I'm a Runaway

Two; Life Sucks, Then You Die

"Go on, get in. It'll give you some time to think", I heard a gruff voice say. I looked up to see a
boy with dark brown hair and green eyes walk in; he sat down on the bottom of the bunk bed
and stared at me. I probably looked a mess since I had the greatest freak out ever moments
ago. I closed my eyes, and more tears fell. "You okay?" I had a guess of who asked me that.
I shook my head. "I-I'm not supposed to b-be in j-j-jail", I stammered. "Well, what'd you do?"
I hesitated. Why was I even talking to this dude? "Nevermind. It's none o' my buisness. I'm
Shane Micheals." I loved his name. "My name's Ellie Noel Carter." I liked this boy very much.

"You! Girl! It's time to come out! One phone call!" Shane and I were in a middle of converse. I
glared at the damn cop and stayed where I was. "I ain't got no one to call", I admitted. Shane
looked back and forth, confused. The man huffed and trudged back to his dirty desk and sat.
Shane instantly turned to me. "What do you mean you ain't have nobody to call?" he asked. I
didn't know exactly what to say. I thought for a few seconds. Should I tell him the truth? No, I'd
cry. So what would I tell this guy? Nothing. I shrugged and lay my head in my hands. Nothing,
I repeated in my head. I would tell him nothing about my life, at least while I was in this hell

Hours passed and the moon replaced the sun. I was hungry and wanted so badly to go back
to my old, rundown house. All of the security gaurds left, except one who was to keep watch
over us criminals. Shane fell asleep an hour ago, leaving me the only one wide awake and
alert besides the gaurd. I didn't go to bed that night, afraid I'd have a nightmare and be left to
grieve and be alone for the rest of fuckin' eternity; I was bored and wanted to be outside on
one of Mr. Oakie's branches, swinging happily and the sun being out and the air, warm...

"Wakey, wakey", I heard a sleepy voice grumble. Shane snorted and sat up. I giggled and he
blushed. "What do you want?" I asked. "There's some people here to see you", the man said
and I stood up. He unlocked the cell and I looked back at Shane who fell back into a deep
slumber. The gaurd took me to the front door where I saw my mom and dad. They looked the
same. Dad still had his beard and messy clothing and mom looked more drugged up than
ever. I stepped back and wanted dearly to go back and live in the cell forever away from the
couple standing before me. "What the hell are you two dopes doin' here?" Mom's eyes were
wide and dad threw me a look of pure disgust. "We're here to take you home, silly", dad said.
I rolled my eyes. He was just gonna take me home and beat me some more especially for
callin' him a dope. "I ain't comin' home with you bastards", I nearly-shouted. The gaurd saw
my expression and took one step forward. I didn't care as long as I wasn't goin' home with
them. "Honey, you're just confused", mom laughed. "No I ain't!" I exclaimed. I stomped back
to the cell and motioned for the gaurd to let me in. "If these are your parents, you gotta go",
the gaurd replied. I sucked in a deep breath, ready to scream. I could feel my face turn a
bright red--not from embarrasment or anything--but just anger and hatred. "Ellie, pst", I heard
Shane whisper. I looked at him. "Your parents are here?" he asked. I nodded and was about
to cry. "Come on, Ellie! We ain't have all day, now say bye to your little convict and let's leave",
mom insisted. Shane looked taken aback and I folded my arms across my chest. "I ain't goin
no where with you and your dickhead of a husband. And don't ever call Shane a 'convict' unless you want your teeth kicked in", I threatened. The gaurd came over to me and grabbed
my wrist, pulling me towards the dumbest excuses for parents and I stomped on dad's foot
and ran through the doors. I sped up and cried the whole way back to the woods and back to
the home where I actually loved staying at. I didn't look back, but did anyways. Mom and dad
saw me running and the gaurd got into his cruiser and drove towards me. I cut into the wood
and laughed. He wouldn't catch me...and neither would those douchbags. I was again free...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed it, and please ignore the language!!