The Demon's Love

Missing Something Important

Have you ever felt like you were missing something that was important? Something that shouldn’t have been stolen, like, it was vital to life that you had this thing with you at all times. Have you? Well, I have. Actually, I have that feeling right now as I stand in my room. It was such a discomforting feeling, but it was more uncomfortable to see myself as a preteen.

I was sitting in my room with the headphones blaring. I don’t remember what I was listening too, just something to ease away the pent up emotions. My eyes were closed as I sat with my back to the cream colored wall. I let my head roll back to the flat surface with the ugly paint and just hummed. It wasn’t in tune with anything, just random humming.

Sighing I sat next to my preteen self and tried to remember what had happened to make me enter the world I refused for so long. My natural curls were chemically straightened and the unnatural pale skin I was born with was paler. I stared at the younger Rayne as sweat glistened onto her face. Her body began to shiver and I noticed that her flushed face was turning a slight green color.

“Oh God.” She whispered before she found her head in the waste basket next to her, thank God it had a bag in it.

“She’s fucking home?” I heard her mother scream and I flinched.

Soon her mother would barge into her room and start on how she was the cause of everything bad in the world. And as if on queue her bedroom door slammed open as the disheveled woman made her way to the girl who looked like death was going to take over her.

“I’m sorry.” The girl whispered hoarsely as she struggled to sit up and look at her mother’s blazing brown eyes.

“You should be at school!” Her mother screamed and then slapped the girl. Her body fell to the floor and her mother went to town with beating her daughter.

I looked away disgusted as the mother’s stilettos dug into her daughter’s sides and stomachs. As the bile began to rise up in her stomach it began churning in my stomach. Without warning the twelve year old girl threw up on her mother’s thousand dollar shoes. Her mother cussed at her loudly as kicked her one last time, this time the preteen coughed up blood.

“Such a disgrace.” She spat on her daughter and I growled. I wanted to scream out that she was the whore who was cheating on her husband, but I knew my voice wouldn’t come out.

The mother huffed and turned on her heels while flipping her bleach blonde hair. I felt like killing her as I watched the younger Rayne struggle in pain to sit up. She didn’t want much, just a loving family. Was that much to the average human? Hmm, maybe to her since she wasn’t average, she was weird in this world and she knew it.

“Rayne?” I looked up to see Jimmy standing next to the battered child that was fighting between consciousness and unconsciousness.

“It hurts.” She whispered and I saw Jimmy’s eyes flashing red before he picked her up bride style.

“Shh. I’ll make you feel better.” He cooed as her body fell limp in his arms.

Gently he set her down on her bed and sat next to her torso. He brushed away the hair that clung to her face due to the sweat. He lifted up her shirt and looked at her bruising waist. Pain flickered in his eyes as he let his fingers run against them lightly. I saw the fire running across her skin and then the bruises were gone by the time the fire died down.

“Feel better baby girl. We’ll meet again soon.” He whispered before kissing her lovingly and getting up.

He let his hand engulf her forehead and then she started thrashing around like she was in pain. I felt the pain in my own head and looked to his face. When I saw Jimmy crying it was more than weird, I mean, he’s never cried so I didn’t know that his tears would be crimson. It was like he was crying blood.

“Please forgive me.” He whispered as his eyes met mine.

“You can see me?” I asked and he smiled faintly.

“Rayne, I could always see you.” He smiled before her thrashing ceased and he vanished.

I waited for my heart to race; his smiles always sent my heart into over drive. But, my heart didn’t react to anything like that. Actually, my heart wasn’t beating at all. My body was colder and skin was flushed. It was like I was dead. That’s when it hit me.

Jimmy ripped out my heart.
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Okay, how many of yall thought that she was awake in the last chapter? well she wasn't, she was dreaming it all and jimmy just has the ability to walk her dreams when she's not as guarded. please don't tell me you actually thought id be nice and make her wake up. im twisted (hence my name) and not sure if i want her dead or alive anymore. if i kill her she could always be reborn and a sequel could come out or i could just kill her off all together. but idk what to do if i decide to keep her alive. lol imma let you people decide, just not bri cause we already talked about your threat to me ^^.

Preteen Rayne