The Demon's Love

Time To Talk and Fate Comes To Play

Jimmy, are you okay? You seem so down. Her concern hit me like a ton of bricks.

I’m just thinking. I sighed and she shook her head.

No, you’re worried. Jimmy, tell me. She pleaded and I turned away from her.

Just leave it Rayne, you can’t fix everything. I winced at how harsh those words sounded.

When I didn’t get a response from her I looked over to see her staring at the movie that was playing. Her face seemed emotionless and hard. Her eyes were blank and her lips were set into a cold, hard, line. A wall was up to block out her emotions and thoughts to me. I sighed and went to cover her hand with my own.

“Don’t touch me.” She seethed as she turned to face me.

“Rayne…” I breathed when I saw her eyes turn a pitch black. I sniffed the air slightly and smelled the rust of blood and looked down to see her nails had gotten longer and sharper and were digging into her skin. “It said a year…” I whispered as my eyes stayed fixated on the blood dripping between her fingers.

Jimmy? What’s with the smell of blood? Matt’s voice came to me from the front of the room.

Her body is reacting way faster than it should! Matt, what the fuck do I do?

TELL HER! He screamed and I sighed as I got up and took her out of the room.

“Jimmy let go of me!” She protested as I marched us out of the building and into the woods. “James! Let the fuck go! Get off!” She screamed as she punched my arm.

“RAYNE!” I finally yelled as I pinned her to a boulder. She flinched and I shook my head as the tears came pouring out. “Rayne, I’m so sorry.” I breathed as I placed my forehead on her shoulder.

“What the hell are you talking about?” She asked and I shook my head before pressing my lips to hers.

“You need to feed.” I whispered and she pushed me away from her.

“On what?” She asked with venom laced with every letter of her words.

“A human heart.” I said and she walked away from me shaking her head in disbelief. “Rayne! Please! If you don’t you could fucking die!” I said and she stopped and turned to me with the most painful expression on her face.

“How come I always have to die?” She asked with tears sliding down her face and I felt my hearts shattering into a million pieces. “Is that all I can do to be with you? To die? Or to take a life? That’s fucking absurd. Jimmy… I wish I never met you.” She whispered and walked away.

I went to call her back but my voice wouldn’t work. It couldn’t work. It was lost in my own body. But it wasn’t just because it was lost, it’s also because I knew she wasn’t lying. She truly wished we had never met once in her life times and I don’t blame her. I was the cause of all her pain. I killed her this time and because of my own stupid mistake she’ll die within a short time. It was my fault that she could no longer be human.

“You should have given up on her.” I heard Michael’s voice say from behind me.

“I know.” I whispered as more tears fell from my eyes.

“Why didn’t you then?” He asked and I shrugged.

“Because I’m greedy.” I said and he scoffed.

“She’ll die in two days… when she dies I have to permanently end her cycle.” He breathed and I looked up at him.

“You’re not Fate though. You don’t control whose life cycle ends or begins.” I said logically.

“I know… this is my punishment for falling in love with a human who is turning demon. Greed, don’t let her die in those two days.” He pleaded as he lowered his head.

Fate won’t like that you’re begging a demon to save a future demon.” I said and he nodded.

“Fate hates me anyway.” He chuckled and I nodded.

“Fate hates us all.” I breathed before hearing a laughing sound.

“Greed, I thought you were burning in the depths of hell.” I groaned as I realized who was talking.

“I thought you were confined to the tower at the ends of Earth to control everyone’s life.” I said and she laughed.

“I’m allowed out when angels and demons are plotting to go against me. You can’t stop it Greed, I control it all. She won’t take a human’s life. She won’t eat the heart of anything. She will die and Death will bring her to Michael and he will end her cycle in my tower. And you and the other sins will watch as your precious… play toy dies.” She spat as she sat on top of a fallen tree.

“WHY DO YOU LOVE TORMENTING US?” I growled and she laughed again.

“What else do you expect out of the puppet master? It’s fun and it entertains me as I wait for the world’s end. It passes the time until everything turns to ashes and this world goes spiraling down to the abyss. It’s my revenge for the life I was given. I’ll create a mass genocide like the Holocaust without flinching. I’ll spread the largest plague like the Black Death and not flinch at the amount of bodies that fall to earth.” The sweet, innocent, smile that her lips formed made me want to vomit.

“You truly are the cruelest of us all.” Michael said and she shrugged.

“Just don’t forget that I win in the end. No one can escape me.” She smiled wickedly before fading into nothing but the wind caring her laughter.

“It’s scary how something that beautiful can be so twisted.” Michael said and I nodded in agreement. “Rev, save Rayne and don’t let me end her life.” He whispered before vanishing too.

“How can I save someone who doesn’t want to be saved?” I asked no one in particular as I walked back towards the school.
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dedicated to BREE!!!!!! Bri, Hannah, Lea, Val, and A7X FTW because she squealed from the last chapter and her brother looked at her like she was crazy XD