I'm a Runaway

Three; Where'd she Go?

"Where'd she go?" I asked the gaurd when he came back inside. "I don't know, kid", he said.
I missed Ellie even though I only knew her for almost twenty four hours. No doubt, she was
beautiful. She had bright red hair and sparkling blue eyes with naturally pink lips that I knew
every boy would want to kiss, including me; I sat in the cell for a few more hours and I got so
bored. I was occupied with the conversation Ellie and I shared. "Boy", the gaurd started. "You
have one phone call." He unlocked the cell and I walked to the phone. I clicked the silver
buttons and momma answered. "Mom, I need you to pick me up", I replied. "Where are you?"
she questioned. "...I'm in jail", I muttered. "What?!!" she exclaimed. "I'm on my way, and boy
you ain't gonna see the light o' day!" There's my momma for you. She's a good woman, with
a pretty bad temper sometimes.

Ten minutes later, momma stormed in and over to the gaurd. Her eyes traveled to mine and
back. "Ma'am, your son was caught fighting ", the gaurd said. I swear I saw steam comin' out
of her ears. "I spent sixteen years teachin' this boy manners! These teens are here on Earth
to give adults gray hair and early graves!" I chuckled but quickly stopped. Momma grabbed
my arm after thanking the officer. I climbed into the old, rusty truck and faced momma. "I'm
in loads o' trouble aren't I?" I asked. "'Course you are, Dammit! You stupid, boy?! This is the
third time I've had to pick you up from jail 'cause of fightin' in school. I'm not gonna ground you this time, but you sure as hell gettin' room time." I shrugged and waited till we got home.
I jogged straight to my room and looked out the window and waited five hours until momma
called me down.

I took a seat at the table and momma sat across. I knew she wanted to have a chat. "Yes?"
I asked. "How come you can't stop fightin' at school for just once, honey? I don't like punishin'
you..." I leaned back. "They start it. It's mainly self defense. I don't see why I'm the one always
gettin' caught", I argued. Momma mumbled, 'God bless this child', and sent me off. I decided
to go outside. It was mid-evening and I stumbled through the woods. I was gonna turn back
when I saw a small, abandoned--I think--house and...Ellie.

I hid behind a tree. Ellie sat upon a rock, crying her eyes out. I tip-toed further and she saw
me. "Shane, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I was just walkin' and I couldn't help
but see you...crying." Gosh, did I sound like a fucking stalker. "I'm fine", Ellie choked out.

I sat beside her. "No you're not", I replied. "You're right...I feel horrible", Ellie sobbed. "Was
that your folks at the station?" I asked. She nodded and I took her into my arms and let her
sob into my shoulder. My curiousity got the best of me. "Why didn't you wanna go home, El?"
I already had a nickname for her. Ha-ha. "You would never understand, Shane", Ellie said.
"I can still listen, though", I ushered.

Ellie started to tell me her story.
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Sorry it's so short!! Message meh :)