Status: Thanks to writers block victim and all those amazing ideas, I have now added yet another chapter. Yay.

A Poisonous Kiss on the Cheek

My sister is the most popular kid at our school. My best friend is extreamly rich. I'm never in trouble, no matter what I do. Sounds awesome, right? It is, if you haven't included the conciquences. My sister has Pancreatic cancer that could claim her life at any moment. My best friend gets beaten by her parents, even if she did something they ever extreemly proud of. As for me, I'm a slave to a guy that has been named "sexyest of the year" since he was born. You may not see this as a punishment, hell, I wouldn't if I didn't know his secret. But once I'm forced to partake in his secret, people die.
  1. Chapter One
    Truth within the lies
  2. Chapter Two
    Losing more than sanity
  3. Chapter Three
    Leaving the past behind
  4. Chapter Four
    Trying to fit in while standing out
  5. Chapter Five
    Trapped again
  6. Chapter Six
    Cursed in Paradise
  7. Chapter Seven
    Bitter sweet
  8. Chapter Eight
    Positive thinking
  9. Chapter Nine
    A Little Piece of Hell