with Drew went well. They were nothing official, but they did kiss. She seems to like him a lot and they promised to stay in touch through phone, text, oovoo, and all that stuff.

Tonight the boys have a game against a pretty hard team. It was away and I was traveling with the team along with my dad. I sat in the front of the bus with my dad and the other coaches and all the boys were in the back. I could see Tyler sitting towards the very back and he was looking at me. I picked up my phone and texted him.

To: Tyler :]
take a picture, it will last longer :P
i don't want you to hurt your pretty
eyes because your staring at the
back of my head to long :P

From: Tyler :]
i wish you would be right next to me
so i can stare into your beautiful blue eyes.

To: Tyler :]
you are such a suck up.

From: Tyler :]
hey it works!

To: Tyler :]
are you nervous?

From:Tyler :]
umm yeah...

To: Tyler :]
i love how you don't put up
the tough guy image with me :]

From: Tyler :]
dont act like i dont have any manliness!
i am very tough.

To : Tyler :]
i know babe. you're very tough :]

From:Tyler :]
thank you. are you gonna be with me
in the locker room before the game?

To: Tyler :]
of course. i am avoiding going out into
the stands by myself as long as possible

From: Tyler :]
i think this should be my new pre-game
ritual. to see you in the locker room before
every game.

To: Tyler
i'm sure that would go over well with the coaches

From: Tyler
the coach is your dad babe. i'm sure it won't be a
problem :]

"Who are you texting with that smile on your face?" my dad asked.

"Tyler," I answered with a smile.

"Hun, he is right in the back of the bus," Dad laughed pointing at Tyler.

"I know, exactly! He is ALLLLL the way back there," I over exaggerated and then felt my phone buzz.

From: Tyler :]
why did your dad just point at me?

To: Tyler :]
we are talking about you... :P

"Why don't you go sit with him?" he suggested.

"That's awkward!" I said.

"Everyone knows your together," he told me.

"Yeah, but I don't want to come off as clingy,"

"As much as I hate to say it, I don't think he minds at all if you are all over him," he said.

"Ok, well I'm not going back there,"

"That's fine, I would rather you hang with your old man anyway," he smiled.

"Dad, you are not old." I told him, "I don't think you have ever found a gray hair."

"And proud of it!" He smiled and I laughed at him. "Hey, look we are here!"

He stood up once the bus was parked. "Alright, we are headed to the visitor locker room. Get ready, you have 15 minutes then warm up on the field. Then go back to the locker room, pep talk, pre-game stuff, then game time." my dad told them the schedule.

We all walked off the bus and I walked a little behind the coaches but in front of the boys. I felt someone come up and grab my hips and I let out a little squeal. I turned to see Tyler standing there and he lightly kissed me before grabbing my hand and continued walking.

"You scared me," I told him.

"I'm sorry babe." he said, then I felt someone else come up and wrap their arm around my shoulder. I saw the guy was Luke.

"So you gonna warm up with us today?" He asked.

"Nahh not today,"

"But you haven't since that one day you completely whooped our asses!" he pouted.

"Sorry," I said, "Maybe I will come to another practice and work out with you guys, but I don't want my body to look like a football player,"

"I don't either," Tyler said. Luke and I laughed at him. Luke got distracted and walked off leaving Tyler and I walking into the school.

"I missed you," Tyler told me.

"We have been sitting on the same bus for hours," I reminded him.

"I know, but you weren't next to me and that was torture,"

"Well I'm sorry you felt that way," I looked around and noticed we were now in the locker room. "Go get ready," I told him.

"Bye babe," He said pouting.

"I am gonna see you in 15 minutes! Don't pout," I said kissing his pouted lips then walking away. I went over to the coaches office in the locker room and sat in the only chair not taken up by the other 2 coaches.

I sat bored to tears as the coaches talked about plays, just waiting for the game start. As the boys warmed up and my dad talked to the boys, I stayed in the office listening to my iPod. My dad walked in after he was talking.

"The boys are about to go out and Tyler looks like a lost puppy trying to find you," he smirked. "Go see him then sit in the stands and text me so I know where you are."

I nodded and kissed his cheek, "Good luck,"


I walked up and saw Tyler standing with Luke, Drew, Kyle, and Josh. No surprise there, they are all attached at the hip. I saw Luke point over to me and then Tyler turn around with a big smile and walk over and wrap his arms around me and spin me around.

"You act like you never see me!" I smiled and chuckled.

"I know, I'm just so attached to you, I'm sorry," he said embarrassed.

"I never said I didn't like it," I said smiling. He looked up with a smile again. "Good luck tonight,"

"I don't know I might get nervous with you watching me," He smirked.

"Nah you will do amazing,"

"I don't know, they are a pretty tough team, I am kind of nervous,"

"It's ok, just play your best,"

"You make everything sound so easy," and I just shrugged. He grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me. As we kissed he pulled me closer with my arms around his neck.

"Yeah Adams! Get some!" I heard all the guys in the locker room yell. I blushed immediately, not believing I forgot I was in a room full of football players kissing my boyfriend. I started to walk away but Tyler grabbed my arm and kissed me once more.

"Don't worry about them," He smile leaving his face close to mine.

"Good luck," I told him.

"Thanks babe," He kissed me once more before I walked out to find a seat in the stands.

I found a small section in the stands that had all the parents from Chapel Hill, which I was able to realize by their shirts. I sat down near them and texted my dad telling him where I was.

The game was intense. Both teams were definitely fighting for the win. Our boys were doing really well considering this team was amazing. It was getting towards the last few seconds. The fans were all sitting on edge of their seats. Our boys were behind with only a touch down for them to win.

We watched on as Tyler caught the ball and began running. The seconds passing quickly as he sprinted trying to make it. Fifteen yards... Ten yards... BUZZZZZ. The game was over and the boys lost. The opposing team fans went crazy as the chapel hill parents and myself sunk in our seats.

I waited for the stands to clear out before walking over to the locker rooms where the boys were already hanging their heads walking out to the bus. I watched as Tyler walked right by not saying a word to me. I let it go and waited for my dad. Once everyone was on the bus we left. Again Tyler didn't look at me, talk to me, text me nothing.

We got back to the school and I waited at Tyler's car. Once he got there he basically ignored me and just walked right to his door.

"Hey," I said which he didn't respond. "I'm sorry about the loss, you played--"

"Can you just leave?" He snapped at me.

I was in complete shock. He had never been like this with me. I back up a little as he got in his truck and slammed the door. He started it and pulled away. I felt tears start to well in my eyes completely confused at his actions.

As soon as my dad and I got home I went straight to my room, my eyes still burning and wet with tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so next chapter is written but I am kinda stuck on what to do next. I have plans for future chapters but I feel as though it is too soon for them to happen so please let me know what you want to see happen or any ideas you might have! :)



thanks to...