Status: well...its active whenever I get the chance to get thanks to my brother

Were Better Off Without You

You Are The Only Exception

I was sitting in the principals office after getting into an argument with one of my so called best friends, they called me fake and I've been dealing with this shit for the past 6 months. Things got ugly and I hit her in the face. The fucking school knew this was going on but what did they do? Shit ass nothing.

I picked at my different color nail polish waiting for my mother to get here. The girl I punched in the face walked by me and jumped at me, I just sat there with my eye brow raised. She got about 1 good hit on me and split my lip pretty bad, that I might need stitches, but her face was worse off then when she woke up that morning, you could tell her nose was broken she had blood all over her face and here eyes were black. The officer took her away. My mom showed up and fussed about my lip, they let her take me away saying that I was suspended for 10 days all that bullshit. My mom told me to clean my locker out because I wouldn't be coming back. I looked at her in question.

When we got home my mom told me to drop my stuff off and that we were going to the hospital to get my lip checked out. On the way there she explained what she said in the school.

"Your leaving." She said suddenly. I didn't register what she was saying.

"Wait what?!" She sighed looking down as she pulled into the parking spot at the hospital.

"You have to, your cousin pulled some strings and has a house in Franklin that you'll be staying at. We've checked it out, signed you up for school already, but they're on spring break and you leave in two days." She started to tear up. I just got out of the car. I walked into the hospital with my mom behind me.

sometime later

I walked out of the hospital 4 hours later with my lip even more swollen than it was when I walked in, I had 5 stitches. I was in a strict non talking mood. I was pissed beyond belief that my parents were just sending me away. When we got home I decided to go up to my room and pack all of my things. When I looked at my room at almost 5 in the morning it looked like no one lived here at all. I decided I would get some sleep then drive down there myself. I don't want anything to do with Jersey any more.

I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head, I drifted to sleep.
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