The Demon's Love

I Don't Know What's What Anymore

How could they walk out on me? Why would they leave me right before hell came crashing down on me? They knew so much about me, more than Pix did, and yet they know nothing at the same time. Did I mean so little to them? I guess to the others I wasn’t much than a friend, but Jimmy was so much more to me when I was younger. From what I can remember, his whole existence was what I looked forward to. But, he erased the one thing in my life that kept me sane.

“How could he have done that to me?” I whispered as I sat on one of the park benches.

As I sat down and watched my wolves play, I thought about how he made me lose all memory of him, then felt his heart beating in my chest cavity. It hurt to think that he would lie to me, no, he didn’t lie. He stole away those memories of him that could have kept me going through the drama. If he was there, maybe I could’ve handled the past better than I did when it was just Pix.

“Because he’s a demon.” I looked up to see Michel standing in front of me with sad eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked and he sighed before sitting in front of me.

“For you to live a human life. You grew attached to a demon and so now you’ll be hurt constantly. I was just hoping that you would see he wasn’t right for you.” He whispered and I laughed humorlessly.

“And you were? If I stayed with you then I couldn’t live a human life either.” I pointed out and he grinned.

“I would’ve clipped my wings for you.” I rolled my eyes.

“And why would you?”

“Because I really do love you. I realize that my ways of showing you that I loved you were messed up and not really the best methods, but I really did only want you. I could be with you like a human partner, whereas Rev had to kill you first.” He sighed before standing up. “It doesn’t matter now though right? He won. You guys are married and you’re now a half-breed.” He sneered and I felt my jaw slacken.

“How are we married?” I asked and he chuckled slightly.

“So he told you nothing at all?” He asked and I looked at him like he had three heads.

“Like what?” I asked and he shook his head.

“If you exchange hearts with a demon, that’s basically an everlasting marriage and if you try to get out of it, then the consequences are too horrific.” He said and my eyes went wide.

“What the fuck do you mean?” I yelled.

“Ask your husband.” He said before running off.

“Pussy.” I mumbled while bringing my knees to my chest.

Could I trust Michel’s words to be true? How could I trust a guy who tried to kill my boyfriend and me? I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. There was no way that he was telling the truth. Jimmy wouldn’t keep things from me; he loves me and trusts me.

He kept your memories from you The rational part of me pointed out and I sighed. I hated when it was right. But, I believe in Jimmy and refuse to think he would intentionally lie to me, at least not without a good reason.

I heard Death barking at me and sighed. They were bored and wanted to go home, I know that. I got up with a sigh and started my walk back to the secluded house, knowing that Death, Plague, and Mischief would follow me without me commanding to.

I can’t even say he doesn’t love me, he’s been searching for me for so long and shed tears over me more times than I can count. Denying that he loved me was like, denying that I needed the wolves in my house to ever make me feel safe. But it’s too much to think that he was RIGHT there but then left me during the times that my father grew ill and my mother actually started to make me feel like I wanted to trade places with my dad, who was barely hanging on by a silver thread.

“Rainbow?” I looked up to see Matt looking at me with eyes that belonged to a brother. “Can we talk?” He asked and I nodded, anything to avoid Jimmy’s hurt expression that I ran out on.
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oh bugger. what could matt want to talk about in her time of confusion? lol i hope that this story is as good as people are rating it. i only saw it rated with three stars so that makes me happy. i feel loved when you guys read my stuff, even though there is a lot of characteristics that makes me hate this story. anyway imma update some other stories. lol peace.