The Demon's Love

Satan's Means of Torture

“So you’re good? No more wanting to eat people?” Pix asked for the fiftieth time.

“Yes Pixie! I’m fine.” I said for the second time in one minute.

“Kate, I swear to fucking God; if you don’t stop asking that question I’ll eat you.” Ashley growled and I giggled slightly.

It’s been a week since I fought for my sanity. During that week a lot has happened. Some good things and some bad shit. Good thing number one, Memoria and everyone else kind of moved into my house. Bad thing number one, Zack and Pixie have been fighting constantly. Why have they been fighting? It’s quite simple really; Pix wants to turn into a demon so she doesn’t feel left out and Zack wants to wait until he’s ready to watch her go through the same thing that Lala and I went through. Oh yeah, Brian turned Lala the first time they had sex. It didn’t take long for her to willingly go through what I did and eat a human; it turns out she ate this guy that tried to rape her while she was walking in the park after her and Brian fought for the first time.

“I want tacos… Johnny can you get me tacos?” Ashley asked cutely from her spot on top of Johnny’s lap.

“Sure baby.” He beamed and she squealed before kissing him.

“You’re amazing. I love you.” She ‘whispered’ after she pulled apart enough so that their foreheads were touching.

“I love you too.” He whispered before she got up.

Yeah, Johnny and Ashley have been almost inseparable since we found out he was once a pedophile. Well, I think he still is one since technically he’s over a hundred years old and she’s still eighteen… wait no, she’s technically a legal adult now. Anyway, they’re always cuddling together on the couch or talking to each other during classes. I try not to think about what they do in their bedroom since the last time I walked in there and… well my eyes were scarred. It turns out they managed to rig the room so that it’s sound proof. I don’t even want to know how they did that without foam walls.

“Jimmyyyy.” I whined and he looked at me lovingly. “I want a taco.” I pouted.

“I’ll get you the state taco, I think they’re out of hibernation at this time of the year.” He said seriously and I giggled lightly at him.

“You’re awesome and a way better ninja than Short Shit.” I said before he pecked my lips with his.

“Damn straight woman!” He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Bri, I want Japanese food.” Lala said suddenly and that kicked off all the girls ordering what they wanted to eat.

“Damn, I’ll come with you guys since you’re bound to have a lot.” Memoria said and the guys nodded.

“Bye!” We yelled out to the guys before they left in search of our food.

“What would we do without them?” Pix asked with a smile.

“Lose a good fuck.” We all said at the same time. We looked at each other before busting out in laughter.

Suddenly I began feeling my skin tearing apart and looked down to my arms to see that the flesh was being peeled back layer by layer until you could see the bone. Naturally, I screamed my head off. And not long after screaming I felt the pain of it as I looked to see my WHOLE body doing that.

“Oh my fucking god!” Tor screamed as she ran over to me with a worried expression.

"What the fuck is going on?" I groaned out before I felt my lip splitting open and saw the girls cringing.

"Not only does it look disgusting it sounds disgusting." Lala said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay, Jimmy and the guys are on their wa--"

"Where is she? What's going on?" Jimmy yelled as he ran into the room seconds before the peeling and reattaching had stopped.

"They're here..." Ash said with a smirk.

"What the fuck was happening?" Jimmy asked in disgust at what he just witnessed.

"We don't know. We were talking and then suddenly I heard tearing noises and looked down to see my skin peeling until you saw bleach white bones." I said and everyone kind of made gagging noises at what I just told them.

"That's gross." Johnny mumbled as he scrunched up his face.

"It sounds familiar..." Brian said in a thoughtful tone before Matt agreed with him.

"But how?" Jimmy asked and even Memoria shrugged.

"Um... Satan...." Zack said before we all turned to him confuse as fuck. Zack sighed as he sat near Pixie. "It's how he used to torture the damned. He'd first, peel them layer by layer until they were just a screaming skeleton. Then, he'd reattach them when he had gotten bored of their cries for mercy. After, he'd burn them in a fire that never dies and matches the heat intensity of the sun, he used to tell me it was once part of the sun before he captured it. Then he'd heal them and make them believe that they were let into a paradise, well their idea of a paradise. They would be asleep during this trance and he'd have them hooked up to a medical table with empty packets that resembled those that could be found in the hospitals, what you would see during a blood transfusion, and he'd painfully extract the blood. But it wouldn't be with one of those hooked up to the person... It'd be enough so that there was one sticking out from every vein. The blood wouldn't come out slowly either; it'd come out like a flowing river with ever droplet binging the damned more pain than the last. Then finally he'd pull them out of their illusion, and since it was Hell, they'd still be able to feel the rest of their punishment. The person would watch as the demons drank their blood and feasted on their bodies until Satan had finally had enough and let their souls go to Fate so that they could restart the game all over again." Zack said and my jaw dropped.

"... Excuse me while I go throw up..." Pix said as she made a mad dash to the bathroom.

"That's sick..." Lala muttered as she buried her head in Brian's shoulder.

"Wow... Lucifer is cruel..." I mumbled and Jimmy shook his head.

"Satan isn't Lucifer. Lucifer is a fallen angel. He still has some compassion for humans; it maybe small but it's still there. Satan holds no love. He can't love." Jimmy explained and I looked at him oddly.

"Why not?" Ashley, Tori, and I asked at the same time.

"Because Satan is the equivalent of an evil twin... Only he's God's evil twin." Johnny said as he held Ashley close to him.

"I'm lost." Tori said and we nodded.

"Sweetie, God loves everything and everyone. He breathes life to this world and keeps the peace. Satan is the part of God that hates everything. He wants to lay waste to the world as much as Fate does. The only thing he likes is torturing everyone; even us demons occasionally. War, famine, death, and pestilence are what Satan brings to the world. It's sad to think about but they really do bring balance to the world. Just like us demons and the angels. Everything needs to have a certain balance, that is true for us supernatural beings too. If there was no Satan then God would have too much power, if there was no God then Satan would have too much power. Both are needed to keep order amongst us angels, demons, and humans." Matt explained and we sorta got it, but we mostly just wanted to forget everything that just happened so we played like we understood perfectly.

"So... What did I do to Satan that is causing him to want to punish me?" I asked and the guys shrugged.

"We should go ask him..." Memoria said calmly and the guys nodded.

"Yes, but that would mean going to the plains. We were banished from hell... We can't step through those gates ever again." Brian said and the guys sighed.

"I hate the plains." Johnny complained.

"They're worse than Hell itself." Matt grumbled.

"Too bad! We're going. I'm not letting Rainbow go through this without a proper explanation as to why!" Jimmy said and I smiled.

"Alright! Let's go!" Ashley and Tori yelled like they were ready for a fight.

"NO!" Matt and Johnny growled.

"You can't come." Johnny said and the girls pouted.

"And why the hell not?" Tori questioned.

"Because it's dangerous and we don't want you girls getting hurt. We'll be back." Matt said as he went to kiss his girlfriend but she turned away from him.

"I love you." Johnny said while trying the same thing with Ashley; he got the same result.

"We'll be back." Brian said before him and Lala had a passionate make out session.

"How will you react to me?" Jimmy asked while holding out his arms for a hug.

"I can't stay mad at you." I muttered meekly as I got up and hugged him before kissing him lovingly.

"Why can't you be like them?" Matt asked as he pointed to Lala and I.

"Because we just aren't!" Tori shouted as Ashley just ignored us all and watched t.v. wit Pix, who had already said her goodbyes to Zack.

"We need to leave now." Memoria said sadly before all the guys faded out of the house.

"I'm lonely..." I whispered and the girls looked at me with matching eyes.

"We are too..." Tori said before she got and left the living room.

"I hope they'll be safe." Ashley muttered as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Now we wait..." Pixie said as she cast her eyes down to the floor.

"Everything will turn out just fine." Lala said with a hopeful smile.
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay the reason that they're dressed that way is because they were supposed to go swimming but shit happens. So who here was disturbed by Zack's explanation as to where that seems familiar? I personally wanted to act like Pix did and I freaken wrote it! Well credit for the idear goes to my lovely adopted sister Hannah Bear because she did help me in being a sadistic bitch :)

Fuck I'm not writing this all out. It's the same as last time and the times before hand for the exact same fucking reasons.


The end might come in like 3-4 chapters. I'm not sure yet but i do have the ending planned out which means it's deff almost over so i can focus on Our Own Little Piece of Heaven[/] since that's almost over too. Oh since Heaven is like not getting much reviews and obviously isn't as popular as this drama filled shit i request that the people who are reading Heaven actually drop comments. Gracias and peace.