Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 3

The rest of the day went by fine. My teachers were all pretty cool except for Mrs. Whit. Taylor and I had become pretty good friends for only meeting each other a few hours ago.

"Hey, you should come to the football game tonight," she said.

"What time?" I asked.

"It's a Friday night game so they usually start at 7 but I will have to double check on that,"

"Ok, well just text me then?"

"Sounds good, see you later!" she said. I walked outside to find my dad sitting in his truck waiting for me. I walked out and jumped up into his truck.

"Hi daddy!" I said.

"Hey baby girl, how was your first day?"

"Not bad at all. This girl Taylor showed me around all day and she was really cool. I really only have one mean teacher, my pre-calc teacher, Mrs. Whits. My genetics teacher is a boring old guy" he chuckled as I rambled on about my day, "Mr. Rollins my music teacher, awesome guy, jut sayin! Mrs. Johnson my counselor was really nice, Mom and her would get get along great. I got lost A LOT, the school is HUGE! and yeah, I think that's pretty much it," I finished my rambling.

"Well it seems like there was no need to dread today as much as you did,"

"Nope not at all!" I laughed.

Dad looked at me and smiled but his eyes caught something and the smile disappeared. "What is that on your arm?"

I wasn't sure what he was talking about so I looked down and saw a scrape and knew it was from when Tyler fell on me. "Ummm, I'm not sure." I tried to lie but I was never a good liar especially with my dad.

"You suck at lying. Tell me." he demanded.

"In gym this guy fell on me-"


"Dad, seriously calm down, it's not like he meant to do it."

"I don't care, I told you if someone laid a hand on you to call me," he retorted.

"Yeah, and I thought you were joking?"

"No, why would I joke about that?"

"Dad, I'm 16 years old. I can take care of myself and I am allowed to talk to boys." I told him.

"Whatever," he could never argue with me, not that I'm complaining.

We stopped in front of a house, which I was assuming was ours. I had yet to see it, we had to stay at a hotel the past few days before we could move in. My dad and I got out of the truck and walked inside. My dad showed me around the first floor of the house, once we got into the kitchen I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking.

"Hi mommy," I walked up and kissed her cheek.

"Hello, sweetheart, how was your first day?" she asked.

"It went surprisingly well! but I won't bore you with the details,"

"I'm sure it wouldn't be boring,"

"Oh believe me it is," my dad added in and I punched his arm and he chuckled.

"Here, Mads, try this," she said. I grabbed a spoon and dipped it into her sauce.

"That's really good mom,"

"Ok good," she smiled. "Did your dad show you upstairs yet?"

"Nope! I'm anxious to see what my room looks like,"

"Come on let's go up," she wiped her hands on a dish rag then walked me upstairs and opened a door that was the first on the right. I walked in and immediately smiled.

"I LOVE it!" my mom was very into interior design and this house was gorgeous because of the designs and patterns she put into it. "Thank you!" I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Your welcome, now let's go eat, I think your father wants to tell you the reason we moved out here, finally," she said. They kind of left me clueless when coming here, making that partially the reason I was so upset about leaving.

We all sat around the table eating when my dad spoke up.

"I know we kind of left you in the dark when coming here,"

"Yeah, you kinda did,"

"I'm sorry about that, but you know how I had to come a month earlier than you?" I nodded. "That's because I got a job here as a coach and the pre-season started a month ago,"

"That's awesome dad! What team?" I asked.

"Your high school football team,"

"No way!"

"Yup, they are a state champion team so it pays good money, the players are awesome! They are really good athletes and good guys," he had a smile on his face when he went on talking about his team. "Anyway, we have a game tonight so I have to get going, would you like to come with me now or with your mom later?"

"I will come now if that's ok,"

"Yup," he went over to my mom and kissed her, "Thanks for dinner,"

"Your welcome," she smiled.

"I love you," my dad told her.

"Love you too," I really admired their relationship. They were still so in love and have been together since high school and are now 34 years old. I hope one day I can have their relationship with someone.

"Love you mama, thanks for dinner,"

"Love you too, and your welcome sweetheart,"

My dad and I walked out and drove to the school. We neared the locker room when my dad told me to wait so he could make sure the boys were decent. He came out a few minutes later to get me.


Coach came into the locker room as we were all getting pumped up listening to Don't Stop Believin'. Luke was standing on one of the benches singing and dancing. Coach started laughing when he saw this but Luke didn't notice he was even in there until he turned around. He just stopped once he saw coach.

"I will pretend I never saw that," he laughed.

Coach is new this year but all of us love him already, he is really cool and down to earth. He is also young unlike our last coach.

"So my daughter is outside, I was gonna have her come in and meet you if that's alright?" We all nodded. "Guys, seriously no checkin her out,"

"Why would we check out a 5 year old, that's like gross," Luke said. Coach just smiled and walked out.

A few minutes later he came back in with a girl that had long blonde hair and big blue eyes that I could never forget. His daughter was Maddie. My jaw dropped. I saw Coach look at Luke and smirk obviously saying she isn't five. I then completely zoned out. I still couldn't take my eyes off Maddie. She looked over and we made eye contact. She smiled and I returned it then felt someone jab me in the side.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Dude, coach said no checkin out his daughter, you are doing a really bad job of that," one of my teammates Drew said.

I just smirked but slowly that started to fade. She is coaches daughter, that means she's off limits.


Dad came out and told me I could follow him in which I did. I walked in and all eyes were on me and let me tell you they were all confused. I saw my dad smirk at a guy that I recognized as the kid Ty was passing the ball with earlier in gym today.

"Luke here thought you were five years old," he smirked and Luke blushed a little.

"Well I can assure you that I'm definitely not," I said smiling.

Dad started talking as I looked around the locker room seeing all the guys and then my eyes landed on Tyler. He was already looking at me. I smiled, which he returned. Since I saw him earlier I couldn't get my mind off him. One of the guys jabbed him in the side and he turned away from me annoyed. I watched him talk to the kid with a smile then it slowly disappeared and I was curious as to what he was thinking. He turned back to me. I look to my dad and around the locker room.

I then realized Tyler was off limits, my dad was his coach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update of the day :] Hopefully I will get some more comments :] I really appreciate those of you who have commented it's definitely encouraging!



Davie's House
Living Room