Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders

Falling Over Me

Nick didn’t know what was going through his head that day. He felt the need to be kind of flirty and out there with Kayleigh.

Nick was going to call Joe to come over, to give him advice. Kayleigh had gone out to the spa that was within the apartment buildings.

”Hey Nick ! Bro, how have you been?”

“Great, Joe. Can you come over? I need a voice of reason.”

Joe chuckled over the phone, ”And you come to me? What ever happened to Kevin being the voice of reason?”

Nick laughed, “Yeah, but Kevin has other things to worry about. Please?”

”Sure thing, little bro.”

Nick gave Joe the address to his apartment and tried to clean up the place. Not that Kayleigh made a mess, but that was just a bad habit of his.

When he heard a knock on the door, he knew Joe had arrived. He quickly tried to hide anything Kayleigh had left out. Being that his family still didn’t know his room mate was a girl.

“Hey man,” he greeted Joe as he let him inside.

“Nice place,”

“Thanks dude. So, the help I needed.”

“Girl trouble?”

Nick laughed, “Yeah, something like that.”

“Well, who is she? How did you meet her? You haven’t even started college yet and you’re already getting girls. You dog.” Joe joked as they sat in the living room.

“Haha, well, that’s the thing. I haven’t told mom and dad about my roommate because… She’s not a guy.”

Joe looked at his younger brother silently, “Ohh, no wonder. When I visited them yesterday, Mom was asking everyone if you had called. You should tell them.”

“Yeah, but then they’ll want to know why she’s not a guy. I mean, it’s not like I requested a guy roommate, but that’s what I expected when I got the offer. And then they’ll want to meet her and I don’t want to scare her off or something.”

At this point, Nick was rambling. Another bad habit of his.

“Bro, chill out. They’ll understand. And so what if they want to meet her? Her parents will probably want to meet her roommate too.”

Nick shook his head, “No, her parents live in New York.”

Joe studied his brother, “You like her already?”

No, I’m just very attracted to her, “No, I barely know her.”

Joe grinned, “That’s the same thing you said about Miley.”

“Yeah, and look how that turned out. I forgot to ask before, but are you thirsty? Kayleigh made lemonade earlier.”

Joe continued grinning, “Sure.”

Nick nodded and went to get them both a glass of lemonade. But when he was pulling out the glasses from the covert, he heard the door open.

I thought she was going to stay there longer, Nick panicked.

He stayed quiet and continued to grab the lemonade. Maybe if he was really quiet, she wouldn’t notice his brother in the living room and just go straight to her room.

“Uhmm, Nick? Why is…?”

Nick turned around to face Kayleigh, “Oh hey, how was the spa? Nice bathing suit, it looks really nice on you.”

Kayleigh blushed, “Thanks, but you didn’t answer my question.”

“Oh, Joe, yeah, I’m sorry. I needed to talk to him.”

Kayleigh nodded and smiled, “Okay, well, I’m going to take a shower. I’ll try to make it quick in case you guys need to use the bathroom.”

“No it’s okay, take your time. I’m sure Joe knows how to wait.”

She just smiled again and went to her room. Nick watched as she walked away.

“Wow, I know why you like her now.”

Joe grabbed his glass with lemonade and chuckled as Nick tried to hide the fact that he was checking Kayleigh out.

“I don’t like her, like I said, I barely know her.”

Joe nodded and pretended to believe Nick, “Sure fro bro.”

They went back to the living room and continued to talk. Joe told Nick about his successful surprise date with Demi. Turns out when she opened the door and saw him in a tux, she cried and hugged him. Joe told him about their night at the beach. And the night ended with Joe and Demi more in love with each other than they were before.

Nick noticed the little stars Joe had in his eyes when he talked about Demi. He remembered having those stars in his eyes. But then, the tabloids were thrown in his face.

“So, what do I do about Kayleigh?”

Joe thought for a while, “If you didn’t like her, you wouldn’t be asking for advice about her. You do know that, right?"

“Joe, I can’t like her. Not already. It’s too soon.”

“Yeah, I know, Nick. But you’ll never know until you try. I gave Camilla a chance, she ruined it. But Demi came along, and… I knew she was the one.”

“Are you saying that you’re gonna propose? Joe, it’s too soon, don’t you think?”

Joe laughed, “No, I’m not going to propose. I’m just saying. I knew she’d be the one I could count on.”

Nick smiled, “Then I guess I do know what to do.”

Joe waited for Nick to continue.

“I’m going to call Kevin and ask him for advice.”

Joe laughed again, “Come on, Nick. You know I’m right. I’m not telling you to jump into her bed and say, Hey, I like you — let’s make out. I’m just saying, take the first step.”

“I guess you are right, thanks man.”

Joe waved it off, “That’s what I’m here for.”

Soon after that, Joe said he had to meet up with Demi, they had a movie date. Once he left, Nick noticed Kayleigh was still in the shower. He didn’t go spy on her, but he did go to his room and laid on his bed for a while and stared up at the ceiling and began to think about everything that was on his mind.

He figured that if he did start being more flirty with Kayleigh, maybe she would too.

And then we’ll live happily ever — yeah right, Nick shook his head. Sometimes, his imagination got out of control. Or maybe right now, it was hormones taking control. All guys had that problem, right?

“Hey Nick, bathroom’s open now. Sorry I took so long.”

Nick sat up to see Kayleigh standing by his door. Her hair was still wet, but it was a bit wavy. She had an over sized Cowboys shirt and basketball shorts.

He tried to hide the smile that was growing on his face. He knew football season was going to be competitive for them.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. How is it that you’re from New York, but yet you’re a Cowboys fan?”

She laughed lightly, “I don’t know. Miles Austin stole my heart I guess.”

Nick didn’t want to admit it, but when she said that, something inside of him ticked. Was he jealous of a professional football player?

He couldn’t believe himself, he was moving way too fast.

Kayleigh seemed to notice he looked a bit trouble, “You wanna watch a movie? You look a bit tense.”

“Sure,” Nick smiled and followed her into her room.

“It’s a good thing I brought my DVD player with me. I have a TV in my room too, but I had forgotten about a living room television.”

“Yeah, the living room slipped my mind too. What movie?”

Kayleigh was took out the box filled with DVDs and placed it on her bed.

“Go ahead, choose.”

Meanwhile, she grabbed the DVD player, but Nick took it from her hands.

“I’ll take this, you take the movie. Anything is good for me.”

Kayleigh chuckled, “This whole gentleman thing isn’t cool anymore.”

Nick laughed and saw that she had picked out The Breakfast Club.

He followed her into the living room where he made all the connections and then she put the DVD inside the electronic. They both say next to each other, but kept a certain — awkward — distance. As she pressed play and the movie started, Nick just took that step forward and scooted over, sitting closer to her.

She didn’t seem mind and just watched the movie.

”When you grow up, your heart dies."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty then, soo I’m not getting any comments but yet I have 10 subscribers :/
I think that’s unfair - come on, just a little sentence would be nice
You don’t have to write me a whole review
But anyway, I only updated tonight because, I don’t know, I just wanted to (:
Kayleigh’s Outfit
Joe Jonas
Yeah, soo Comment & Subscribe - I don’t think I’ll be updating til I get more comments :l
I sound so bitchy, I’m sorry - I’m moody - lady problems xP
Btw, I added few things to the Apartment Floor Plans :]