Status: a little writers block, but have no fear :) ideas will come soon <3 comment & subscribe

These Little Wonders

That's Just The Way We Roll

When Kayleigh woke up the next morning, she suddenly remembered Emma was arriving that afternoon. She quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom to take a shower. Soon after taking a quick shower, she put on a pair of skinny jeans and a regular band T-shirt.

Kayleigh ran a hand through her hair and began to clean up whatever was lying around the apartment. She noticed it was around 9am and wondered why Nick wasn’t awake yet. Also wondering if Elvis wanted to go for a walk.

Before she even thought about going to check on Nick, she heard the door open and saw him walking in with Elvis.

“Hey, I was just about to look for you.”

Nick smirked as he hung up Elvis’ leash, “Missed me?”

She playfully rolled her eyes, “Not even close. I just wondered why you weren’t awake yet.”

He nodded sarcastically, “Of course. What’s with the spring cleaning?”

“Remember my best friend, Emma, that I told you about?” Nick nodded, “Well, she’s coming today and I didn’t want her to think I wasn’t cleaning.”

“That’s great, I finally get to meet her. And once she approves of me, I’m all good to go.”

Kayleigh laughed, “Will you just help me clean?”

Kayleigh plugged her iPod into the speakers and hit shuffle.

Nick helped her clean up as All My Loving by The Beatles rang through the speakers.

He began to sing, “All my loving I will send to you.”

Kayleigh chuckled and sang the next line, “All my loving, darling I'll be true.”

They continued to sing along with whatever song was playing and finished cleaning. They both ate lunch and just sat in their living room, listening to Led Zeppelin’s Stairway To Heaven.

“You are a very different type of girl, aren’t you?”

Kayleigh laughed, “Yeah, I’m very peculiar.”

“That’s good, that means you won’t be like most girls.”

She smiled, “I hope not.”

Kayleigh told Nick about having to go to the airport to pick up Emma and he gladly went with her. Dropping Elvis off at the doggy daycare.

She saw Nick holding on to the seat tightly and laughed. “Why do you look like you’re about to barf?”

“Uhmm, you’re driving and dancing along to music. Very unsafe. I’m scared.”

She laughed even harder, “I do it all the time. I think it’s safe.”

Kayleigh continued to dance along to Forever The Sickest Kids songs. Soon, she turned into the airport.

“You gotta admit though, they’re music is too catchy and you just can’t not dance along to it.”

He chuckled, “I’ll pass and I’m driving on the way back home.”

“No fair, my car,” she pouted.

Nick shook his head, “Totally fair, you’re like Joe at driving.”

Kayleigh stuck her tongue out at him and spotted Emma, waiting by the door. She pulled up in front her and ran out of her car to greet her best friend and dog.

She hugged them both and Nick got out of the car.

“Emma, this is Nick. Nick, my best friend, Emma.” She smiled widely.

Emma extended her hand for a handshake, but Nick pulled her into a hug.

“Haha, very touchy, I can see.” Emma chuckled and handed Kayleigh Sammy’s leash.

“And Nick, this is my baby, Sammy.”

Nick leaned down and petted Sammy. He smiled, “Hope he doesn’t mind having a room mate either.”

The three of them laughed and decided to head back to the apartment. Nick took over the wheel as was promised, earning glares from Kayleigh.

Sammy sat in the front with Nick as Kayleigh and Emma sat in the back. Talking about Emma’s flight, the cute flight attendant that she gave her number to. Kayleigh told her about the room mate situation and Emma nudged and winked at her.

“I’m gonna drop you guys off. That way you both can catch up. Meanwhile I go and pick up Elvis. Sound good?”

Both girls nodded, and once they arrived at his apartment, he dropped them off. He took out all of Emma’s bags and made sure they were placed inside with care. She was going to be staying for a few days until things were sorted out with the dorm room adviser. Sammy stayed with them too.

“You can sleep in my room if you want.”

Emma shook her head, “You worked really hard for this place. I’m fine sleeping on the couch. Plus, there’s a pretty TV here, I’ll be okay.”

Kayleigh continued to tell Emma everything that’s happened so far with Nick.

“Take it slow, okay ? Remember what happened with Danny and me?”

“I know, but this is different… This is like James all over again. Almost immediately, I found myself opening up to Nick, just like James. Except I don’t want to be Nick’s best friend.”

Emma smiled, “Then I can’t tell you what’s right and what’s wrong. You already know.”

Nick soon came back and there was an awkward tension between Sammy and Elvis. A few minutes later though, both dogs were playing together. Kayleigh grinned knowing that those two dogs would probably end up being the best of buds.

“Well, ladies, what are we going to eat? Out, in celebration of Emma’s arrival ?”

Emma chuckled, “No way, you may already know this, but Kayleigh is a great cook ! She definitely inherited that from her mom.”

“Oh yeah, she made us breakfast the other day and amazing pancakes were the result.”

“That isn’t even the beginning of her cooking! Her pasta… Ahh, yum.”

Kayleigh laughed, “Alrighty then, I guess I’m cooking tonight?”

Both Nick and Emma nodded, “Fine, but no one goes into the kitchen. I am cooking and I will be dancing like a fool. If I catch anyone, they’re not eating my food.”

Emma laughed, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go cook and dance.”

She did as she was told and took out whatever was needed from the fridge. Deciding on making spaghetti, Kayleigh took out tomatoes and put the pasta to boil.

She had her iPod playing again, this time listening to All Time Low. Dancing along to Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t), she was preparing the sauce. Being that her dad was the Italian one, and her mom Mexican, she learned mostly Mexican recipes. Whenever she visited any relatives in Italy, she was taught many dishes over there. So her spaghetti was Mexican styled.

Her phone rang and lowering the music, she picked up.

“Talk to me.”

“How’s my favorite girl?”


“Haha, hey love.”

Kayleigh grinned, “I miss you! You don’t even know! Gosh, I can’t believe my sweetie is going off to the marines.”

“I know, I’m pretty stoked and yet scared. What if I’m not good enough?”

She poured the sauce on the pasta, “Nonsense, don’t ever doubt what you’re capable of. I know you’ll do fine.”

“Thanks babe, how is Dallas treating you?”

“Great ! My room mate is… You’ll never guess.”

She heard him chuckle, “Lay it on me.”

“Nick Jonas,” Kayleigh spread the sauce and made sure there wasn’t a spot where there wasn’t sauce.

James gasped, “No way! Oh my gawd!”

Kayleigh rolled her eyes playfully, “I don’t talk like that.”

Her best friend laughed, “You have your moments. But how’s the Jonas kid treating my doll?”

“He’s doin’ fine, doin’ fine,” she sang into the phone with a grin on her face.

“Good, he better. Wait, was that a Jonas song?”

Kayleigh giggled and remained silent.

“Kayleigh Galilea Dawson ! You already have me listening to Inseparable and When You Look Me In The Eyes, enough with them.”

She laughed and leaned against the wall, “No need to pull out my middle name, jerk face.”

His laugh was contagious and made her smile, “So what’s my best friend doing?”

“She’s making dinner, what about mine?”

“He’s trying to help his little sister with her homework. But this shit’s hard.”

“Isn’t she like nine? What’s so hard about her homework?!”

James laughed again, “Everything ! Can you blame me? I wasn’t made for school.”

They continued to talk as she fixed up dinner.

“Babe, I gotta go. Dinner’s ready and I can’t keep them waiting that long.”

She could almost see James pouting, “Fine, I love you.”

“I love you too, dude.”

With that, she hung up the phone and grabbed 3 plates. Serving each plate with spaghetti, she also grabbed forks and glasses. Taking a bottle of wine, she began to gather everything. Sure enough, they weren’t old enough to drink alcohol, but it was only one glass.

Kayleigh walked into the dining room with the plates and noticed that Emma and Nick suddenly stopped talking. She ignored it and went on to get the glasses and the wine.

“Kayls… We’re not old enough for that.”

“I know, Nick. And trust me, I’m against this too, but this is the only way to celebrate. I promise, only one glass.”

Emma nudged Nick, “Don’t worry, I know Kayleigh, and she really doesn’t do this unless it’s special.”

Nick gave in, “No one will know?”

Kayleigh shook her head, “Of course not.”

She got settled and they began to eat. She waited for them to take their first bite of spaghetti, waited for their reactions.

“Mmmmm,” Emma smiled as she ate.

“Spaghetti… Too good,” Nick grabbed another spoonful and Kayleigh giggled.

“Thank you, my dears.”

Making sure Elvis and Sammy had food in their bowls, she began to eat herself. Smiling to herself, Not bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoaaa :D I finally updated ! Sorry for the long wait dudes, but I had relatives over
Anyways, did ya like it ? (x don’t be fooled ! James & Kayleigh really are just friends
They just talk like that because… I dunno :P they’re awesome like that
This definitely means a little bit of drama -cue the intense music-
Comment & Subscribe lovelies <3
PS : I really do not support underage drinking, but the characters have to be a little out there ;) they gotta break a few rules - Nick Jonas The Bad Boy sounds cool, doesn’t it ?
& I will be adding characters :) look out for them