Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders

Here Comes Goodbye

College. That was probably the only word seniors in high school were either scared of or excited about.

Kayleigh, she was ready. Ready to leave New York. Ready to be independent.

While her parents didn’t want her going to an out-of-state university, she still applied to schools in Texas, Maryland and North Carolina.

She didn’t know why, but those were the states she wanted to live in.

Why did she want to leave so bad? Because she’s had enough of New York.

“Yeah, I got a letter from them. Emma, I’m scared shitless.”

Kayleigh was currently on the phone with her best friend — talking about a letter she received in the mail from University of Texas in Dallas.

That was her dream, to attend that university.

“Kay, just open it. If you don’t grow some balls now, you never will.”

Kayleigh laughed, “Really? Are you going to give the balls speech every time I'm nervous about something?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

Emma waited as her friend opened the envelope that held Kayleigh’s future.

“It says…”

Kayleigh remained silent.

“Kay? What does it say?” Emma asked.


Kayleigh never stutters, unless it was an enormous deal.

“I’m coming over right now.”

Kayleigh hung up her iPhone and put it down slowly.

Being that Emma lived across the street, she was there in the matter of seconds. She walked right in.

One; because she was practically family. Two; the door was open.

Kayleigh’s room was upstairs and Emma practically broke her ankle running up to her room.

She grabbed the letter out of her hands and read it.

Dear Ms. Dawson,

Congratulations on your admission to University of Texas in Dallas, Class of 2014 ! It gives me great pleasure to send you this letter, and you have every reason to feel proud of the work and aspirations that led you to this moment.

That was all Emma needed to read. Then she began to scream in excitement.

“Kayleigh!! You’re going to UTD!!”

Kayleigh was now unfrozen. A smile spread on her face. And both friends jumped around her room, shrieking about the news.

Kayleigh’s older brother came in, “Why are you two screaming?! I’m trying to put my kid to sleep.”


Brandon grinned and ran over to his younger sister, picked her up and spun her around.

“I’m so proud of you!”

Kayleigh had tears in her eyes, those five words had the power to do so.


Brandon put her down and read the letter himself.

Emma spoke up, “When are you gonna tell your family?”

Kayleigh smiled, “Right now.”

Her family was in the backyard, getting ready for a barbeque.

Brandon handed her the letter and both him and Emma followed Kayleigh out of the house.

“Mom? Dad?”

Lillian, their mom, answered, “Over here, sweetie.”

She walked over to her parents with a grin on her face.

“I have big news.”

Both her parents stopped what they were doing and gave her their full attention.

“Did Joshua finally ask you out?” Her mom asked.

Kayleigh rolled her eyes playfully, “No…”

They both waited, “I got accepted into UTD!!”

Her parents were filled with pride and joy.

“That’s great!” Her dad, Tony, hugged her, “I am so proud of you.”

This time, Kayleigh let her tears out. Both her parents were hugging her, telling her how proud they were.

She knew then that her life was set. It was going to be a tear-filled goodbye, but in the end, it would be worth it.

[ > > ]

Kayleigh had received that letter in February. She responded right away and made the decision of going to that university.

While the rest of her senior year came and went, she spent as much time as she could with her closest friends.

Prom, she went with her guy best friend, James. Senior Trip, she skipped it and spent that week in Mexico with her grandparents. Graduation, she was asked to sing Look Through My Eyes by Phil Collins. Which resulted in receiving a standing ovation from the graduating class, teachers and parents.

She made sure her summer was filled with memories she would keep in her heart forever. In other words, she had one of the best summers of her life.

Now, in August, she was saying goodbye to her family. This was probably the hardest things she’s ever had to do. Her family was her life. And leaving them wasn’t easy.

“I’m going to miss you so much, sweetheart. Please call every night, I need to know you’re okay before I go to sleep.”

Kayleigh’s mom was having a hard time letting go of her only daughter.

Not that her dad didn’t, he was still shedding tears, as well as her brother, and her best friend.

“I know, Mommy. I will.”

She took one last good look at her daughter, “Always remember how proud I am of you, okay? Don’t ever think I’m gonna stop being proud. I’m gonna miss you, sweetie. I love you.”

Kayleigh wiped her tears, “I know, Mom. I love you. And I’m gonna miss you too.”

She hugged them all one last time and waved goodbye.

Emma would be joining her later, she still had to do some paper work. So, she wouldn’t miss her for that long.

But her mom? Dad? Brandon? Brandon’s wife and son? She was definitely going to miss them the most.

As she boarded the plane a few hours later, she checked her phone one last time before shutting it off and noticed she had one text message.

James Quinones

I miss you already, Kay. Good luck. Sorry I couldn’t say goodbye @ the airport. Love you always. Don’t forget. (:

She smiled as she read it. That was why James was her best friend. He knew how to make her smile.

She opened up Echofon and checked her friends’ timelines.

After reading whatever tweets were new, she tweeted.

@Kay_Dawson : Plane! Going to Dallas & starting my life as a college student :D Can’t wait to see who my roommate is. No dorm for me. Later loves <3

And with that, she turned off her phone and put it away. Kayleigh took out The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks, one of her favorite authors and read it. She knew the book would take up her whole flight.

And with that, she looked out the window waved her city goodbye.

Goodbye New York.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I shouldn’t be writing new stories & I should finish old ones
But I had an idea & I had to write it down (:
Please let me know if its good, I’m writing the 2nd chapter right now
This is a Nick Jonas fanfic - sorry Joe & Kevin fans :l
But its easier to write about him, he’s closest to my age
Anyways, please comment & subscribe - constructive criticism is welcome [:
btw, Kayleigh Dawson ( yes, it's Nicole Anderson :P )