Status: Just a fun thing.. Came these dreams I have been having..

If It Wasn't Forbidden, I'd Say It Over and Over Again


My body didn't move at the rate I needed it to and Zuko was gone within seconds. "Anabelle, open the door now." I quickly looked around trying to find him but he was gone. Just my mind playing trick on me. I rushed to the door still looking around.

He pushed past me and into my room. He looked mad and confused running his hands through his hair. I shut the door and turned to face him completely. After he paced the room, he finally looked up at me and his warmth came to me. Maybe it was Zukos fake warmth but I loved it. The sadness in his eyes shook me to the bone. "Why won't you love me? Why won't you LOVE me?" He walked over to me and put his warm hand on my shoulders. He stared down at me. "Please Anabelle, I need you to love me like I love you."

I just stared at him. Then I thought if I can push thoughts into someones head, why couldn't I push memories? I thought about the first day I met Zuko, standing in my room with Jared. Then the first time I sat with him at the pond. He didn't try to make me talk, didn't even ask question about it. The time we spent together wasn't forced happiness. Jared shook his head and pushed me back against the wall. My head the wall and my vision was blurrly.

"I don't want your memories. I want you to love me." He let my shoulders go and I slide down the wall. He turned away from me and paced again. "He is not even fighting for the right thing. He knows that they won't win even if they have you. I just don't want you to get hurt in this fight." He stared down at me. "You can control him, make him come to us and fight for us. Then they won't ever have a chance." He picked me up and smiled at me. Forcfully pushing his lips on mine, he kissed me. I pushed against him but he grip on me was too tight. He finally moved away.

"Just love me more Anabelle. Love me. I saved you from a life of pain." He shook me, my head hitting the wall a few more times. "Anabelle, just love me." He shook me one more time and my head head hit the wall harder. Everything went black and I felt my body give out. "Anabelle! No, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I felt warmth pass through me, healing power of the flame, but it was too warm. If he didn't stop, I would die. I pushed into his mind and made him feel what he was doing to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was on the other side of the room, staring at me.

I couldn't move and my sight was going in and out, the room spun. "Anabelle," Jared crossed the room and pulled me to my feet and shoved me towards the bed, "I will make you love me." I tripped over the rug and fell backwards. my head bounced off the floor. I cried out but it didn't make him stop.

"Jared..." My voice was a whisper but he heard it. but it didn't make him stop either.

"Ha," He grabbed my night shirt and pulled me up and threw me on the bed. "I'm smarter that." I tried to roll off but I was too slow and he jumped on top of me. "I know the only way to stop your voice. You can't even talk to Zuko." He pulled my hands above my head and ripped my shirt. "Ah yes. I forgot how beautifully damaged your body was." I felt the cold from the open window and the heat from hin body. My eyes were blurry from tears. "Don't cry my Anabelle, you will love me."

I turned my head too look out the window. I love you Zuko. I forgive you. I closed my eyes, holding on to my memories of Zuko. Jared continued. I didn't think about what he was doing to me. About how he was just like my old Master. I opened my eyes, just stared out the window looking up at the moon. Then everything went blacka nd pain ripped through me...