Sequel: Leave It Up To Fate
Status: not sure yet.. just an idea

Holding Me Tight, Wherever You Go

Chapter 7

I walked in the door and into the living room to see my parents still awake at midnight.

"Hey, what are you guys still doing up?"

"Watching a movie," my dad answered.

"What movie?" I said looking at the screen then gasping, "You're watching Remember The Titans without me?!"

"Sorry sweetheart," my mom said, "Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yeah! A lot of fun!"

"Who drove you? Taylor?" Dad asked.

"Umm, no Tyler did actually," my dad's head immediately snapped in my direction.

"Tyler? Who is Tyler?"

"Tyler Adams, Dad,"

"Oh Madds, why did you have to go for my quarter back out of all guys?!" Dad sighed and my mom hit his arm.

"Nothing is going on that you need to worry about dad, we are just friends. He was just being a nice guy and offered to drive me," I said. "By they way, can I come to practice tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but we are leaving here at 7:30," Dad said.

"That's fine," I walked over and gave them both a kiss on the cheek, "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight sweetheart," Mom said, then I walked up to my room.


"What's running through your mind?" my wife asked me once my daughter walked out of the room.

"I don't know," I said running my hands through my hair.

"If it's because of the boy, you need to let her go, she is 16 years old. I don't care if he is your star player she should be able to date whoever she wants. She said it's nothing anyway and even if it was he seems like a good kid," she tried comforting me.

"That's it though, he is a good guy. He is an awesome kid, very respectful. But all of the girls flaunt over him and I don't want my baby girl getting hurt,"

"Matt, Maddie will experience a lot in her life and one of those things is heartbreak. You can't control it because it will happen just let her be,"

"Yeah, I guess, I'm still not comfortable with the idea though,"


Sunday morning rain is falling
steal some covers share some skin
clouds are shrouding us in mome--

I reached over and hit my alarm and turned off my wake up call of Sunday Morning by Maroon 5.

I changed into some of my maroon and gold Arizona State clothes: a pair of shorts, zip up hoodie, sporta bra, a nike white tank top, and nike maroon running shoes. I went down stairs and saw my dad.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, let me just grab some stuff," I said. I quickly grabbed my iPod, a banana, and a water. "Let's go," I said to him. We walked out to his truck then drove to the school. When we got there he went into his office to grab some stuff and I told him I would be running the track.

I went outside to the field which had a wrap around track. There were guys already out there on the field waiting for my dad to come and start practice. I put my iPod into my ears and selected my running playlist. First song to some on was Stronger by Kanye West. I began running around the track.

Soon the full team was on the field and my dad was pushing them with drills. I watched him work with the lineman, quarterbacks, wide receivers and more. He was focusing on blocking and tackling drills.

"Guys your heads are all over the place! Just because you won yesterday doesn't mean you can lose focus," my dad yelled.

The guys looked asleep on the field. At this point I was running the stairs on the bleachers. So once I got to the top I went to the announcer's booth and plugged my iPod in so the music would go out throughout the stadium speakers. I ran down the bleachers and over to my dad.

"Go get a coffee or something, I will wake them up," I said. My dad along with the other coaches walked into the school and I looked at the huge guys in front of me.

I was not afraid of them, because I had been around my dad when I was really little at his college football games and when he coached in Arizona. I was just like Cheryl from Remember The Titans.

"Ok guys, I'm about to save y'all because my dad was about to kick your asses." I said, "Y'all need to stop thinking your the coolest people in Chapel Hill just because you won an easy game of football last night. I'm gonna do some conditioning and warm-ups and by the time my dad comes out you better be awake." I said. They all looked at me and nodded. I caught Tyler's eye and he was smiling. It's funny how a team full of football players about 10x my size seemed to be intimidated by me.

"Ok, we are gonna start with squat jumps for 5 minutes, and go!" I said as they all started. I had stolen my dad's stop watch so I could time them. I was working out along with them.

After 5 minutes was up we moved onto mountain climbers then burpees. They were when you squat with your hands down, jump back to a plank, do a pushup, jump into a squat, and then jump straight up with your hands in the air. We did 10 set of 10 with these. Then I had them do up downs and finally run the stairs of the bleachers.

By the end of working out they were all beat and out of breath. We had gone through the entire soundtrack. I noticed my dad come out in the middle of the work out along with the other coaches. They found a lot of humor in me working out with the guys.

"Good job guys, glad to see you just got owned by my daughter," my dad said and the coaches laughed as the guys protested. "You guys should stop trying to disagree, when y'all are the one's out of breath."

"Hey, they did good, give them some credit," I said to my dad.

"Alright guys, you can go now," all of the boys let out a sigh of relief and ran to the locker room. My dad went into the office and I walked to his truck and opened the bed and sat down.

The guys were coming out of the locker room and would give me a high five and say things along the lines of 'your insane'

Luke and Tyler walked out of the locker room and over to me.

"You crazy girl!" Luke said and I laughed.

Tyler gave me a hug. "Seriously though, you totally just showed up like 50 football players,"

"Well, I have been going to practices with my dad since I was born, it's natural for me to work out with them," I smiled.

"I think that all the guys fell in love with you," he said.

"But you are totally Ty's so I don't think they will mess with you," Luke said with a smirk. Both of our jaws dropped and we blushed.

"No, man, just no," Ty said shaking his head laughing. He turned to me, "Text me later," he winked and started walking away.

I heard Luke mimick in a girly voice, "Text me later," then back to normal, "Yeah, and you guys totally don't have the hots for each other,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Got 2 comments on the last chapter :]
Let's make it 3 for this chapter :]


P.S. Sorry for reposting this chapter put I just wanted y'all to know that I have already written the next 2 chapter it depends on how many comments I get until I update. So, I already got 1/3 for this chapter so just 2 more :)


Maddie's outift