The Demon's Love

A New Meaning to 'Sick and Unusual Punishment.'

It’s been three months since the guys left. Each day the torment has been so much worse. The first week of them gone nothing happened. I thought it was over; but I was wrong. The next week my skin burnt away for the whole week! I locked myself in my room and laid on my bed crying at how horrible I looked since I was just blood and muscles. After a few weeks of nothing, my eyes felt like they were burning and like someone poured something acidic on them. The room got dark and I screamed out of fear. Pixie came running in and screamed too… only her scream was because my eyes had melted from their sockets.

Rayne…” Lala called as she knocked on the door.

“Go--” I went to tell her to go away but suddenly my teeth began growing, but why? I’m not hungry.

As my teeth grew larger than they normally would when I was hungry, I screamed. Lala came running in as my jaw was outstretching itself and the joints began cracking. The pain brought tears to my eyes as I heard my skin cracking at the jaw.

“Oh my god! How the fuck is this happening?” Lala said as she stared in horror.

“So you stand there and watch?” Tori and Pixie say at the same time as they ran into the room.

“Fuck, blood is seeping out of the skin…” Tor breathed and I let a sob escape my mouth.

“…” The room fell silent as we heard a snap and I felt air rushing up to my gums.

“I-it snapped off…” Pixie said before making a dash to my bathroom.

“That’s… there are no words…” Lala breathed as she followed Pixie’s lead.

“That’s just… beyond gross…” Tori said as she picked up my fallen jaw and placed it in its rightful spot.

As soon as my jaw was in its original position it reattached itself and the blood pulled back as the cracks in the skin healed. My teeth went back to their normal size and the cuts in my gums had healed. After I was in one piece again, Ashley came in with my wolves.

“I missed the gross out parts right?” Ashley asked and we nodded. “Good. Last time I felt like violently killing myself; I mean, your blood and muscles are nice and all, but that shit was… horrifying.” She said and I giggled before noticing her pure black eyes.

“What’s with your eyes?” I asked and she sighed.

“I’m beyond hungry and I can’t feed off of dad since he isn’t here… and well, I don’t want to feed off of him anymore.” She muttered and I rolled my eyes at her.

“So when Johnny comes back, you’re going to kidnap him and lock him in your room to do only the imagination can think of to feed?” I asked and she nodded.

“I’m going to need to do the same to Matt.” Tor said as she took off her sun glasses to reveal her eyes.

“How come your eyes are slightly different?” I asked and they looked at each other before turning to me.

“Because… well, we don’t know.” Ashley stated with a puzzled look on her face.

“Dad told us it was because everyone from the LaBoy clan, on the demon side, has black eyes when we’re really hungry. Apparently, when we still had human hearts our eyes turned to a slightly darker shade of brown when we were hungry.” She laughed and Ash shrugged.

“Rayne!” I looked at the door to see Jimmy rush over and push the girls out of the way to get to me. “I’m so sorry! I’ll never leave you again!” He said he held me.

“Baby.” Johnny’s voice called and Ashley squealed before running out of the room.

“Tori! Get your fine ass down here!” Matt’s voice called before there was a loud smacking noise. “I mean, Tori, I wish to see my beautiful girlfriend!” He called again and Tori laughed.

“Haha dad smacked him!” She laughed out as she walked out of the room.

“Hey, Lala in here?” Syn asked and I smiled while I pointed to the bathroom door. “Thanks.” He beamed before he ran in there and came back out with an obvious hard on and a kicking and giggling Lala.

“Syn! Put me down!” She laughed out as Zack came in.

“No! I want sex now!” He said and the color and humor drained from her face.

“NO, I WANT TO WALK TOMORROW!” She screamed and everyone laughed at her.

“Come on Pixie.” Zack said as he walked out with Pixie in the same position that Lala was in.

“No! I want to walk tomorrow!” She cried and we laughed at her too.

“Baby… what happened to you when I left?” Jimmy asked and I sighed.

“Make yourself comfortable.” I mumbled as I moved over for him to lie down next to me.

After he made himself right at home on my bed, I began telling him what had happened. I told him about my flesh burning off and how we had to burn my blood covered sheets. I explained to him in detail about how my eyes melted and then the liquid mess oozed up my cheeks and filled itself back in the sockets until I could see properly. How my body was consumed by a pink flame that kept burning for a month. Lastly, I told him about the jaw thing that just happened.

“I’m going to kill her.” He growled and I looked at him oddly.

“… Kill who?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Fate! She’s doing this to you.” He spat and I looked at my legs.

“I feel bad for her…” I whispered and his eyes were instantly on me.


“Well, think about it. She can’t die and there is nothing in this world to keep her company. She’s locked in a tower that not even sharks visit. She must be so lonely there.” I said and he nodded.

“Yeah, but that still gives her no right to do what she has been doing to you.” He grumbled and I kissed him lightly.

“I love you.” I whispered and he smiled down at me.

“I love you too. That’s why, I’m going to go tell her to stop right now!” He exclaimed and I hugged him tightly.

“Please don’t go today. I haven’t seen you in three months and I’ve missed you so much. Please, don’t go today.” I begged him and he sighed as he wrapped his arms around my body.

“Okay, I’ll spend the day with you and talk to her tomorrow.” He whispered and kissed the top of my head.

“Thank you.” I whispered with a smile.

“You’re welcome. Now, how about we feed you? Your eyes are turning a pinkish color.” He beamed and I rolled my eyes.

“No, they’re still purple, but I am kinda hungry.” I said cutely before he attached his lips to mine in a passionate and hungry kiss.

“Damn, I missed that.” He breathed and I smiled at him.

“I did too.” I panted before reattaching our lips and bringing him down so he was hovering over top of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so there's only one more chapter left :) (thank the Rev. -.-;) Sad I know (not really =] )

All the torture idears (minus the flame) was thought up by my friend iRideOn whom i was talking to on AIM while i was thinking of what to write. When she told me her ideas I told her "nicole you're too good with this stuff... it's sorta scary..." and if you know her (at least if you've seen her at my school, which you haven't... unless you're a creeper stalker.... I pray to god you aren't...) you'd see she's generally quiet and really only i ever see the moments her evilness pops up and when i ask people they're like 'Psh, Nicole is so silent I barely know she's there.' it just proves me right when i say that you should always watch out for the quiet ones. =D I'm also going to steal one of her ponehs but shhh she doesn't know that (well she thinks i'm lying when i give her a warning =] )

Nicole for helping me with my writers block and because her and i are plotting to take over the world with man eating rabid mutated squirrels and .... something else... i forgot.... DAMN!.... but don't worry, we're saving the people we love (and our favorite bands =] )
And the others are still the same :)
Johnny because I'm hoping he remembers what I said we were taking over the world with :( I'm sad I don't remember ='(