Status: well...its active whenever I get the chance to get thanks to my brother

Were Better Off Without You

Were Only Hurting Ourselves

I woke up around 11 and scratched my head getting out of my bed taking the sheets and covers off. I called my cousin Marc up and asked him how to get there he told me and I walked down the stairs with my stuff. It took me about 25 minutes to get it all in the car.
My parents were sitting at the table. I was changed into a pair of skinnie jeans and a band tee with my hair going in all different directions..

"I'm leaving today, I'll call you when I get there." My parents stared at me as I walked out of the house. I got in my car and made my way to the high way.

I put in a cd into my cd player: A Day To Remember; For Those Who Have A Heart. One Of my favorite songs Here's To The Past.

I nodded my head to the beat.

I got out of my car and stretched my stomach growled very meanly at me.

oh shut the hell up I'm gonna feed you

So that's what I did, I got some food and then got back in my car.

I got to the house around 12 I was completely exhausted, I pulled into the drive way pulled up my pants and knocked on the door. My cousin answered the door in his boxers looking rather confused but when he saw it was me he woke up and opened the door more.

I was sitting on his couch as he brought over some tea for me. He looked at me and tilted my head up so he could see my face more.

"That's pretty attractive, I must say." He laughed, and I smacked him then yawned.

"You should see the other girl." I tried to smile.

He gave me a sympathetic look and told me to follow him, he led me down some stairs to a door, he opened it and grinned crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do you like it? We just finished it today."

They completely did a room for me, with a huge bed in the middle that was just screaming my name, I took off my chucks and sat on the bed, my whole body ached.

Marc came over to me and kissed my forehead and told me to sleep and we could get my stuff out of my car tomorrow. He closed the door behind him and I took my skinnies off. I pulled the covers back on the bed and slid into it. It was so comfortable and soft, I let my mind drift off as I pulled the covers over my head falling asleep.

15 hours later

I groaned waking.

I'm so not a morning person

I pushed the covers off of my face and looked around, you couldn't see a thing in my room. I tried to find a light, but hurt my baby toe in the process, then I tried to find the door and when I did I kinda hissed when the sun light came flooding into my room.

stupid sun! always hurting my darn eyes

I mumbled some curse words and tried to find the bathroom and when I did I did a small victory dance and walked in, immediately regretting it when I did, because I looked into the mirror and saw how bad my face actually was. The whole right side of my jaw was black and blue and my lip was still pretty swollen, I sighed and did my business, then walked out into my room pulling my skinnies on. I walked up the stairs my cousin and his girlfriend were sitting in the kitchen talking, I walked in and smiled.

"Morning." Bridget's face looked horrified as she saw my face, my cousin half hugged me.

"I know it's pretty bad huh, well I broke the other girl's nose and gace her two black eyes." I shrugged as she placed a cup of coffee in front of me, I smiled and started to drink it.

"Well I would hope she looked worse off then you do. Did you sleep well?" She sipped her coffee as she looked at me.

"Yeah actually I did, thank you guys so much for everything you did with the room you didn't have to do that you know." I looked down.

Marc patted me on the shoulder.

"Of course we did, your my baby cousin, your our guest here. So we did, plus it was pretty fun." He grinned.

"So I have some news for you." Bridget looked at me grinning.

I nodded my head telling her I was listening to her.

"Well we registered you at school, oh don't make a face at me ha ha, and well this is actually pretty great news." I looked at her recovering from the face I had made when she mentioned school.

"I got you a job with me!" She jumped up and down clapping her hands.

I looked at my cousin and he just shook his head as he watched her jumping up and down.

"Really? Sweet thank you!" I tried to grin but it hurt to much. She smiled at me.

"So what do you say we get your shit out of your car?" MArc said changing the subject.

mental note: thank him later for changing the subject

"Yeah totally" I stood up pulling my shirt down going to the front door.

About an hour later

We had gotten all my thing in from my car and I was tired again, Bridget said we would go to my 'new' school tomorrow and check it out then to my new job, I sighed to myself. How things got this fucked up I will never know. I shook my head and looked through the boxes of clothes and other shit to find my favorite pair of pj pants I smiled when I found them and took my skinnies off and slid my pj pants on. I rubbed my face because it was starting to hurt and closed my eyes. I tried to remember a good time and found it so very hard. I wiped the few tears that had fallen, closed my door and shut off the light.

I'm gonna get the best sleep
I crawled into bed pulled the covers over my head and pulled a pillow close to my body cuddling with it. I closed my eyes and sleep soon fell over me.
♠ ♠ ♠
more people will be coming in later. like some people in the search tags?
hmm maybe my dear friend. Keep reading within the next few chapters.

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSS; comments and suscribies make me update faster so pweaseeeeee maybe tell your friends? X.X

<3 Emmerz