Status: Updated Slowly!

I Want to See Your Face and Know I Made It Home

Chapter 21

Caleb’s PoV

I'm going to be honest, I love being in a relationship with Jack. It's just... I feel so self-conscious when we make out. I don't want to seem as inexperienced as I really am. Like this morning, I was worried he'd think I was a weirdo because I moaned. He -thankfully- enjoyed it.

I worry too much, about everything. About Jack falling out of love with me... and I worry too much about my friends. There's something going on with all of them. David was extremely distant, Kyle was silent and Jordan just looked at his hands during free. They didn't even seem like the same people. I mean, Kyle never shuts up, David's usually the most alert one and Jordan was just less with us then normal. I really didn't want to pry into their lives so I didn't ask any questions. I'm hoping everything's good between Alex and Kyle, as well as Jordan and Chris. I'm a bit more concerned about Jordan though. Chris is the most important thing to him. If they broke up, I wouldn't even be able to imagine either of them.

I sigh at my thoughts, I'm sure they're all okay. I throw my crap into my backpack and head to the buses. It was Thursday; I hated Thursdays. Why do you hate Thursdays, Caleb? It's because... I have to take the fucking bus home. Jack works Thursdays, so he can't drive me home. Everybody on the bus is bitter, too. They hate having to ride the yellow monstrosity.

I take a seat by myself and throw my backpack next to me. I pull out my phone, hoping for a new text, so I could talk to someone but, alas, no one was talking. I bite my lip and look out the window, watching the now moving scenery blur past my eyes.

I walk into my house and throw my backpack at the foot of the stairs, before heading to the kitchen. I pull out some bread and locate the jar of nutella and make a quick sandwich. This had become a habit, after Jack and I got suck of eating peanut butter and jelly. Eating that everyday for three months gets old.

There's a buzz next to me. I put down my sandwich and pick up the phone, slightly surprised that it's a call instead of a text. I'm ever more surprised it's neither, Jack, nor either of my parents.

"David? What's up man?" I ask looking down at the tiled floor.

'This is bad Caleb. I fucked things up. He hates me. He hates that I'm me." David's voice is stressed, as if he'd been crying for awhile. He's crying still; I can hear the choked back sobs.

"What? Who hates you?"

'Kyle.' he sobs.


'No, Even.'

'I-I told him something, I had Jack tells him. He yelled at me, Caleb. And now, he won’t talk to me. I just... I just don't know what to do.'

"What did you have Jack tell Kyle?"

'That I'm... I'm... I-...' he stutters out. 'Caleb, I can't say it over the phone.'

"I'll be at your house in ten minutes, Dave." I reply. I hear a sniffle, and take that as an 'okay.'

I rush out of my house, hoodie and phone in hand. His house is only the next street over and up some ways. I open the door and head up to his room, neither of his parents were home.

"David? Daaavvvidd? It's me Caleb." I shout as his closed door.

"It’s open." he murmurs. He’s laying in his bed, face planted in his pillows. His body is softly shaking.

"Hey, Dave, come 'ere." as soon as the words leave my mouth, David latches on to me.

"He was so angry at me, Caleb. I've never seen him so angry. I didn't think this would bother him. I was just nervous about telling him. I couldn't do it myself."

"Shh, its okay. Shhhhh, what did you tell him?"

"-----" he mumbles below his breath.


"I'm gay. I like guys. I couldn't tell Kyle that. It would have been so awkward. I only told Jack because he is too, and is friends with Kyle."

I bite my lip, "why do you think, he hates you?"

"I don't know!" he responses, hands tightening onto my shirt.

"did he say he hated you?"

"I... No, but he does. I can tell. He never gets angry."

"Did you ever think he was upset that you couldn't tell him yourself?" I ask, a bit surprised at myself. My response actually sounded plausible.

"I don't know!” He mutters, rubbing his face in my shirt.

"Dave, calm down please. I think both you and Kyle are overreacting."

"I... Maybe, maybe your right." he breaths in deeply, wiping at his eyes. "I'm going to go and talk to him.... I'm really sorry for having you come over here for nothing.”

"It’s what friends are for." I smile, stepping into his outstretched arms.

"No really thank you, your here for me, and that's been the first time anyone has.


I hang up my jacket and throw my key on the counter. I walk towards the living room, hearing the short buzz of the TV. I smile, waving at Jack and his friends. I only recognize three of them.

In the next second I'm tackled to the floor, honey arms surrounding me. The figure over me is giggling. "Caleb! I haven't seen you forever!"

I smile up at Kyle, maneuvering my self for I can ruffle his hair. "I can say the same thing too you, you brunette.0

He giggles, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I have to bleach it again. First Alex and now you’re getting on my dick to bleach it." he rolls his eyes, getting off me. He walks over and sits on Alex.

"So are you over your grounding?" I ask, taking an empty seat on the couch.

"Yeah, I just don't get my phone or laptop back for another month, at the least." he pouts.

I nod, looking at the television. Ew, football. Everyone else is into it, cheering and yelling at the screen, but me. I frown; this was going to be a long afternoon.

“Hey Caleb?” Jack calls.

“Yeah, Jack?” I respond.

“Did you talk to David today?”

I bite my lip, “Yeah…”

“Did he seem okay?”

I shake my head. “No.”

Jack lets out an exasperated sigh, muttering “Even…” He gets up, phone attached to his hand. “I’ll be right back guys. Let me know what happens in the game.”

I’m hoping everything is okay with them…
♠ ♠ ♠ I'm not proud of the ending :\
I'm going to update this in maybe two weeks... I need to write some of my other stories...
I entered a contest! The story can be found here. It's R rated... for sex, much sex. It;s different bands though.

wo0two0t789 (and thank you for putting my story in your sig :D )