The Demon's Love

The Beginning

“Rainbow, Five Finger Death Punch is playing near us in a week.” My friend Kate, a.k.a. Pixie, said as she read the screen to her computer.

“Order tickets then.” I mumbled as I tried to type up this story for my creative writing class.

“Okay. Mrs. Todd, may I use the bathroom?” She asked and the computer lab technician looked up from her computer.

“Sure. Just take the pass so you don’t get in trouble.” Pixie nodded and got up.

“See ya when I come back.” She said as she scraped her nails along the back of my neck.

“Don’t do that.” I wined as I shook off the goose bumps.

“Pretty hard not to when you’re so focused on your task.” She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

Pixie was a beautiful ball of natural energy. She’s our school’s personal sin, next to me, because both her parents’ DNA gave her the physical make up of a super model. She has deep blue eyes that is brought out by her pale skin tone and black hair. Her pure black hair is always pulled into a half pony tail and the tail part is teased just right so it looks good without looking like a rat’s nest. Her outfits are always a mix between the Preppy and Scene fashion because she felt that both had nice clothes.

Pixie’s attitude pretty much matched the way she looked, beautifully insane. Like I said, she’s a natural ball of energy, but she’s addicted to caffeine and being clinically insane. Whereas, I’m pretty much just bipolar and I love to terrorize the world. Like Pixie, I’m addicted to caffeine and I always have a drink in my hands. Sometimes I even put off my sleep to get hyper, but mostly I put them off because of my weird dreams.

Almost every night I’m plagued of realistic dreams that has my heart racing whenever I wake up. Each and every dream is recorded and saved on my guitar flash drive, waiting to be put into a story. That’s what I loved about writing, my dreams made it easy, yet addictive. The assignment I’m working on now was actually a product of a reoccurring dream… or nightmare. I didn’t know what to call it. I always dreamt of myself getting abused then of this boy, which is actually a demon, always watching me and his name is Rev. Yes, even I knew Rev was a weird name, but maybe that’s why I liked him so much. But what had me really freaked out would be what happens after every dream. I keep hearing this voice calling out to me.

“Rainbow, what’s wrong?” Pixie asked and I shook my head before sighing.

“Need an ending for this.” I said while typing up the suicide note for the girl.

If you truly do love me, then search for me. For years or eons until I’m reborn. If you truly love me, then do that and when you find me, prove to me that you really care. Goodbye Rev. May the heavens or the graces of hell help you prove that you’re the one for me.

As I finished her suicide note I felt the tears gliding down my cheeks as it felt like a knife was being stabbed into my heart. I used that pain to write her final moments in time.

As I slipped my head through the noose I felt the warm tears gliding across my porcelain white cheeks and dripping to the floor. I knew in my heart that I loved Rev, but I also knew that he deserved someone who wasn’t as messed up as I was. He needed someone like him, immune to the human world and side affects, he needed another demon to be with him.

Rayne.” A voice whispered and my head snapped in the direction it came from. I found no one in the room besides Pixie, Mrs. Todd, and myself.

“I need sleep.” I whispered as I finished the story and hit the ‘Save’ button and the ‘Print’ button.

“How much sleep you getting?” Pixie asked as I made my way back to the seat to close up shop.

“Three to five.” I said as I took a sip of my monster, these drinks don’t effect me anymore I’m just addicted to the taste.

“Why are you sleeping so little?” I didn’t get to give her an answer before the principle’s booming voice came on the speakers.

“We are in an emergency state of lock down! There are-- OH GOD HELP ME!” He cried out before someone cleared their throat.

“Don’t worry folks. We aren’t here to harm you, we’re looking for a certain girl. She has electric blue eyes and porcelain white skin. A cute button nose and full lips. Her hair is raven black and curly. She wears heavy eyeliner and black eye shadow. Her name is Rayne Night. Please, please, send her to us so this game can stop.” The voice said and my breathing got stuck in my throat.

“Rainbow, who’s looking for you?” Pixie asked and I shrugged before the halls were filled with screaming people.

“Girls, stay here.” Mrs. Todd ordered and we nodded.

“Wanna play a game?” Pixie asked as she turned to her computer screen.

“Nah, you play and I’ll sleep.” I muttered before moving the keyboard and resting my head on my folded arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay? Ney?
Her name (Rayne) is pronounced like Rain
Rainbow's outfit
Pixie's outfit