Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders

Dance With Me

Kayleigh was dancing around the kitchen, putting away the groceries when she heard Elvis barking and figured another cat walked by with its owner.

She decided to make some pancakes for breakfast, so she left the needed ingredients out.

Growing worried as to why Elvis was barking, Kayleigh went to go check on him.

“Elvis, are you okay?”

She walked into the living room to find Nick Jonas messing around with Elvis. He was teasing him with his chew toy.

Kayleigh laughed, “Can you try to not give me a heart attack? I thought there was a robber or something in here.”

Nick looked up at her and laughed, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help it. Elvis is fun to play with. Did you take him out for a walk this morning?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. But I heard him whimpering and figured he really had to go. And you didn’t seem to hear him since you were in such deep sleep.”

“Don’t apologize, I wanted to thank you. I’ve been sleeping in a lot lately and I tend to forget that Elvis has needs too.”

She smiled, “You’re welcome. Plus, it was a great work out. I’m making pancakes, want some?”

Nick stood up, “I’d love some, I’ve been eating nothing but outside food since I moved here.”

Kayleigh chuckled, “Well, let’s go then. Come on Elvis, you can eat some too.”

Elvis decided to just lay down under the table in the dining room while Nick and Kayleigh made breakfast.

“Can you pour some milk into the mix? I have to get the pan ready.”

Nick nodded and poured the right amount. He barely helped with the making of breakfast. He just stood there the whole time, talking to Kayleigh as she made them breakfast.

They were having another deep conversation, except this one was mostly about Nick and all the stuff he had to give up in order to live out his dreams.

Kayleigh realized that every time Nick decided to have a relationship, whether it was with Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez, the tabloids would ruin it. They ruin everything for celebrities. The way Nick talked about his past relationships, she knew he sometimes wished he wasn’t famous. He really did love Miley, he really did like Selena, but with the paparazzi, no one was safe.

His fans were also a big part of it, their hurtful comments didn’t help. Whether they were towards Miley or Selena, they still hit home and the girls were being hurt the most. And it wasn’t all the fans, because there was always that fan that made posters for the couples, encouraging them to express their love.

“If only every fan we had supported us and who ever we dated.”

Kayleigh didn’t know how to give any advise in this subject, all she could do was be a good listener. And that was exactly what she did as they ate breakfast.

“Thanks so much, Kayleigh. Breakfast was delicious. Say thank you, Elvis.”

Nick patted and waited for Elvis to bark his thank you, in which he did.

She smiled, “You’re welcome, it’s good to hear you liked it, both of you. Being that back in New York I wasn’t exactly the chef of the house.”

“Haha, well, you’re definitely going to be the chef here.”

Kayleigh stayed silent. She didn’t know how he did, but he had the only words to make her feel good inside. She had been “in love” with Nick Jonas ever since she saw the music video for Year 3000 on the Disney Channel. But she never thought about ever meeting him and getting to know Nicholas Jonas.

Of course, she dreamed of it. What girl hasn’t? But how many of those dreams have actually came true?

She noticed she had spaced out and she snapped out of it. She saw Nick picking up both their dishes and thanked him.

No more spacing out, she thought.

[ > > ]

Later that day, Nick asked Kayleigh if she wanted to go look for a TV for the living room. Kayleigh agreed and asked if they could also go job hunting. She didn’t like not having something to do. And being that Nick is a rockstar, he was probably going to work on new material or work on other music business. Maybe not for himself, but maybe for other artists.

This time, they took Kayleigh’s car. On the way, they dropped Elvis off at a doggie daycare center.

Kayleigh connected her phone and shuffled one of her play lists. The first song to go on was I Like To Dance by Hot Chelle Rae. Nick told her where to go and they soon pulled into Best Buy.

They looked around at all the televisions that were hanging on the walls and Kayleigh told Nick to pick one.

“Guys know more about electronics than girls.”

Nick just laughed and continued to look around.

Kayleigh was walking right next to him, where ever he stopped, she stopped. And then it popped into her head what they were doing. They were looking for a TV for their apartment.

Kayleigh looked around and saw a little girl looking at a TV with her dad. This little girl was about 3 years old. She looked up at Kayleigh and Nick and smiled. Her dad was like Nick, too busy looking at the different sizes of televisions to notice the little girl.

She called out to Kayleigh and she couldn’t resist, so she went to the little girl.

“Are you two like my mommy and daddy?” The little blonde with sparkling blue innocent eyes asked her.

Kayleigh’s heart melted at her adorable words, “No, sweetie. He’s my friend.”

Her name plate said Amanda, Kayleigh figured that was her name.

“My mommy and daddy were like that too,” Amanda smiled.

Kayleigh couldn’t help but smile back, “Well, then thank you.”

Amanda’s dad finally realized his daughter was talking to strangers, “I’m sorry for her bothering you.”

She shook her head, “Don’t worry about it, sir. She was too adorable to ignore.”

The father just smiled and went on to a different TV.

Kayleigh felt someone grabbed her hand and she turned around, “Come on, I think I know what TV would look perfect in the living room.”

It was as if Nick didn’t even realize what he was doing. Kayleigh looked back at the little girl and Amanda just smiled again.

Nick was holding her hand as they walked towards the TV he wanted. Kayleigh was still shocked, thinking that maybe he just got caught up in the moment.

They both stood there with a guy who works in Best Buy, still holding hands, as he explained to them all the details about the TV. Kayleigh wasn’t really paying attention since she didn’t really care about HD and all that stuff.

Nick, on the other hand, seemed satisfied with the TV. He turned around to face Kayleigh and nodded, “I think we should get this one.”

Kayleigh grinned, “Let’s go then.”

The worker took the TV to the nearest register while Kayleigh and Nick debated over who paid.

Kayleigh didn’t mind splitting the cost, but Nick wanted to pay for it all. He wanted to be the gentleman. Kayleigh knew he was raised that way, so she gave up and let him pay. In which Nick smiled and took out his credit card.

“So, what kind of job are you looking for?”

Kayleigh and Nick were now driving to the mall, or whatever it’s called down in Texas.

“I don’t know, we still haven’t gone to fix up our class schedules, so I can’t really get a job, right?”

Nick chuckled, “I’m afraid so.”

She laughed and decided to just turn the car around and drive back to the apartment.

By the time they picked up Elvis, and got to the apartment, it was around 4pm.

She watched as Nick put the TV in the living room, although she had insisted on having someone install it for them. Mainly because it was supposed to be hanging from the ceiling.

She sat on the couch as he tried his best to fix it. Letting out a few giggles whenever he became annoyed with the fact that he couldn’t do it.

She remembered about food shopping, she had bought fresh lemons and sugar. Kayleigh decided to make some lemonade, but made it sure it wasn’t too sweet. Being that Nick was diabetic.

Her dad, godmother and grandfather were all diabetic. So, Kayleigh had learned how to cook food with the right amount of sugar in it for them.

She had her iHome blasting her favorite type of Spanish music, which was Bachata. It had the simplest of steps to dance to. It’s also very romantic and fun to dance.

Kayleigh began to dance along as she made the lemonade. Two steps to the right, two steps to the left. You just had to make sure you kept up with the music and the bass rhythm.

When she turned around to call Nick if he wanted some, she saw him standing against the doorway. A little startled since she didn’t know he was watching her. She did that a lot. Kayleigh always seemed to lose herself dancing.

“Can you teach me how to dance to that? Even though I have no idea what they’re singing about.”

She laughed, “Sure, it’s really easy. And they sing about the same stuff you do. Heartbreak, love and all the good stuff.”

Nick just nodded and took his place in front of her. Kayleigh showed him where his hands were supposed to be and explained to him the basics.

“Just make sure you move along to the music. Wanna try with music on?”

Nick nodded again and she pressed play and took her position.

It took Nick a few times to get the dance right, but about an hour later, he moved just like all the guys she’s danced with at parties.

Nick laughed once they decided to drink some of the lemonade she had made a while before.

“You make it look so easy.”

“You just have to let the music take control. I used to suck so much at dancing — not that I’m like a pro now. But, I began to lose myself within the song and before I knew it, more guys were asking me to dance.”

“But that’s how girls know they’re good. How am I supposed to know ?”

“If a girl that’s good says you’re good, then you’re good.”

He just laughed again, “This Spanish thing is hard. But I like it. The dancing is fun.”

Kayleigh grinned, “Good, and yeah. My friend always made of me being that I’m only half Mexican and half Italian. But it’s all good. Most of my friends are mixed.”

She gave him a glass of lemonade and watched as he drank it.

“You’re like my mom. Making sure things aren’t too sweet.”

“Is it okay?”

He smiled, “It’s just fine.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, soo I went up to 3 comments :D thank you to the 8 people who subscribed.
First things first : I know Nicole isn’t Mexican/Italian - that’s Selena
But then again - its fiction
2 - I only mentioned Miley & Selena because I’m not really sure about other gfs Nick’s had
3 - Here’s the video of Bachata dancing - skip to 0:50 - it has scattered scenes of dancing, but it is pretty easy to dance
4 - the holding hand thing was really cliché - I’m sorry :l but I thought it was cute - she didn’t bring it up to him/asked about it for many reasons ;)
& I think that’s about it
Kayleigh’s Outfit
Nick’s Outfit
Comment & Subscribe - I don’t want to start making comment limits :/
PS - dancing scene was inspired by A Walk To Remember (: