The Demon's Love

Demon's Come Out to Play

“Rayne, where are you?” I heard a male’s voice call out.

I groaned, angry that I’m sleep deprived, and opened my eyes. I expected to be sitting in the computer lab with Pixie doing something, but that wasn’t the case. I was in total blackness with a spotlight on me. Was I really that important?

“Rayne, please tell me where you are.” The voice begged and when I opened my mouth to tell him, something stopped me.

A pain in my chest and then to my throat. My heart was shattering as my throat was closing. I didn’t know what was happening to my body, but I did know that I was now crying.

I’m human, it’ll never work out between us. The thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

“I’m sorry.” I choked out before my breathing stopped.

“RAYNE!” He screamed in agony and I faintly saw a pair of blue eyes staring at me with tears.

“Rayne, come here.” Pixie hissed as I woke up.

“Okay.” I nodded as I fought back the urge to bawl like a baby. That dream was too much. Too much pain and sorrow for me to fully comprehend… for now.

I walked over to the door she had slightly open. We saw three men standing there and they looked scary as hell. One was just short and look like he had an attitude problem and loved to defy people’s orders with that blond and black fuzzy hair of his. Ha I might get along with him. The one in the middle had a buzz cut and massive muscles. He looked like a major steroid user and like he could break his partner in the sheets. He’d most likely get along well with Pixie. The last one was tall, like his head almost reached the top of the ceiling. But there was something about him that made me want to reach out and hug him.

“Rayne, what are you doing?” Pixie asked and the tall one’s head instantly turned to us.

“Rayne?” He asked and I felt the tears spilling out as I saw his blue eyes.

I nodded, breathless, as I let my eyes roam his form. I’d say he was about 6’0 give or take, mostly give, a few inches. And his black hair was straight in the front with the sides down to his chin and spiky in the back. I saw that he had handcuffs tattooed around his neck and the word ‘FICTION’ down his chest. All in all he was hot and he was coming closer towards us. He’d probably make it over here in a few strides. Granted it didn’t help that he had long legs and the halls were narrow as fuck.

“GET BACK HERE!” Pixie screamed and shut the door right on his face, literally right on his face.

“Now that wasn’t nice. Our friend is only trying to find her.” A masculine voice said and we squeaked as we turned to see two guys inching forward.

“What do you want with her?” Pixie asked while attempting, and failing epically, to sound tough. The taller one with the pimp hat started laughing as the shorter one grabbed her face and examined it.

“She’s cute.” The one with snake bites and a septum piercing said before the door swung open.

“Come on Pixie.” I said grabbing her hand and walking as far away from these guys as possible. Sadly, we were stopped and they formed a circle around us.

“Rainbow, I’m scared.” She whispered as she buried her face into the small of my back.

“Rainbow?” The one using steroids started laughing at that.

“Yeah, what’s so funny about my name?” I growled and I saw the tall one smirking.

“It’s fucking RAINBOW!” He laughed harder and I kicked his side.

“At least I don’t look like a fuck face that needs to lay off the steroids buddy.” He growled before grabbing my shirt and putting his hand around my throat.

“Matt, stop!” The tallest one said and Matt, or as I like to call him, Steroids dude, backed off.

“Rainbow, stop angering the fucking meat heads!” Pixie screamed and I glared at her before punching her arms.

“OW!” She screamed and I rolled my eyes before pushing past them to open my energy drink.

“I’m tired.” I mumbled before the big one knelt down in front of me.

“You’re really Rayne aren’t you?” He asked and I looked at him like he had three heads.

“Yes, yes I am. Now what do you want with me?” I asked and gasped when I saw the tears coming out. “Why are you crying?” I asked as I put down my drink and wiped at his tears.

“YOU MENTAL WOMAN! Are you seriously trying to make someone, who could possibly want to kill you and eat you, feel better?” Pixie asked and I stared at her blankly.

“And you point is?” I asked and she let out a frustrated scream.

“You know what? I hope they take you and eat you and I hope they enjoy it!” She said and I threw my copy of Night at her chest.

“Stop being a drama queen.” I said and heard all the guys erupt into laughter.

“Rayne, don’t leave me again.” The tall one whispered and I sighed.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. I mean, you look like a total hottie that I can see myself dating, but I really don’t know you.” I said and he pouted before smiling.

“You said you could see yourself dating me! I heard it!” He said before the one called Matt handed him a folder.

“Read this. She’s lying to you.” He growled and I snapped.

“Why would I lie? What possible reason do I have for lying to him? Huh? Tell me cause I have no fucking clue and you seem to!” I demanded before the screaming in the hall became too loud. “And would someone make the screaming stop for Christ’s sake!” I yelled.

“I didn’t do it.” The shortest one said and I looked at him oddly.

“Maybe we should introduce ourselves.” The pimp hat one said.

“Yeah, please do.” I glared and he smiled.

“I’m Synyster Gates.” He said taking off his hat and bowing.

“I’m Zacky Vengeance!” The one who grabbed Pix’s face beamed.

“Johnny Christ.” The short one said.

“Matt Shadows, and I’ll make the screaming stop.” Suddenly the voices calmed down and I smiled.

“Thank you.” I said and he nodded.

“I’m Rev!” The tall one said as I took a sip of my monster.

“EW RAINBOW!” Pix screamed as I spit out the liquids in my mouth.

“Don’t fucking toy with me stretch. Rev isn’t real!” I shouted and he looked hurt.

“Yes, I am.” He pouted before going back to reading the folder. “And you remember me, otherwise you wouldn’t write about us.” He said handing me the short story.

“What are you talking about? Beautiful Disaster is based off of a dream I had.” I said and he shook his head.

“No, this happened centuries ago.” He said and I was kind of thankful I was sitting.

“Rayne?” Pix called and I looked at her oddly.

“Pix, I think I’m Rachelle.” I said and she tilted her head. “The abused girl in my story who eventually killed herself and proposed a deal to the demon that… YOU GUYS ARE DEMONS!” I shouted and they smiled.

“She’s smart.” Matt shrugged as Rev looked at him with a smirk.

“Rayne, can I kiss you?” He asked as he spread my legs and moved his body closer to mine.

“Say no!” Pix yelled and I placed my forehead on his shoulder.

“Where were you when I would beg for someone to take me away?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry. You weren’t in Germany so I had to hunt you down.” He whispered and I sighed.

“This has to be a dream.” I breathed and I felt his shoulders move from a chuckle.

“Test it. Normally you wake up after we kiss.” He said as he turned his face towards mine. “Let’s try it.” I felt his breath on mine and I couldn’t help but crash my lips to his.
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So what do you think?
I accept any and all banners if ya want to create one for the story since my banner sucks because i can't do proper photo manipulations. lol.