The Demon's Love

Michel the Contradiction

“I swear you fell for the wrong species, but then again, you always do.” He sneered and I heard Jimmy growl at him.

“Really? I thought Jimmy was always a good choice.” I said with a cocky smirk and Michel’s sadistic smile fell.

“You can’t last with him. He’s immortal and you’ve got an expiration date.” Michel said and before I knew what was happening Jimmy had Michel pinned against the wall and cutting off his air supply.

“What did we ever do to have to deal with the likes of you?” He growled and I giggled lightly, Jimmy was just so cute.

“You took my woman, and you’re not even human. A demon and a human can never be together.” Michel preached and I laughed out loud.

“Really? It says that Lucifer was one of God’s angels and just fell from grace to be banished to the center of the Earth. And then while the banished angels roamed the Earth and impregnated the human women, the babies were murdered in cold blood by the heaven sent angels. Are you a contradiction? The fact that you’re an angel and want me is allowed, yet Jimmy is technically an angel that God has turned his back on and he and I can't date because he's from Hell? Do you realize how fucked up that sounds?" I asked and Jimmy smirked at my comment before laughing.

"She's right." He said through laughter.

"But you were created for me!" The angel roared and I had to cover my ears from the high pitched sound of it.

"I belong to no one! I have free will, I was born with it." I hissed before pulling Jimmy's face down to mine for a heated kiss.

"STOP!" He cried and Jimmy and I pulled apart.

"I love Jimmy, I always had and I always will." I seethed and Michel got pissed.

I let out a shrill scream as Michel flapped his wings and the glass in my room shattered before he sent the jagged shards to my body like daggers ready to tear at your flesh. Jimmy pulled me close to his body and buried my face in his chest before I felt a soft material on my back. I turned my head to see soft black wings enclosing my body so that the glass couldn't penetrate my body and kill me. I looked up to see Jimmy's face and saw that there was a thin film of sweat on his face and his soft, fun loving, features were contorted into one of pure pain and agony.

"Don't." He breathed as I turned my body so that I saw his wings covered in glass, and it was all my fault.

"Why? Why would you protect me like that?" I asked as the tears glided down my cheeks.

"Because I love you." He said before I heard gagging noises.

"He can't love anyone but himself." Michel said and I ran at him and punched his chest with my fists.

"I fucking hate you! Go away! I hate you, I hate you!" I screamed over and over again until he disappeared into sparkles, ew Edward Cullen wanna be.

"Rayne." I heard a faint whisper before I saw Jimmy's body fall to the ground with a pool of blood forming on my hardwood floor.

"Jimmy!" I screeched as I felt warm arms engulfing me and turning me away from the body of the man I loved. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Matt." I whispered as I stared into those hazel eyes that I used to be able to look at and feel my troubles wash away.

"Fuck, Matt, this is bad. Jimmy's dying." Syn said and I cried harder, hell I broke down into hysterics.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." I sobbed out as my whole being shook from the pain.

I didn't know what happened. I didn’t know if Jimmy could die from just having his wings pierced, or if something else happened to him as he his my face. All I knew, was that the only man I've ever, ever, loved is laying in a pool of his own blood as he slowly dies, and it's all my fault.
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sorry if it's short. its like 1:06 am and i have school so i need to get to bed. thank my friend MusicMaddness since she threatened me with a story that we're writing together that i want to work on but she requested that i get this updated first. so here hannah, well its better i get this out before Bri and Val threaten me again. Val with he threats to not talk to me and Bri with her hormonal, preggo, raider, crazy ass. lol i love the three girls, and my two nicoles. and of course you people who read my stories.
Love ya,