Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders

Who I Am

When they both finally decided to get up, Nick left to his room and went to take a shower. And for once in a very long time, Nick started singing in the shower. He went from singing Stevie Wonder to John Mayer. He was pretty happy that Kayleigh had accepted to go out with him.

He didn’t dress fancy, just a pair of skinny jeans with an Elvis Costello T-shirt. He made sure his curls weren’t out of control. Nick grabbed his phone and walked out of his room.

He noticed Kayleigh instantly went to take a shower herself.

Nick saw Elvis resting by the patio and he grabbed his leash. Before he took him for a walk, he fed Elvis. Once Elvis was done, Nick walked out of the apartment and went for a walk.

[ > > ]

Nick was sitting in the living room, waiting for Kayleigh to come out of her room. He changed their plans and decided they would go out for dinner first. They would watch the movie when they got back.

He petted Elvis, “You better behave. Doggy day care is good for you. You get to make new friends.”

It wasn’t like Elvis would answer him, but he just liked talking to him.

Nick heard a door close and turned around to find Kayleigh in casual dress like the one she wore the day he met her. He smiled and stood up.

“You look beautiful,” He complimented and she blushed in return.

“You sure? I feel like I over did it or something. By the way, you look handsome.”

Nick shook his head, “You look great, and thank you.”

He gave her a kiss on her cheek and grabbed Elvis’ leash. Once they dropped him off at the doggy day care, which was weird being that the sun was setting.

They were in his car, she didn’t want anything fancy. So they just went to Olive Garden. Nick didn’t mind, he loved the fact that she didn’t want to waste money. She was very humble.

As they ate their dinner, Nick and Kayleigh were talking again. Getting to know each other even though they felt like they both knew each other already.

Nick had to check his sugar and saw that he could go for a bit of dessert.

The waiter asked if they wanted dessert and Kayleigh looked at Nick. He nodded and she grinned.

“How about a piece of chocolate cake?”

The waiter nodded and walked away. Nick and Kayleigh shared the cake and Nick realized that he was having fun. Something he hadn’t experienced ever since he stopped touring. Kayleigh might not realize it, but she was making him the happiest person in the world. All she had to do was smile at him.

This was different from Miley and Selena. With Miley, he was still young and didn’t understand what it was like to be in love. He just knew he was in love with Miley. And with Selena, she made him feel better from what happened with Miley. They had their ups and downs, but in the end, he knew he had strong feelings for her.

But with Kayleigh, Kayleigh was different. Kayleigh, for starters, wasn’t famous. She was a regular city/small town girl. She had such an upbeat personality, but at the same time, she was fragile. Kayleigh had Nick wrapped around her finger without even knowing it. If she wanted to go bungee jumping and didn’t want to go alone, Nick would be the first to volunteer.

And as he sat there, eating chocolate cake, he knew she was sent from above. It wasn’t a coincidence that they were room mates. It also wasn’t a coincidence that they were attending the same university. She was definitely his gift sent from above. He knew she was in his life for a reason.

Another thing about Kayleigh that he liked was that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. She was definitely straight up with everyone. She wasn’t heartless, but she just wasn’t a liar. She was the type of girl that preferred to watch the Super Bowl over a fashion show. She was different and that’s what attracted him to her.

Nick stopped daydreaming and thinking about Kayleigh and asked her if she wanted to leave yet. She agreed, so they headed back to pick up Elvis and then to watch their movie.

As Kayleigh took Elvis for a walk - she offered and insisted - Nick was making popcorn and getting snacks.

He heard the door open and then close, it was soon followed by Elvis running into the kitchen and greeting Nick.

“Thanks Kayls, go pick out the movie, please. I’ll finish up here with the snacks.”

She smiled, “Okay.”

Nick sat down on the couch next to Kayleigh. He didn’t even try to be subtle, he instantly put his arm around her and waited for the movie to start.

Kayleigh had chosen to watch Looney Tunes: Back In Action. Nick laughed when the he saw what movie she chose.


She nodded, “I love this movie.”

He grinned, another thing he loved about her. She was still a kid deep inside.

He didn’t argue with her choice, he found himself laughing throughout the whole movie along with Kayleigh. He didn’t know how she did it, but with her, he was a completely different person.

The end credits soon began to appear on the screen and Kayleigh shut the TV off.

“Thanks for a great night, Nick.”

“I should be thanking you. It’s been a long time since I last went to a small restaurant. Nonetheless, watching Looney Tunes. Thanks for making me smile.”

Kayleigh blushed, “Stop being like that. Makes me blush too much.”

Nick chuckled, “But it’s true. Let’s go eat some late night snack, I’m starving.”

They ended up eating cereal. Nick has Corn Pops while Kayleigh had Froot Loops.

At the end of the night, when they both finally decided to go to sleep, Nick walked Kayleigh to her room.

“I can’t thank you enough, Nick.”

“Other way around, I’m thanking you.”

Kayleigh just smiled, and looked up at him with stars in her eyes.

He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. “Goodnight Beautiful.”

“Sweet dreams Lover Boy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehh, I don’t really like this chapter. I really rushed it out because I didn’t want to disapoint anyone.
Sorry that it’s really short - I tried to write more, but that was all I had
I have new subscribers, but they won’t comment :/
I couldn’t find their outfits on Polyvore, so use your imaginations :D
Promise I’ll do better, I’m just working on 2 other stories
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