The Demon's Love

The Talk With Satan and God

-Jimmy's POV-

It’s been a month since we left the girls, well at least it’s a month outside the plains. The plains hold a different time pattern. Different to how the time works in all the dimensions. Heaven’s time is extremely fast. It would be the equivalent of one day of Earth’s time is one week to heaven’s time. And one day of Earth’s time is one minute of Hell’s time. One month of Earth’s time is one minute of the plains’ time. So technically we’ve been on the plains for one minute waiting for a meeting with Satan and God.

“This better be good you shit heads! I was torturing a rapist.” Satan sneered as he came over to us with a whip in hand.

He only wore a pair of black pants with chains all over and a spiked belt. his shoes were pure black and had fire trailing behind him. He wore a skull ring on both his middle fingers. He wore a skull bracelet that reflected the fire that burned in his eyes.

“You love to torture people too much.” God chuckled.

“So you’d rather forgive the bastard for raping and killing little ‘innocent’ people than punish them for their crimes and suffer a worse fate than those kids did?” Satan bellowed from his end of the rock tower.

“You sound like you actually care.” Johnny said with a scoff and, of course, Satan got pissed at him and pushed him off the edge.

“Small creatures should be mindful of how they talk to those who’re bigger than them.” He growled as God helped his fallen angel up.

“Come now, he was only giving his view on the statement you just made.” God said and we all sighed as we sat down waiting for the fight that was bound to erupt between the two.

“Well the little fuck should’ve learned to keep his mouth closed! They should be dead anyway since they’re not welcome in either Heaven or Hell. Little assholes should just go perish.” He sneered at us over the screaming people blow the rock we were on.

I looked over the edge to see people screaming and begging for help as their demons sucked them under the black waters. Even Matt cringed at the sound of the tortured human souls and the angels’ cries as they burned for their crimes. The plains was a place that no one wanted to be. It was a place for the damned to spend their eternity being tortured as they waited for their turn for Satan to punish them. Compared to the plains, Satan’s torture was pleasant and like a blessing.

“They’re welcome back into the gates of Heaven as long as they apologize for their sins.” God said as he touched Matt who shied away from him.

Just like that, their fighting took place. Everything they disliked about each other coming out, honestly, it was stupid and they were acting like siblings fighting just so they could talk to each other. I guess you could say that they were like siblings trying to get the other’s attention. Satan resented that God got all the attention for being a holy being while he was the one that punished people for their crimes, but God didn’t see that Satan just wanted a simple ‘Thank you.’ or a simple ‘People can believe what they want about you, but I know you’re a good being.’ It’s a sad thing to realize that Satan was just the younger brother trying to get his older brother’s approval.

“OH SHUT UP!” I finally screamed and they looked at me like I had three heads. “Please, we’re just here to ask Satan to stop torturing Rayne Night.” I pleaded while looking at the man with a broken expression.

“…” He was silent with confusion.

“Satan, why are you torturing a half demon?” God asked angry, yes surprisingly he still held some compassion for the creatures of Hell or the products of Hell’s creatures.

“I’m not. I’ve been too busy in Hell to torture beings on Earth. Ever since Vengeance left of his own accord I’ve had no one to help me punish the sinners so I’ve been working over time with them. I haven’t had time to punish people or creatures on Earth in centuries.” He explained and my jaw dropped.

“ZACK YOU LEFT OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL?” I asked stunned and everyone slapped their foreheads. “Hey God, I thought you were against violence.” I said and he shook his head.

“Your stupidity is astonishing.” He mumbled and everyone laughed.

“Oh my God! God is insulting me!” I yelled and Brian threw a rock at me.

“So if Satan isn’t torturing Rainbow… then are you?” Memoria asked as he pointed to God.

“No.” He said simply.

“Then who the fuck is torturing her?” Matt screamed in frustration.

“Possibly the only other person who can.” God explained and we all got confused looks on our faces.

“He means Fate you dip shits. Man, I can’t believe even you guys would be that fucking stupid to leave her out of the equation.” Satan said as he took out a cigarette and snapped his fingers to light it up. He took a long drag before blowing the smoke in our faces. “And stupid fucks, you left the girls for three months with no protection; there’s no telling what Fate has done to them right now.” He snickered and my eyes went wide.

“Shit… he’s right…” Johnny whispered before we all started to panic.

-God’s POV-

We watched them panic and then realized that they should have left by now. When they finally did leave I turned to my brother and sighed with how he changed his appearance, again, to look even less like me. It was sad since I did love my brother, but at the same time it hurt how he wanted nothing to do with me.

“Those fucks are as stupid as mortals.” He breathed out with a cloud of smoke.

“They just want to protect their mates.” I defended and he scoffed.

“Well, they’re doing one hell of a job there dun cha think?” He asked with a sigh as he sat on the rock.

“What are you doing? The plains is a place even you hide from.” I said and he looked at me with those same guarded eyes he always looks at me with.

“I’m enjoying the peace. Like I said, I’m over worked right now.” He whispered before drawing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. He looked like a cowering child.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I laid my hand on his shoulder.

“Doesn’t matter. Just go back to fucking Heaven.” He spat and I sighed.

“I can’t force you to tell me.” I murmured as a white light appeared to my side and I stepped in it long enough to see Satan go up in flame and leave a scorch mark where he once sat. I sighed as I walked through the light to get back to Heaven's gate.
♠ ♠ ♠
God's wearing what the picture shows.

Okay so this story got reported for grammar and too many pics. Well, here's what I have to say to that: fuck off if you don't like it. I type these chapters on word document and let the auto correct do the editing. Obviously whoever reported me didn't have the balls to ask me in a comment to go over and edit things (which I do btw when I'm not swamped with shit or bored, I'm sorry people but I do have a life away from mibba) and the pics are because I was honestly too lazy to type out the URL coding shit and plus I know some people are too lazy to actually look at that shit. I'm sorry if the person who reported me reads this and gets offended but honestly, I'm not caring. This story has two more chapters left and then I'll probably never look at it again, do you really think I'm going to go over this story with a fine tooth comb with two fucking chapters left? If you do then you're mistaken. Well I hope your day is fan-fucking-tastic (note sarcasm.)

To the people who leave comments
Bri cause I'm hoping this magically cures her from her illness
Bree because she's apparently going to steal me from Johnny... (idk they have to work that out.)
Lee cause she's amazing and I'm not sure if she reads this anymore.
Mommy and Daddy because they're just kick ass.
Brian cause he scarred me for life (wait... that's a bad thing! ... oh well)
Zack because he's just effing amazing
Johnny cause I love him <3