The Demon's Love

Bitches and Truths

-Matt’s POV-

“I have to see her!” Pix screamed as Zack held her back.

“Kate, you shouldn’t. She’s losing her humanity and right now isn’t the best time to see her.” I explained calmly and she shot me a look that told me to fuck off.

“Pix, please understand.” Johnny tried but she shook her head as she continued to hit Zack’s hand away.

“She ate her fucking mother! How could you let her do such a vile thing?” She cried and we looked away from her.

We knew how she felt about us. She hated us for letting her best friend go through this. She hated Jimmy for finding her, Johnny for deciphering the book, me for not being sensible and stopping the others like I normally do, and Brian most of all. She yelled at him saying he was the one that ignited this. If he hadn’t let her see Jimmy then Jimmy didn’t have to rip out her heart and exchange them. If Brian had left Rayne alone none of this would’ve happened. But worst of all… she feared Zack. Every time he tries to touch her she flinches away. Every time he tries to talk to her she turns away from him and ignores him. She can’t even look at him in the eyes.

“Pixie, please stop.” Zack begged, his voice cracked as he tried to hold back his tears.

“DON’T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” She screamed and Zack finally dropped his grip on her.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered as a red tear fell from his green eyes.

“I can’t believe this shit happened. If you all had left us alone she’d be normal.” She whispered and Ashley stepped up.

“Pix, you can’t blame the guys, they didn’t know thi--”

“OF COURSE YOU’D FUCKING DEFEND THEM! YOU’RE A DEMON TOO!” Pix yelled and Ashley smacked her.

“I didn’t ask to be. I was born with demon blood in me, yes. I have a demon’s heart in my body, yes. But damn it Pix, I don’t like feeding off of people. I still have my humanity and it’s because I had a demon there to save me. No demon can possibly understand what Rayne is going through. No human can either. Hell, not even Tor and I can understand because we were too young to understand when we changed! Pixie, acting like a fucking spoiled brat and making your soul mate fucking resent his existence because you’re afraid to touch him will not save Rayne’s humanity. There’s only one thing that will; Jimmy. Believe it or not you’re not everything she needs. You’re not why she was born. You’re not the one that’s going to save her. Jimmy is. It’s all Jimmy and he fucking realizes that. Now stop bitching about things we can’t control anymore. If you have a fucking problem with being around demons then fucking leave.” She growled as she pointed to the door of her house.

“Ashley, you don’t understand. How fucking could you? You don’t fucking know anything!” Pix screamed and this time it was Tori’s turn to get in her face.

“Listen here Kate. If you ever, and I mean ever, speak to my sister like that again I’ll rip your fucking head off. No one is to yell at Ash Pash, even horse cock over there,” She pointed to me and my eyes went wide, why point at me? “is allowed to talk to her like that, without feeling the side effects. Now sit your fucking ass down or get the fuck out of our house.” She growled and Pix sat down. “Good girl. Now sit and meet my daddy.” She beamed like nothing happened.

“I love you Tori!” Ashley yelled as she hugged her sister.

“Get off! You’re fat!” Tori said before the door slammed.

“Girls! I’m home!” We heard a gruffy teenage voice call out.

"DADDY!" They screamed as they tackled a teenaged boy with an emo hairstyle and his bangs had purple dye over his bangs.

“Daddy! I want a pony!” Ashley said in a British accent and then her dad laughed.

“How about I give you a Lala.” The teenaged boy said before stepping aside to reveal a girl with thick blond hair with blue and pink hair dye in it. She’s pale and has striking blue eyes. She had prominent cheek bones and a button nose. Her lips were thin and her body looked like if you weren’t careful you could break her.

“LALA MY LOVER!” Tori yelled and I gave her a ‘What the fuck?’ look.

“Oh my fucking god I see a fucking sexy guy. Hey, I’m Lala.” She said as she walked over to Bri.

“Syn.” He stated and she gave him a devilish smirk.

“Lust.” She purred and the guy pulled her away.

“No sex. Synyster Gates… it’s been eons since I last saw you.” He said and we looked at him oddly.

“Uh guys.. This is our dad, Micky.” Tori said with a shit eating grin.

“Or as the demons and angels know him, Memoria.” Ashley said as she grabbed her dad’s hands.

“Shadows, Gates, Veangence, and Christ. It has been so long since I have seen you. Since Lucifer’s rebellion for you three.” He said motioning towards Zack, Bri, and I. “Christ, I have not forgotten the debt I owe you.” He said as he hugged Ashley.

“So this is the reason you came crying to me in the rain eight years ago.” Johnny laughed slightly as he moved closer to Ashley. “I’m glad it went to someone who is worth it.” He whispered as he moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her lightly.

“Yo, Short Shit. Mind explaining?” Zack asked and we all agreed.

“Guys… Ashley has my heart and I have hers.” He said as he locked his arms around her waist. “She’s all mine.” He whispered with a stupid grin on his face.

“I’ll explain what happened.” Memoria said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ash's and Tor's dad:


Lala is depicted in the banner.