Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 23

I heard a light knock on my door and then it open and someone walked in. I cracked my eyes to see Taylor coming to sit on the bed.

"Hey girlie, how you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm good, I really don't know why I threw up," I told her.

"Hmm, that' weird, did you eat something that would make you sick?"

"Nope," I said getting up, "I gotta go use the bathroom,"

"Dude, you didn't have to tell me you can just go," she laughed.

I smiled and walked into the bathroom just as I was washing my hands I saw my box of tampons and then froze. I began to count in my head.

"Shit," I mumbled, I walked out of the bathroom with a shocked face.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked.

"I- I- I think I'm pregnant,"

"Your kidding!"

"Oh my god, Taylor! What do I do?!"

"Well, I guess you have to get a test and tell Tyler,"

"No, I-I can't,"

"What do you mean you can't? How are you gonna find out then?"

"I mean I can't tell Tyler,"

"Are you kidding me Maddie?! You could be carrying his baby, and your not gonna tell him?!" she yelled at me.

"No, I will tell him but after his game, I can't ruin the biggest game for him," I said.

"Ok, but you better tell him directly after," She demanded.

"I will, now let's go get a test,"


"Now, what do we do?" Taylor asked.

I had just taken the test and now I was waiting for the answer.

"We wait 3 minutes," I told her.

... 3 minutes...

...2 minutes...

...1 minutes...

"Ok, I think it's time," Taylor said.

"No, I- I can't do it, I can't look at it,"

"Maddie, you have to,"

"No, you do it for me,"

Taylor picked up the test as she huffed 'fine' she looked down and read what it said then looked up at me and my worried face.

"Maddie..." She began quietly.

"No," I immediately began crying already knowing the answer.I dropped to the floor and just cried, she leaned down and wrapped her arms around me.

"I can't do this, Taylor. I'm only 18! I still have to go to college, and Tyler is already in college, starting his life and all of that is going to disappear once he finds out we are having this baby," I cried.

"It's ok, you guys will be fine, it will all work out," she soothed me.

"How do you know that Taylor? How do you know everything is going to be fine. I'm doing exactly what I didn't want to do, I'm making my parents mistake. I ruined their lives and now I'm ruining my own,"

"Madison! How could you say that?! You did not ruin your parents lives! They love you so much! Maddie, you are the best thing that ever happened to them. Soon enough, this baby will be the best thing that ever happened to you. You're going to love him or her and you are going to be a great mom,"

"I-I guess I should make an appointment at the doctors,"

"Hey, we will make an appointment at planned parenting, it's all going to be fine," she said soothingly.


It has been a week since I found out and went to the doctors and still Taylor is the only one who knows. Today my whole family, Taylor, and Luke are all going to see Tyler play in his first college game.

We were in the car on the way there and everyone was talking and laughing but I stayed silent thinking about what I was going to say to Tyler when I saw him. I knew I would have to tell him today, I couldn't hold it off any longer. The next step would be telling my parents, I don't know which is going to be harder.

Eventually we got out of the car and I texted Tyler to tell him we got here. Once we were all piled out of the car Taylor came over and wrapped me in a hug sensing my nerves.

"It's all going to be ok," she whispered to me and I just slightly nodded.

From: Tyler
oh wow, your early, where are you?

by the stadium... I think we might go out to eat to waste time

"Where do you guys want to eat?" my mom asked.

"What is there around here?" Luke asked.

"I'm not sure, sweetie, why don't you call Tyler and ask?" my mom asked me.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Heeeeey, baby girl!" he said.

"Hey Ty, I have a quick question,"

"Ok shoot,"

"Where can we eat around here?" I asked.

"Well, if you turn around," I did as he said and before he finished I saw him standing there by the stadium with a huge smile on his face. I stood there in shock then turned my head around and shot Taylor a glance.

"Hey guys!" he said once he got over to us and then gave everyone hugs.

"Hey babe!" he said picking me up and spinning me around as I laughed. Once he set me down he kissed my forward. "So you guys are looking for some place to eat?"

"Yes! Do you think you could help us out?" my mom asked.

"Of course, if you walk a few blocks to the right you will come into a little town and there are a bunch of little places to eat in there," he told them.

"Ok, thank you!"

"Your very welcome, do you mind if I steal Madds though, while you guys are eating?"

"Nope, go right ahead, see you two in a bit,"

Tyler grabbed my hand and started walking towards the stadium entrance. Once we went in there we walked around the field and through the tunnel taking you to the locker rooms. Once in the tunnel, Tyler turned and pushed me up against the side and kissed me. I heard cat calls and we pulled away, I blushed.

"Hey Rosey," I heard the familiar voice of Kyle say.

"He has been calling you that ever since he met you," Tyler informed me.

"Yeah, I hear it fits since your middle name is Rose and you constantly blush whenever I'm around. Adams you might want to watch your girl, I think she might have a thing for me," he winked and wrapped his arm around me. I playfully shoved him away.

"Babe, this is CJ and Casey two of the other captains," Tyler introduced us.

We talked for a little bit more before Tyler led me into the locker room before first making sure the guys were decent. We walked in and he led me over to his locker. All the guys just kinda stared at me and it was pretty awkward. Tyler then introduced me to everyone and they went back to their business.

"Here," Tyler handed me a jersey, "It's my away game jersey I won't be wearing it tonight, so I want my girl to be wearing it in the stands," he smiled.

I agreed and threw it on over my long sleeve shirt I was already wearing, then kissed his cheek.

"Your really quiet, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I lied, feeling terrible.

"You sure?"


"I know somethings bothering you, I will let ya slide for now but I will get it out of you later," he smirked.

"I just missed you, that's all," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, whatever," he smirked wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling me in for a light kiss, "Let me get you back to your parents, we gotta get ready,"


The game was almost over and Tyler's team was winning. I knew the time was coming closer to when I would tell Tyler about us having a baby. I laid my head down on Taylor's shoulder and shut my eyes for just a split second and in that second everyone in the stadium went silent.

I opened my eyes and looked out onto the field and saw someone in a Clemson uniform laying on the field not moving. I tried to get a glimpse of the number. I looked over at Taylor.

"Is that..." I couldn't finished my sentence, I already knew the answer. She just wrapped her arm around me as we waited to see if he got up. Once they put his limp body onto a stretcher I lost it.

I broke out of Taylor's arms and ran all the way down the bleachers and over to where they were closing Tyler into the ambulance. I didn't know how close my mom was behind me but she went right up to them and found out what hospital he was being transported to so we could follow.

Once Tyler was checked into a room I walked in and sat down next to his bed wrapping my hand around his.

"Tyler, you have to wake up. I- I need to tell you something, something really important, please just wake up," I cried, "Tyler, I'm pregnant, w-we're having a baby,"

"What did you just say?" I heard from the doorway and turned around to find my parents standing there with shocked expressions.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I know that the whole young pregnancy story line is annoying, personally I don't love it always but I swear this is different. So please bare with me on it, I have a whole plan for the rest of this story and possibly sequel if you want it :)

oh and keep the comments coming, I get a big smile on my face when I read what yall think :) I love it


I absolutely love you guys...

good job to yall who guessed right :) and the winners of the characters are Julianne and Tony..