Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 5

"Ok, let's start easy, favorite color?" he asked.

"Blue," I immediately answered.


"Favorite movie?" I asked.

"Ohhh, that's hard, I am doing to be your typical guy and say The Hangover because I can't think of any right now," he said with a laugh.

"Mine is without a doubt Remember The Titans,"

"Wow really?! I was expecting like The Notebook or Titanic," he seemed genuinely surprised.

"No, those movies are ok but I would much rather see something else," I answered honestly.

"Alright, what's your full name?" he asked.

"Madison Rose Davies,"

"I like that," he smiled, "Mine's Tyler Jayce Adams," **not pronounced Jacey**

"Jayce? I have never heard of that before,"

"Yeah, it kinda went through my family,"

"That's different, I like it." I smiled at him. "Next question, what word do you say a lot?"


"I say just sayin when I tell someone something. Say I like your shirt I would be like 'I like your shirt, just sayin,"

"Are you saying you don't like my shirt?"

"No, not at all, gotta say I love a dirty, smelly, sweaty football jeresy," I smiled.

"Ha-Ha. Ok time to get weird questions, what was the first thing you thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?" he asked.

"Ummm, I look like crap? I don't know,"

"I bet you didn't look like crap," he said and I blushed.

"Oh you didn't see me,"

"You could never look like crap, just sayin," he smirked when he purposely used my saying. "Ok I looked in the mirror and said, damnnnnn I look good," he said keeping that cocky smirk on his face.

"Wow, you are so conceited!" I laughed.

"Actually, I'm really not,"

"That's hard to believe,"

"No really I'm not, it's the whole football jock front that I put up,"

"I believe you," I said genuinely.

"Alright, worst relationship?"

"Did you see that girl that came up to me at the game?"

"Yeah," I said shyly not wanting him to think I was like stalking him or something.

"She was my worst relationship. I had just got on the varsity football team my freshmen year. I got so much attention from all of it and just soaked it up. I had all the senior players inviting me to parties or even just to pass the ball around. I had all the cheerleaders all over me. I loved it because it wasn't something I was used to. It was different and a great feeling.

"Anyway, Brittany I met at one of those parties. Things got out of hand and one thing led to another, you can pretty much figure out what happened next. It wasn't really a relationship but it was the biggest mistake I ever made. Now she won't leave me alone, four years later and I still can't get rid of her. I know she just used me that night and since then I have never really had a relationship with a girl"

"Wow," I said kinda speechless.

"Yeah," he let out a deep breath. "Your turn."

"Ok, right before I moved here I was with this guy for 3 years. I was young and thought I was in love. He was my first boyfriend. Nothing really ever went too far with us. Right before I left to come here he told me he didn't want to do the long distance relationship thing with us because 'our emotional bond wasn't strong enough'

"Everything between us was based on the physical for him which wasn't much. I also found out that he had been cheating on me 2 of the years we were together. It didn't take me too long to get over him because I realized he wasn't worth my time. I guess I never really loved him, it was just an infatuation or something." I stared straight ahead when I relayed my story.

I felt him reach out and grab my hand.

"I'm really sorry that happened to you. He is a complete douche, any guy who ever gets a chance to be with you should hold on tight and never let go."

I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said this. "thanks,"

"Alright, my question," he started, "Family?" he simply said.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me about them, siblings? You know, just everything,"

"I am an only child. My parents had me right out of high school, they were both 18. They are only 34 now."

"Yeah, we were all surprised at how old you were considering your dad is young,"

"Yup, my mom looks even younger. We look exactly a like. I am really close to my parents. I am a complete Daddy's Girl. I honestly have that guy wrapped around my finger. He will do anything for me."

"So Coach is a softie after all?"

"Yes, definitely. You know my dad, so I don't really need to tell you about him. My mom is just like me. She is an amazing singer."

"Oh yeah! What the hell?! National Anthem?! You were amazing! I didn't know you could sing!" I giggled at his sudden out burst.

"Yeah, I get that from my mom. I play the guitar, piano and sing just like her. Yeah, I don't really know what else to say about my family,"

"Ok, I will start on mine. I have a little sister, Lucy. She is adorable, 5 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my dad and my sister lives with my mom. I'm not really sure why the court decided to split us up in the custody battle but they did. My parents are both good people just not good together.

"Dad, he is a bit rough around the edges. Mostly with football he get's really intense. He has a girlfriend and she's whatever. I don't particularly love her but she makes him happy. My mom is awesome. She is so nice and I can tell her anything. You would like her a lot," he smiled at me. "Ok, times up, we're here." he said.

I looked up and noticed we were parked in front of the diner. Tyler jumped out and ran around to open the door for me before I could even unbuckle my seat belt.

"You didn't have to do that," I said.

"But I wanted to," he smiled.

"Well thanks," I said as we walked inside. He held open the door and then walked in behind me.

"ADAMS!" everyone yelled as he walked in. He put his hand on my back and led me over to where Luke and Taylor were. Luke and Ty did that guy handshake as he also did with the rest of the guys standing around him while I gave Taylor a hug.

"I don't believe we officially met, I'm Lucas Rigby, wider receiver of the Chapel Hill Tigers," he said grabbing my hand and kissing it I giggled.

"Hey, I'm Maddie, daughter of the coach of the Chapel Hill Tigers," I smirked back. He dropped my hand and winced realizing I was the coach's daughter and I laughed.

"Ok, so Maddie this is Luke, Drew, Kyle, and Josh," he said pointing to some of the people around the table. "And you guys all met her earlier,"

"Going after the coach's daughter? Good luck Adams," Drew said to him and I blushed.

"Come on, let me go introduce you to some of the girls," Taylor said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all have a good day! :]

Ok so I was going to make this chapter longer but decided to wait because I wanted to know if any of you want to be the names and personalities of two of the girls. One will be Josh's girlfriend and the other will be Kyle's girlfriend. I will post the pictures of each of them. Just PM me, comment on the story, or on my page if you would like to :] First 2 people get the character.



