Status: well...its active whenever I get the chance to get thanks to my brother

Were Better Off Without You

Cling To What You Know

"Your so fake! That's why we haven't talked to you or included you in anything we do anymore!" My so called best friend screamed in my face.

"Okay well if that's how you feel." I had to walk away before I let them see me cry.

I ran down the hallway, wiping my eyes. I did the first thing that came to my mind, call mom.

I ran into the office and dialed her number.

"Mommy, please please come get me I can't be here anymore. I can't deal with this anymore." I started crying more.

God please just kill me.

" have to stay there, you can't leave. Just try to work it out.."

I jumped awake, I tried to breathe but was failing dramatically. How I let them ruin my life I will never know, I sat up in bed and pulled my hair up. Then I looked at the clock and it was only 5 in the morning.

fucking fantastic

I got up and went to my boxes and started to put things away and put my posters up.


I stood back and looked at my room. It definitely resembled me now. I decided to get a shower and get ready for my adventurous day....

I put on my 'DinOs go RWAR!!!!! shirt'

I love it because there was a random capital o in the middle and there was a cute little dino on it. Then I put my favorite purple tight skinnies on and did my hair and make up.

By the time I was done it was around 1o:3o.

I went upstairs and smiled a little. My cousin was attempting to make breakfast but was failing.

"Marc your a fail, move let the master do it." I shoved my cousin out of the way and tried to save his failed attempt at making pancakes. Luckily for him I was that good and I could.

Bridg woke up and ate. It was weird, they would look at each other cutely and just smile. I coughed and looked away trying to not make it awkward but it did anyway.

"Umm.. is the school close?" I finished my orange juice, and stood up.

"Yeah its down the street, take a left then a right and keep going. Your gonna go and visit?" Marc looked at me.

"Yeah, I mean I don't wanna bother you guys so I'm just gonna go." I grabbed my bag, slid my flip-flops on and walked out the door. I unlocked my car and got in starting it up.

It shouldn't be that hard to get there

I followed my cousins instructions and sure enough I was there within like 1o minutes. I got out of my car pulling my sun glasses up and looking at the school.

"Holy shit your big." I mumbled to myself.

I heard a small giggle near me, I looked around and saw this girl. I squinted trying to get a better look at her, as she walked towards me.

"Yeah it is pretty big, I went there." She put her hands in her hoodie pocket, and she had her hood up covering her bright red flamming hair. She was so adorable.

"Went?" I tilted my head, I found that girls liked it when you play dumb, well most do.

"Yup, before my band got big, we all went here." She nodded her head in the direction on the school.

As soon as she said band I felt tingling sensation in my pants.

Damn I'm just like a guy.

"The names Adrian, but please call me Addie." I grinned at her, I saw a slight blush in her cheeks.

"That's a very pretty name. Adrian. Would you mind if I called you that?" She looked right at me. My heart stopped.

" I don't mind, but I didn't catch your name."

She giggled.

"Well I thought my hints would give it away. I'm Hayley Williams."

That name sounded so familiar. I just couldn't place it.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

Her jaw dropped.

"Wow, your not gonna be like oh my god! It's Hayley Williams the lead singer of Paramore!?"

I raised my eyebrow at her.

" Should I? I mean... I could if you'd like but that's not me. And offense...I don't really know your band." I started chewing on my lip.

"Oh wow, that's pretty neat huh. Well forget it then, how about we go in the school?" She extended her hand and I great fully took it.

She was so fucking cute.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your face?" She looked at me.

"Oh, well I got into a fight." I kept my eyes in front of me.


It stayed quiet for a while till we got into the main office.

"Hayley! Your finally home!" The lady behind the desk grinned and got up to hug Hayley. I just stood back and watched. They talked for a few moments then Halyey looked at me.

"Oh Josey, this is Adrian, she's gonna be going here."

I stepped forward and introduced myself.

"Oh! Right your cousin signed you up because you left your other school because of a really bad fight right?"

I clenched my jaw, which was the wrong thing to do because it hurt so bad. I tasted blood a little but nodded my head.

"Well here's your schedule and you'll be starting here when we get off of spring break in a week. If you have any questions just call and ask okay sweetie?"

I nodded and turned to leave. I started to walk out of the school holding my jaw. I heard a small voice behind and footsteps on the ground. I didn't turn.

"Adrian! Wait please!" She finally caught up with me, and turned me to look at her. I kept my jaw clenched still because I knew I ripped stitched and I had to get to a doctor.

"I have to go okay?"

"Oh my god your bleeding" I touched my lip and sure enough I was. I unclenched my jaw and pain shot through it.

well this fucking sucks.

I opened my car door and got in. Hayley stood in front of my car with her hands on her hips. I got the feeling that I would be giving into this woman a lot. I sighed and put my car in park unlocking the passenger door. She clapped and got in. I shook my head and put the car into drive and went to my cousins house so he could take me to the doctors. Hayley was right behind me as I walked in. My cousin was sitting on the couch playing his x box and he looked at me.

"I need to get to a doctor now."
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