The Demon's Love

What Changed?

“Hey, Rayne? Rayne?” I heard Rev’s voice and then felt a splash of cold water on me.

“Pix.” I growled before shaking the water off like I was a dog.

“Then answer us!” She shouted and I sighed before taking the towel Brian was holding for me.

“Thanks Brian.” I said and then I heard shouting at Jimmy.

I didn’t catch why they were screaming since my mind was going a mile a minute. If that was truly me then I was burned alive, while carrying his child. The child burned with me. And all of this was because of Michel. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for that ‘Angel’.

I got out of the bed and headed downstairs for a cherry Pepsi. Unlike a lot of the idiots at my school, I barely drank. Just enough to get me buzzed, and that’s only on special occasions. I was too young to wake up with my head in the toilet and a hangover from hell working its magic on my already moody personality.

“How the hell did you know Brian’s name?” I heard Matt whisper harshly.

I turned to look at him, and for the first time I looked past the frightening demeanor. I saw that he was hurting, that he was lonely and just wanted to break down. His tough guy act was just that, an act. He wanted to put up a front to bury the hurt he had held locked in his heart so he could protect his friends. And if I’m correct the pain dates back to the Salem witch trials.

“What happened Matt?” I asked as I sat on the island and stared at his hazel eyes. “What happened after the fire?” I asked and he punched a whole in my class cupboard, good thing I never really cared about that.

“You let yourself die, always. Whenever he finally finds you, you kill yourself!” He cried and I felt horrible.

“It was always to save him. I never wanted to totally leave him. But I had to.” I said and he was up in my face faster than I could blink.

“Why? Why did you have to? Why couldn’t you just stay with us and get out of the damn fire?” He yelled in my face.

“Matt, please don’t yell at her.” I heard Jimmy whisper and I pushed Matt away from me.

“Because Matt, Michel wanted a body after the burning and he got one. Actually no, he got me plus the unborn child inside of me. Do you think I wanted to leave Jimmy? No. I didn’t and it hurt too much each and every time! And if we took Jimmy out of the picture for one god damn second--”

“Hey! I’m important!” Jimmy cried and I chuckled lightly before turning back to Matt.

“I didn’t want anything to happen to you guys and Valary and Clara.” I yelled and the room fell silent. “What happened to them?” I asked when I saw the tears coming out of Matt’s eyes.

“Things kind of fell apart.” Brian said as he sat next to me.

“Because Clara and you were such good friends, she was declared as a witch and we had to watch her burn at the cross.” Zacky said and I felt so bad for him, they were so much in love.

“Jimmy, he left us.” Johnny said and I stared at the blue eyed giant.

“I had to find you. You were my girl and I didn’t want you to be taken away from me, so I left them after Clara died and didn’t meet up with them again for a few hundred years.” Jimmy said and I slapped his chest.

“Don’t leave your friends.” I said and he gave me a sheepish grin as he rested his hand on my waist.

“Valary stayed with us until she turned fifty, then she told us to go away. She said she hated Matt.” Johnny said and I felt my heart break for them.

“She was always crying over you and Clara, and I didn’t know how to help her. Then when she reached forty-five she got paranoid about how she was getting older, yet I never changed.” He said and Pix laughed.

“Sounds like Bella from New Moon.” I glared at her.

“Valary wasn’t a whore!” I said and Pix fell onto Zacky cracking up.

“Team Slut Bella!” She said through gasps of air.

“What?” The guys asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Ignore the laughing idiot on the floor, everybody else does. Oh! Zacky, you found Clara.” I said and he looked at me oddly. “Kate, or Pix, is Clara.” I said and his eyes went wide.

“HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT?” He asked before pouncing on the laughing Pixie.

“You’ve always been slow.” I said and he flipped me off as he made out with Pix. “So you hold me responsible for all of this?” I asked Matt as I held back my tears.

“Yes.” He said simply and I nodded.

“Very well.” I said before getting off the counter and making my way to my room. “Matt, I’m sorry and I forgive you.” I whispered as I stopped in the archway before going back upstairs.

“He doesn’t know why you’re forgiving him.” Jimmy said as he grabbed my hand and walked upstairs with me.

“Because I won’t kill myself this time, yet he can’t save me when Michel kills me.” I said and Jimmy stopped us right in the middle of the stairs and held us there.

“What did you say?” He asked with his eyes searching mine for some reason.

“Jimmy, Michel won’t leave us alone. And he’s planning on killing me so we can never be together again.” I said seriously and he pulled me to his chest.

“No, I won’t let him.” He growled and I clutched on to the back of his blazer.

“How can we stop him?” I asked as a few tears slid down my face.

“Because, we’re close to finding a way so that you could be immortal like me. You won’t age, die, or get sick. We’ll be together forever.” He said as he carried me to my room. “I promise you, we just need some time.” He whispered and I nodded.

“But, if we don’t make it, if time runs out, you must promise you’ll stop searching for me.” I said and he shook his head.

“I refuse to promise that. I love you too much to give up on you.” He said and I smiled before we kissed.

“Awe, how disgusting.” We heard someone sneer and looked into the darkest corner to see someone emerge from the darkness.

“Michel.” I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun dun! lol this one is just coming up with updates like crazy. lol. but yea this is what happened to cause matt to hate rayne. you like the ending? i thought it was a good twist.
anyway comments are loved
love ya bunches,