The Demon's Love

School and More Secrets

“You’re not coming to school with us!” I yelled as the guys stood at my door with bags ready for school.

“Please! They have no memory of us!” Jimmy wined and I sighed.

“FINE!” I screamed and stormed out the house to start my walk.

“Are you mad at me?” Jimmy asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“No, I just don’t see this ending well.” I sighed as he laughed.

“We’ll behave.” He said grinning and I sighed.

This will not end well.


“Rainbow.” I looked up from my desk to see Nick sitting on the desk next to me.

“Hey Nick.” I smiled up at my best guy friend.

“Where have you been? You’ve been out for a long time. The lacrosse team misses their head cheerleader!” He chuckled and I growled before punching his arm.

“I come cheer for you one time--”

“In a skirt.”

“And fall down--”

“In a skirt that showed your underwear.”

“And now I’m their favorite cheerleader!” I finished and he smirked before leaning down into my ear.

“Did you forget you were in a skirt around a whole bunch of horny guys?” He breathed and I shuddered. “In a pink lace boy shorts right?” He asked and I blushed. “Are you wearing them today?” He asked as he lifted up my skirt.

“HEY! Hands off my girlfriend.” I heard a booming voice cry out and looked up to see Jimmy being held back by Matt and Johnny.

“You have a boy toy?” Nick asked with jealousy in his eyes.

“Yup. And I love him with everything I have.” I beamed and before I knew it I was being scooped up into a hug. “… Jimmy, I’m in a skirt.” I said calmly and Nick laughed.

“So you ARE wearing the pink lace boy shorts!” Nick laughed and Jimmy set me down gently before going to punch Nick.

“JIMMY NO!” I yelled while catching his fist.

“Hmmm. Tall, handsome, and strong. Rainbow, I’m so jealous of you.” Nick said before skipping off.

“What the fuck happened?” Johnny asked and I sighed.

“Nick is gay.” I told Jimmy as I made him sit down next to me.

“Really?” He questioned and I nodded.

“Yes, but he doesn’t make it blatantly obvious.” I sighed and he nodded before kissing me gently.

“Sorry.” He whispered and I smiled.

“It’s cool.”

“Hey cheerleader! You going to come to practice and see Nick? We miss you.” Joey said with a wink.

“Is he gay?” Jimmy asked and I shook my head.

“Nope, but he is a good friend.” I smiled before kicking Joey in the jewels.

“HA! I’m wearing a cup!” He said and I sighed.

“Joey, I have my jealous boyfriend right her; do you think it’s wise to be coming on to me?” I asked and he shrugged.

“I’m bored. Hey, I’m Joey. You should join the lacrosse team.” He said while flashing his pearly whites.

“Maybe we will.” Matt said as he stepped in front of me.

“Class! We’re starting! Oh Rayne. Welcome back sweetie.” Mrs. Dwyer beamed and I smiled at her.

“Thanks.” She nodded and began to tell us about our next assignment.

We were starting poetry and I smiled slightly as I took out my notebook. I already had a few lines in my head. I looked around to see that the guys weren’t even attempting to pay attention. Johnny and Matt were playing hang man, Zack and Brian were arguing about who’s the better guitarist, and Jimmy had his head down on his desk looking at me with a smile.

Do you normally tune out your teachers? I heard a voice ask and I furrowed my brows together. Relax love, it’s just me, Jimmy. I‘m using telepathy, you can use it too since you have my heart.

Wait… what does that mean? ‘Since you have my heart.’ I asked as I wrote down a few more words.

Because you have my heart, you have everything I do. You have all my demonic powers and you’ll be able to feel everything I feel. He explained and I gave a slight smile before going back to the note pad. What are you writing? I can’t make it out because you’re blocking the words. He said and I giggled slightly.

Sorry. It says: Your eyes that condemn me. So beautiful yet painful. Your eyes that saves me. So deep that holds many unspoken secrets I looked at his eyes and he seemed to be deep in thought.

Rayne… is that fo--- His thoughts were cut off by the bell.

“What were you saying?” I asked after I gathered my things.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” I nodded my head and ran to catch up with Pixie.

-Jimmy’s POV-

“I SEE A SEXY RAINBOW!” Pix screamed and Zacky laughed at her.

“I SEE A PIXIE ON CRACK!” Rayne screamed and I sighed.

“You’ll have to tell her at some point.” Johnny said and I looked down on him.

“No one stepped on you yet? I thought you’d be under somebody’s shoe at this point.” I shrugged before walking off.

“Jimmy, you can’t hide it forever. She’ll need to know.” Johnny tried again and I turned to look at him.

“Not now Johnny… please not now.” My voice broke and I saw sympathy flash in his eyes.

“Just… at least try at some point.” I nodded and we had to split ways. Stupid teachers split us up.

“Jimmy, you coming?” Rainbow asked with a big smile and I nodded my head.

“What’s our next class?” I asked and she smiled at me.

“Spanish.” I grimaced.

“I’m good at it but I hate relearning it.” I said and she giggled lightly.

“We have a sub apparently. We can sit in the back and just talk.” She said and I nodded.

I love you. I thought as my heart squeezed with the secret that I have to tell her.

I love you too. She beamed as she looked up at me.

If only she knew what I’m hiding, she wouldn’t love me anymore. She’d hate me, she’ll want to kill me and curse my existence. And worse of all, I’ll gladly take it all just for her.
♠ ♠ ♠

MORE SECRETS!!!!!!! And more plot twists <3 God I love plot twists! lol sorry it took so long, i had no idea what to make the next chapter but I know what the secret is (like i just thought of the secret right at this very moment) lol.

Well this is dedicated to Hannah, Bri, Bree, the rest of the bunch that normally threatens me to update this story, and Johnny cause I love him <3.

Love lots,