The Demon's Love

The Nightmares That Seem Too Real

“Matt, it’s cool! Just calm the fuck down!” I heard Rev’s voice yell as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

“Why Jimmy? Why can’t you just forget me and fall for a demon?” I asked as I fought the battle to stay conscious.

“No! Rayne, don’t go!” He begged as I stood outside of my body to see the scene before me.

My body was laying on broken shards of glass near my mother’s china cabinet. The blood was coming out of my back, but that wasn’t what caused my death. My death was caused by some other force, but it wasn’t Matt like I thought it was. I looked at him to see him shedding tears while hugging Jimmy tightly. It broke my… non existent heart to see them crying over me.

“I’m sorry. I tried to protect her, but I didn’t pay attention as we fought. I’m sorry Jimmy.” Matt cried and I felt so bad for thinking he was scary.

“It’s okay, I can find her again. I won’t give up on her.” Jimmy said as he picked me up and walked me towards my room.

I heard Pix’s screams and cries as he walked past her. She looked like she was breaking on the inside as I laid lifeless in his arms. But, I couldn’t find myself to care about her reaction, or anyone’s, I just cared about Jimmy’s. I wanted him to get over me and find a female demon, to free him from having to always feel pain as he watches me die.

“You can save him from that.” A voice called and I felt a chill run over my skin.

“Who are you?” I asked and looked around the room to see an angel, yes, a real angel.

“I’m Michel. And I want you to end this cycle. Die for good and don’t be reborn.” He ordered and then I heard a cracking. I looked into my full length mirror to see cracks forming over my heart and consuming my body until I shattered.

I sat up in my bed after my eyes had snapped open. My breathing was labored and my heart was beating a mile per minute. I checked my clock to see that it was just turning to midnight and I groaned. I didn’t need to be up at this time, but I couldn’t sleep. My mind was trying to wrap itself around the nightmare I had just had. Was this for real? Was this how I was going to die?

“Rayne?” I heard Rev’s voice from the door and I jumped out of bed and ran straight into his arms.

“Don’t let him get me. Please, don’t let him kill me for good.” I cried as I thought about never seeing Jimmy ever again.

“Shh. Come here.” He said as he sat me on the bed. “Lay down.” I nodded and did as he said. “Now tell me what happened.” He said and I sighed.

“I dreamt of the voice that told Rachelle to end her life. He killed me while Matt was fighting someone else and you were all preoccupied, he cut me with his sword so deep that blood was gushing out, and then I was fighting to stay alive. But I died and then he told me he wanted me to stop living and repeating life. There was this cracking sound and then I looked to see that it was me and then I shattered, like a mirror." I cried and he visibly stiffened before he got on the other side of the bed and climbed in.

"I won't let that happen. I love you Rayne." He whispered as he pulled me close to him.

"Don't go." I whimpered as I clutched onto the back of his blazer and buried my face into his chest.

"I won't leave you again." He mumbled into my hair before kissing it.

It'll never last. You'll die and then he'll go on another search for you. A voice whispered and I whimpered slightly.

I wanted it all to go away. I didn't want these things to haunt me. I just wanted to stay in Jimmy's arms like this forever. But, I'm human and I'll eventually die.

"Why me?" I asked him as I traced his collar bone.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so fixated on being with me?" I asked while looking into his smoky blue eyes.

"Because I love you. Ever since I met you when I was first sent out here with the guys." He whispered and I nodded.

"Can you tell me about it?" I asked and he chuckled before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"We were apparently getting too cocky. Hell was becoming a tedious thing and Lucifer was getting annoyed with our attitude. He summoned us to a party for the elite and then he eventually banished us at the end, with everybody watching. He thought he hurt our pride but he just made our lives because Earth was new to us. We had to actually work for everything we have or had in the past. Even Syn had a ball with the humans, mainly because of the new girls he got to seduce, but still he had fun. But one day we messed up and people found out. We were in Salem during the witch trials and something happened, I forgot what, so we had to run. We didn't know that the priest had put Holy Water as a barrier around the town." I tensed at his words.

"What happened?" I asked and he grinned.

"We broke through and ended up walking all the way over to a small farm at the border of Salem and another village. We were planning on just destroying whoever lived there and taking refuge there, but the girl, who lived there with her parents, startled us. For some reason we felt like we couldn't kill her, but we did watch her. She'd always do all the work and hardly slept. One day she had fallen asleep near the river and I saw something on her. It looked like it was a bruise, but I wasn’t sure. So I changed into a black wolf and went closer to her, sadly something attacked me and then I was out cold. When I woke up I was in my wolf form and I heard you arguing with someone about marriage.” I heard the slight growl erupting from his throat and I sat up in bed.

“I refuse to get married. It’s a useless thing.” I said coldly and he laughed.

“That’s what you said to the guy. You yelled at him, ‘Michel, I refuse marriage because it’s pointless and the woman always gets hurt. I’d rather die a million painful deaths than marry you.’ It actually made me happy that you yelled that to him right in front of me. What’s wrong?” He asked when he saw that I wasn’t really smiling with him.

“Nothing. Just can’t believe you took the shape of a wolf.” I lied and he smiled.

“Wolves are beautiful creatures and it was only that one time.” He explained and I nodded.

“Yeah, they really are beautiful.” I smiled down at my wolves.

Even then he was plaguing my life. I thought as an image of the angel flashed before my eyes.

“Anyway, do you want me to continue? I mean it’s your past and I don’t know if you want me to continue or not.” He said quietly and I smiled lightly.

“Yeah, I want to know about what makes me so special.” I said and he laughed slightly before pressing his lips to mine. I felt my eyes going wide as I just sat there and let him kiss me. Godd I feel like a whore.

“Everything about you is special. Your eyes, your face, your hair, your personality, your voice, your laugh, your body, your scent, and your heart beat. Everything about you makes you special.” He breathed as he was only a centimeter apart with his eyes staring at mine lovingly.

“You sound like I’m going to be your dinner.” I joked and he laughed before I fell backward on my bed and pulled him so that he was hovering above me.

“This is a tempting pose.” He whispered and I giggled slightly.

“I want to hear the rest of the story.” I said and he sighed.

“Fine.” He huffed as he helped me to sit up and across from him. “Where was I?” He asked while poking his chin.

“I refused to marry the dude.” I said and he smiled before laughing slightly.

“Right. Anyway, as I laughed in my wolf form it turned as a whimper and the guy looked at me with disgust before pointing a gun at my head, now it wouldn’t do anything, but it’d be weird to see a wolf survive that shot. You yelled at him as you stepped in front of me holding out your arms to the side.” As he told me this I pictured a woman with raven black hair draping down her shoulders and wearing a long flowing night dress. Soon his voice started fading out as the past played out for me to see.
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Awe, Matt is sweet. There are Just reasons why he's a douche towards her. Things will start to clear up with her and Matt's friendship soon. This is dedicated to my readers who read all my other stories, i know they suck but you make me feel loved when you comment.

Love ya lots,