Status: well...its active whenever I get the chance to get thanks to my brother

Were Better Off Without You

this is me,
Adrian, people call me Addie
I'm 17 years old and I'm not what you would call normal. I'm the type of girl to sing as loud as I can walking down the hall, wear bright ass head bands that match the band tee that I happen to have on. To wear super tight skinnies that they look like I can't breathe.
Maybe that's why they bullied me, maybe that's why all the threats came in, because I wasn't what they wanted me to be, I wasn't fake. I was me Addie and no one else.
  1. You Are The Only Exception
    title credit to Paramore The Only Exception
  2. Were Only Hurting Ourselves
    title credit to A Day To Remember A shot in the dark
  3. Cling To What You Know
    title credit to A Day To Remember Have Faith In Me
  4. Boom Boom Boom
    short as shit