Status: They come as they may

Collection of One Shots

He Didn't Break His Promise

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Sarah! Happy birthday to you!” the crowd sang, mostly off key except for Ashley’s gorgeous voice that hit every note of the age old song. But Sarah wasn’t really paying attention. Her eyes were scanning the medium sized crowd for the familiar face that she’d been waiting for, for the entire party. He wasn’t there. She felt her heart drop somewhere near her Converse. She ran from the scene, wanting to get away from her friends and family before the tears fell.

She wanted to call out that she had to hit the bathroom to avoid anyone following her, but she didn’t trust her voice. She ran and ran until she reached the back of the big building. She stepped out, into the rain, and slid down the side of the building, tears streaming down her face.

He’d promised. He had said that he wouldn’t miss it for the world. Not in those words exactly, but that’s how she’d taken it. She had expected it really, but it still hurt. Sarah instantly tried to wipe away the tears that were still falling rapidly when she heard footsteps. She recognized them as Ashley’s and Courtney’s.

“Sarah? Where are you?” Courtney’s voice rang out.

“Sarah? Are you okay?!” Ashley’s slightly lower voice called out into the echo prone hallway. Their concern made the tears come even faster, and it was hard work trying to wipe them away. Without looking in any reflective surface Sarah could tell that her makeup was smeared beyond recognition.

The door that Sarah had come out of opened and in a matter of seconds the two familiar brunettes stood before her. They didn’t say a word, just hugged her from both sides, sitting on the dirty and wet concrete with no hesitation.

“I’m sorry Sarah. He’s such a jerk for doing this to you.” Ashley said quietly.

“Me too. We should totally beat him up.” Courtney joked, trying to get Sarah to laugh, or even smile. Their apologies only made Sarah feel even worse.

She shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up. He was an unreliable eighteen year old boy. Why would he bother coming to a newly thirteen year old’s birthday party? It isn’t like she really mattered to him.

Suddenly she was filled with an uncontainable rage. She threw her friends off of her. Sarah jumped up, the tears that had been in her eyes had been replaced by sheer fury.

statement. Her friends looked down right frightened, shooting worried glances at another.

“Sarah—“ Ashley started to say, but was cut off.

“Are you sure you could manage that one?” a familiar voice asked. Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, slowly turning towards the voice. She tried to squash the renewed hope that filled her heart on the first syllable. It proved to be an impossible task.

'No' she told herself 'it’s just your mind playing games on you. Really harsh games'. For unknown reasons she refused to listen to her own self. She opened one eye, only a slit, and gasped.

Isaac Davis stood in front of her, smiling slightly. Sarah stood there, frozen in shock and overwhelming happiness. Her mouth was wide open and her tears had stopped, the second she heard his voice.

“You…You…how could…when did…Isaac?” she stuttered terribly. He came closer to her, and she reached out to touch him, making sure he really was there. Her senses told her that her best friends had gotten up to flank her. As it turns out, he really was there, and he was really wet.

“Sorry I’m late. Did I miss anything? Death threats maybe?” Isaac said in a tone that made Sarah smile. He revealed an orange card.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and took her gift from him. He knew her favorite color. She slipped her finger under the flap and ripped that open.

Inside the envelope was a handmade and extremely sloppy card. Her eyes flickered to him in an ‘oh my god, your helpless’ kind of look. The card was all purple, and had his messy scrawl all over it. On the very front it read ‘To: The Best Leech There Ever Was’ and Sarah let out a small laugh. Frankly it sounded more like a donkey than a person, what with all the tears that wanted to spill out and the sheer happiness. The inside of the card was filled with the inky black scrawl.

In full it read:

I’m sorry I suck. I am the worst big brother in existence and I do not deserve such a great leech like you. I am going to make up for it though. I promise. Scouts honor. Guess who is going to be in the front row at your play? That’s right. Me. I won’t leave during intermission this time, I promise. Heh heh. But no, in all seriousness, you’re going to see so much more of me, that you will get sick of me and tell me to go away. And I do not mean that in a sexual way, so stop smirking. "

Sarah had been smirking when she read the comment of ‘so much of me’ and so she laughed when she read that last sentence.

"We are going to Hershey Park in a month. May 15th. Get excited. No Caitlyn, I promise. You and I are going to be best buds again. If you, you know, want to. I didn’t mean to assume that you would forgive me for being a total dickface for the past…4 months? 5 maybe? Anyway. I love you, even though I’ve probably only said that about twice in the 13 years I’ve known you, I do. You’re practically my little sister. Don’t forget it. Happy Birthday, you little leech. Well, not so little anymore, but you catch my drift.
P.S. Oma and Opa say happy birthday, and that they miss you.
P.P.S. Opa still wants you to come back to Tae Kwon Do. I kinda do too. Think about it, okay?"

Sarah couldn’t think. Or speak. Or even stand up by herself. She was falling, until her two besties came to use, and caught her. Sarah’s eyes lifted to the familiar green ones. Her face broke into a smile and in an instant her arms were around his waist and she was repeating ‘thank you!’ into his sodden hoodie. After a minute she remembered that there was a party going on inside.

“Well let’s go then!” she yelled, even though everyone was within a 3 foot radius. Each of the three looked at her with a different expression. Isaac’s being complete and utter confusion. Courtney’s was an ‘are you mentally stable?’ kind of look. Ashley’s was one of pure happiness for her friend.

“To my party! Come on! Get a move on! They better have saved some cake!” She said, in a slightly lower voice. She pulled on three hands, dragging them back into the building. Everything was perfect. Well, as perfect as it ever would get, in her lifetime.
♠ ♠ ♠
It would be so cool if he actually did come. Honest to god. So if you think you know him, tell him. Please and thank you. I love my readers! Comment/Rate/Subscribe!