

Syn slept peacefully that night. He had nothing to worry about and the things that he did have to handle were all about him and his future, nothing having to do with his stepfather. Syn dreamt of his mother, of Autumn, and of his dreams of owning his own bakery/deli and catering company.
Syn awoke the next morning to the sun streaming through the windows and onto the couch were he lay. He quickly got up and got ready for the day.
“So who were you talking to into the wee hours of the night?” James asked as he entered the kitchen.
“Really, wow you’ve been talking to her a lot haven’t you?”
“We just started talking like four days ago.”
“So where did you get the courage to actually talk to her and where did you find her to talk to her?”
“I took your guy’s advice. I went to the club and a little after I got in, there she was surrounded by a bunch of her friends. It was like it was meant to be.”
“Or it was just really good luck.”
“I prefer to think of it as destiny.” Syn said.
“So when are you seeing her again?”
“I’m not sure, soon I hope.” Syn said. “Well, I have to go I have a gig to work.”
Syn went on his way and drove to where the catering company headquarters was to prepare for the next party. As he drove he received a text message. He did not get a chance to look at it until he pulled into the parking lot and parked. Sitting in his truck he pulled out his phone to check what the message was. It was a message from Autumn.
Hey do you want to do anything today? ~Autumn.
Syn sighed wishing that he could spend the day with her, but instead sent her a reply.
Sorry can’t today, have to work. Maybe we can do something on Saturday? ~Syn. Syn hit send.
Okay, I just have to check to see if I am doing anything. ~Autumn. A few seconds later Syn’s phone buzzed again.
Nope, I’m free ;-) ~ Autumn.
Hahaha, I’ll see you then. ~Syn.

On Saturday Syn met Autumn at the park and they walked hand in hand together just talking about themselves. Since getting each other’s cell phone numbers they had been calling and texting each other constantly, never seeming to run out of something to say. Each question they asked was them getting to know one another better. They were both only children and they had both lost their mothers. However, where Syn had lost his mother when he was ten, Autumn had only lost hers three years prior, but it gave them something in common other than their feelings for each other. Some of the differences that Syn could not get past were the fact that she came from money and he lived from paycheck to paycheck. However, this would not have been so much the case had Syn not had to give up most of his money to his stepdad. He told Autumn about his stepdad and everything that he had had to live with for the past ten years. Syn told her that he was staying with friends until he could find a place of his own. Autumn shared stories of her first year at The University of Chicago and what it was like for all her professors to know who she was because of her dad, even though she did not like it, but she had not wanted to be away from home. At the end of the night they found themselves at the playground swinging on the swing set.
“So, I’m having a birthday party. I’m turning the big two-oh. Will you go, be my escort? Let me introduce you to people as my boyfriend?” Autumn asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t know about what going, or me calling you my boyfriend?”
“Going, I like that you want to call me your boyfriend.”
“Good, but why do you not want to go?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just--” Syn was saying but trailed off and Autumn interjected in.
“Just what, you can tell me.”
“I don’t think I would fit in with your crowed.” Syn said looking at the ground unable to meet Autumn’s eyes.
“Why would you not fit in, of course you would fit in. You’re a great guy who would not like you.”
“I’m not like them. I’m nothing but the hired help.” Syn finally had said what he had been hoping to never say.
“You are not the hired help.” Autumn said taking Syn’s hand in hers.
“Yes I am that’s all I have ever been, ever since I was thirteen that’s all I’ve ever done. Syn do this, Syn do that. Syn you have to get a job to pay for your room. Syn you have to clean the house and cook dinner. Don’t forget about the laundry.”
“Syn, look at me.” Syn looked up and saw that Autumn was not going to back down from what she wanted to say. “You are not the hired help, you may work for a catering company but it’s what you have had to do to get by--” Syn cut her off.
“Wait you know about that. That I work in the kitchen for a catering company?” Syn asked surprised.
“How long have you known?” Syn asked.
“Since the day that I called you to return your watch.” Autumn said.
“And you still wanted to be with me, a lowly kitchen hand?”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you. You working in a kitchen, it’s just something that you have had to do to get by. It’s not who you are. You are who you are by your character not by how you have to work. Besides, Syn you’re a fighter. You’ll get the money that you need to get to culinary school, you’ll get your bakery and you’ll open up your own catering company. I know you will, because I believe in you. And if you let me I want to be right by your side while you’re doing it, every step of the way.” Autumn said staring at Syn in a way that he had only dreamt about until now.
“Yes. Yes to everything.” Syn said as he took Autumn into his arms, bringing her close as they shared the first of many kisses to come.