Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders


Kayleigh only remembered watching up to the part where Bender told Claire that she was a bitch for saying that she would treat Brian as though they were strangers. From there, she didn’t remember finishing the movie.

She knew she had fallen asleep, but right now, she was half and half. But yet she was moving?

She tried to open her sleepy eyes to see what was moving when her noticed that Nick was carrying her to her room.

“Mmm, Nick?” she mumbled into his chest as she tried to register the fact that her musical inspiration and suddenly, new best friend, was carrying her.

“Shh, sleeping beauty needs to rest.”

She felt her bed and he pulled up her blankets and pretty much tucked her in.

“Sweet dreams.”

Kayleigh just smiled and went back to sleep. In which did result in having sweet dreams. Well, not per say, she had a hot dream. A hot dream about Nick. Which led to her waking up at 4 in the morning, sweating.

“Oh my God…”

Kayleigh couldn’t believe it, that was very vivid.

She needed to cool off, so she went to see if there was any lemonade left. There was, so she grabbed a glass and served herself some.

She sat in the kitchen with the lights off because she didn’t want Nick to wake up.

She reviewed her dream, it was very inappropriate. Within her dream, her and Nick had gone off to the beach and as they fooled around with each other, their lips accidentally touched. At first, they both backed off each other. But then minutes later they were pretty much ripping each other’s clothes off. By the end of the dream, Kayleigh had lost her virginity to Nick.

She tried to erase those thoughts or else she wouldn’t be able to face Nick without thinking about them having hot sex on the beach.

Kayleigh continued to try and take it out of her memory when the kitchen light flickered on.

Nick looked just as troubled as Kayleigh was. He didn’t notice she was sitting there until he grabbed a glass for himself.

“Oh, goodness, Kayls, don’t do that to me.” Nick was holding his heart from being startled.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up by turning on the lights. But I did anyway, right?”

Nick shook his head, “No, I woke up from a very… interesting dream.”

Kayleigh nodded, “Me too.”

They both stayed quiet, but Nick spoke up first, “Well, I’ll see you in the morning.”

He grabbed his glass of water walked away to his room.

Kayleigh turned off the lights and went to hers.

She couldn’t get comfortable and the image of Nick from the dream was still in her mind. She just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then she began to wonder what Nick’s dream was. There was a “One in a million” chance that they had the same dream.

She couldn’t stop getting butterflies from the kisses Nick had given her in the dream.

Kayleigh then got up from her bed and was about to walk out of her room when she bumped into Nick.

She looked at him, confused as to why he was going to her room.

“I had a very dirty dream, Kayleigh -”

“- Me and you ?” Nick nodded, “Me too.”

Nick just stared at Kayleigh and then made another move. He just attached his lips to hers.

Kayleigh was caught by surprise, but she wasn’t left behind and soon enough, she began to kiss back with as much passion.

When Kayleigh wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands moved from her waist, down to her bottom. He lifted her up and carried her towards her bed, all while kissing her.

They were both too caught up in the moment to even stop. To even think that they had just met each other.

Nick slowly laid her down on her bed and as he climbed on top of her, Kayleigh began to understand where they were going. And she didn’t like it.

As steamy as that dream was, Kayleigh was given a promise ring when she was 15. Her parents didn’t say she had to remain pure until marriage, just until she actually loved the person. Virginity is a very precious gift to a woman. It’s the only thing that is really theirs and only theirs. They only get to have this gift once. Kayleigh wasn’t going to be like her cousin, giving it up on someone she just met. Even if she felt like she met him in another life.

Kayleigh stopped kissing Nick and her looked at her with guilty eyes, meanwhile her eyes were just shocked that they were even going that far.

“Kayleigh, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

She shook her head, “You don’t have to apologize. I was kissing back. But, I really don’t wanna go that far.”

Nick’s eyes were looking into her, searching for something. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

Kayleigh just nodded and looked away, “It’s something that’s precious to me, okay?”

“No, actually, that’s good. There are many girls out there, younger than you, and they’re just giving it up. It’s nice to know some girls have respect for themselves.”

“I know you hate answering about this, but are you?”

Nick smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, was it obvious?”

Kayleigh laughed, “I don’t know! I don’t know what experienced guys do.”

He just laughed too look around her room, “You don’t decorate much either, do you?”

She just shook her head, “It sounds like a drag.”

Nick just stayed in his position and Kayleigh giggled, “What’s so funny?”

“I love how we stopped making out quite a while ago and yet, you’re still on top of me.”

“Don’t like this position we’re in? From what I remember, in the dream, you practically pulled me on top of you.” Nick smirked and didn’t bother to move.

“Oh yeah? Well, from what I remember, you had a sweet spot for me.”

“Psh, noo, guys don’t have sweet spots.”

Kayleigh was the one smirking now, “So,” she ran her hand through his hair. “If I pull on this curl, you won’t moan?”


Kayleigh smiled and pulled on one of Nick’s many curls. Nick looked away and tried to show resistance. But his little buddy gave him away.

“Nick, I believe you have a boner. That boner is on top of me.”

Nick didn’t want to answer being that Kayleigh wasn’t just pulling on random curls, she was just running her hands through his hair.

Then, Nick gave up, “Okay! That’s enough!”

He flipped them over, making Kayleigh situated on top of him. Nick grinned, liking that position better. He rested his hands on her hips, drawing little circle under her oversized shirt.

Kayleigh gasped, “Your hands are freezing!”

“Kayls, can we please just at least make out for a while? Boy hormones aren’t easy to get rid of.”

“Fine, but control your buddy, please. And we’re having a very long talk about all of this later.”

Nick barely let her finish her sentence, once she gave the okay, he attacked her lips with his. He couldn’t help it, he was telling the truth about boy hormones. He knew he was moving way too fast, but he couldn’t stop himself.

Kayleigh wasn’t going to complain either, Nick was a great kisser from what she was experiencing. She continued to pull on his hair, making Nick moan into the kiss. Kayleigh smiled, the deed was done.

Nick flipped them over once again, placing him on top. He stopped kissing Kayleigh on the lips, and went for her neck.

Who knows what crawled into them, but they both continued to make out until they saw the sky beginning to light up.

Kayleigh was resting her head on his chest as they talked about their previous activities.

“I barely know you,” Kayleigh said softly, it was too early to speak in a normal tone.

Nick sighed, “I know, I’m sorry if I came off a little too strong.”

“No, you can’t apologize being that I enjoyed it. I’m just saying, I’m not usually like this. I always build walls and play games with guys. In my opinion, the guy who really cares would stick around and play until he’s won the girl.”

“Has it worked?”

Kayleigh just shook her head and stayed quiet, Nick knew she still had more to say. So, he remained silent.

“But I don’t get it, why don’t guys keep going? I’m not a tease, but I like to have a little fun and get to know a guy first. Unlike some kid that asked me out a while ago. All he said was, ‘Wanna make out at the park, after school?’ It was degrading.”

“That’s because most guys our age are just really horny.”

She laughed, “Kinda like you?”

“Hardy har har,” Nick laughed himself. “But yeah, kinda like me.”

“I just don’t want to get hurt. It’s happened too much.”

“Who would want to hurt you? You’re probably one of the sweetest girls I’ve met.”

“Thank you, but I don’t think they do it on purpose. I don’t think they even know I’m in pain. But I guess I grew used to it.”

Nick shook his head in disappointment, “You shouldn’t have to grow used to that.”

Kayleigh just shrugged, “But enough about me and my sensitive moments. Don’t you have anything to say about this?”

“What am I gonna say? I feel the same way, I barely know you. But that dream, it was very… Do you actually have your bellybutton pierced?”

Kayleigh grew quite, “Are you seriously going over the dream in your head?”

He chuckled, “I’m guy, remember? Come on, I wanna see it.”

Kayleigh stood up and he thought she was going to kick him out. Instead, she lifted up her shirt and there it was.

He sat up and took a closer look. He softly touched it, “Did it hurt?”

“Not that much, it only began to hurt whenever I looked at it.”

Nick nodded with a smirk on his face, “That’s pretty hot. Any other piercing I didn’t see?”

“Ha-ha, no, just that one. But I really want to get my tongue pierced.”

“You remind of those biker dudes, everything pierced and tattoos everywhere.”

“Now I remind of a dude? You’re just adding to it, Mr. Jonas.”

“It’s not bad, still hot.”

Kayleigh didn’t know how this room mate situation was going to be, but she hoped it wouldn’t get awkward.

“Where do we stand?”

Nick wanted nothing more than to just ask her to be his girlfriend, but he knew it was too soon. She didn’t want to rush into things and made it pretty clear.

“Wanna catch a movie tonight and then go out to dinner?”

Kayleigh wasn’t going to reject him because she was dying to say yes, but she didn’t want to get hurt.

“Can I choose the movie?”

Nick grinned, “As long as you don’t fall asleep again.”

Kayleigh just smiled and said yes. Life was about taking risks. Even if it did put her fragile heart in danger, she somehow knew it would be worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a lot of explaining to do. I didn’t update yesterday because my mind was going blank.
I know, I’m making them move too fast, but it was the only idea that popped into my head.
Also, sorry if it was pretty inappropriate =x let me know if you guys don't want to read that kind of stuff
Don’t worry, lovely commenting subscribers (: ideas will be flooding my mind soon
Soo, to the awesome who comment & silent subscribers - thank you :]
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